Part 7: Meet Prachi

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Pallavi:"you are no longer fun. I loved watching you trembling with fear whenever i used to come in your room. I miss that fear in your eyes."

Ranbir looked at her indifferently.
Pallavi:"this indifference is no fun. But I know it's just a show, you are burning with anger and fear underneath this facade of yours.
Come on, show it to me, Ranbir. Show me how much you hate me. All these years' anger. 20 years worth of anger.
Bring it out."
But he stayed calmed, he would never give her that satisfaction.
If it was 10 years back, he would get manipulated by her words but not now. He knows how to control himself.

Ranbir:"for the last time, leave."
Pallavi:"no. I am actually enjoying myself. You know if you want the drugs again. I can get it for you."
Ranbir punched the glass table in his room and angrily looked at Pallavi.
She smirked knowing his weak points.

Ranbir left from there angrily while Pallavi felt content seeing his blood on the pieces of glass.

Ranbir got in his car and drove rashly.
Memories from the past came back. The memories he wanted to forget. The memories that almost finished him.
He remembered the time when he was 12 years old and he was taking drugs.
He was in a dark place: darkest of all. He doesn't remember the first time he took them, but he clearly remembers the struggle of stopping.

Only a few people knew about this period of his life and they knew he didn't like talking about it.
He stopped the car with a jerk on a bridge and got down. He looked at his bleeding hands.
He wasn't feeling the pain, something else was more painful.
He took his phone and tried to call someone but it was switched off.
He tried again but got the same result.

The next morning:
Ranbir was still on the bridge. He watched the sun raising.
He has to control himself. He let her win when he was a kid but not anymore. He won't let her affect him.
He went back to the car and drove to the farmhouse that he stayed previously.
He got ready there and left for office.

On the other side, Rhea was upset that today also Ranbir left without her. Aryan also didn't want to go with her as she was irritating him a lot.
But he had no choice.

At the office:
Ranbir was furious and emerged himself with work. He was on edge and the employees also noticed that so everyone was cautious about their work.
However as always, there need to be something that ruins everything.
Ranbir noticed the same error in the sales report as before.
Ranbir called the head and questioned him.
Ranbir:"who did this? How many times will i have to see the same fucking mistake? Tell them, if they are not interested to work, they can leave."
The man gulped seeing Ranbir's anger.

Ranbir:"who did that?"
Man:"Rhea ma'am."
Ranbir:"for God's sake. Place her somewhere she will be less of a nuisance."
The man nodded and left quickly.
Ranbir angrily threw the file and massaged his temples.

On the other side: a taxi stopped in front Kohli's enterprise building.
A girl wearing black jeans with black shirt and a denim jacket came out.

She took out a luggage bag from the car and walked inside.
She went to the reception but didn't stop there.
She straightly went to the elevator.

The receptionist tried to stop her but she couldn't as she was already in the elevator.
Receptionist called the secretary upstairs and informed her.
Secretary, to herself:"what problem is this now? Already Sir is in a bad mood, now another thing."

The elevator opened and the secretary rushed there.
Secretary:"Ma'am, i am sorry. You can't meet Sir without an appointment. I will schedule one for you."
The girl:"i don't need appointment and if you are scared that your boss will be angry, trust me, he won't."
Saying so, she rushed in Ranbir's cabin.

Ranbir was on the phone looking outside the window when he heard the door opened.
He could hear footsteps that mean two persons entered.
Secretary:"Sir, i tried to stop her but..."
Ranbir lifted his hand to tell her to wait.

He resumedhis talks.
Ranbir:"i don't care, get it done immediately. I will not hear any excuse."
He cut the call.
Secretary:"Sir, i tried to stop her but..."
Ranbir turned around and faced the girl.

Ranbir, surprisingly:"Prachi..."
Prachi smiled happily at him.
Ranbir to the secretary:"you may leave, i will handle her."
The secretary nodded and left.
Once she was out of the door, Ranbir came to Prachi and hugged her tightly. She also reciprocated the hug.

Prachi:"i missed you so much."
Ranbir, breaking the hug:"i did too. Wait... what are you doing here? How did you come?"

Prachi:"Ranbir, breathe.... So many questions..."
Ranbir made her sit on his chair and knelt down.

Ranbir:"tell me."
Prachi:"ok, first, i was missing you, that's why. Second i came by plane."
She chuckled while Ranbir stared at her.

Ranbir:"you were coming next week, and your last paper is in three days. How can you skip your exams?"
Prachi caressed his cheeks.
Prachi:"i missed you too much and couldn't stay alone there. It's too lonely without you and Dids."

Prachi:"plus, (she stood up excitedly) my last paper is going to be online. I do it here or there, doesn't matter. That's why i came the moment i got to know this.
I can't tell you how happy i am to be here with you."

She threw herself in his arms hugging him once more. Ranbir too hugged her, chuckling.
She was his pain relief, his medicine for every pain.
And her in his arms, made all the pain vanish.

Ranbir:"that's why your phone was off."
Prachi nodded yes cutely. She noticed his hands and got worried.
Prachi:"how did this happen?" She examined it.

Prachi:"what nothing? And i am sure you didn't put anything on it."
Ranbir nodded no cutely.
Prachi:"Ranbir... where is the first aid box?"
He signed her that he didn't know.
Prachi:"you don't know anything. You just sit, i will find it."

Ranbir sat on his chair while Prachi searched the cabin. Finally she got the box and started cleaning his wounds.
Ranbir was looking at her lovingly while she was nursing him.
Prachi:"you are all cleaned up. Now, tell me, what happened?"

Ranbir told her  what Pallavi said.
Prachi:"i can't understand, how can she behave like this? I thought that after all these years, she would have change but no. (She turned to him)
I am sorry, Ranbir. You wanted to talk about it and i wasn't there."

Ranbir:"are you mad? You being here made all the pain, worry and anger disappear. You don't know how relieved i am."
Prachi:"now that i am here. She cannot hurt you in sny way possible."
Ranbir, chuckling:"she will have to face a tigress."
They both shared a laugh.

Ranbir held her close:"i am just glad that you are here."
Prachi, caressing his cheek:"me too."

Ranbir connected their foreheads.
Ranbir:"i missed us in these 5 days."

Prachi smiled hearing him. He moved closer to her  and kissed her on the cheek.
At the same time, the door opened and they jerked away.

Here is Prachi....
I hope you guys liked it. Thank you so much for your votes and comments.

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