Part 57: His longing for her

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He read the note.
"I will see you at home. It will be a pleasure to see you in pain again.
Your not so loving mother."

Arhana looked at Ranbir who was furious. He crushed the paper and angrily left from there.
Arhana also followed him.

This was going to end badly.
If Pallavi hurts Prachi, she was going to face worst consequences.
Aryan could control Ranbir's anger. But this time it was about Prachi.

Aryan remembered the fire incident and grew even more tensed.

They reached Kohli's mansion:
Ranbir angrily went inside. Arhana noticed everyone there/ Abhigya and Rhea too.

Ranbir went straight to Pallavi and held her arms to make her stand up.
Ranbir:"where the hell is she?"
Dida,worriedly:"Ranbir, what happened?"
Ranbir:"ask her. You all thought that she is changing but see the consequence. I should have file the complaint."
Pallavi:"what are you saying?"

Ranbir, furiously:"where is Prachi?"
Pallavi:"how would i know? She went with you, you should know."

Aryan:" quit the act. And tell us where is she?"
Pallavi:"I don't know."

Ranbir, was trying to hard to control himself:"i am asking you last time, where is Prachi?"

Pallavi:"you will still get the same answer. I don't know."
Abhi came to Ranbir to calm him down. He touched his arms but Ranbir jerked it off.
Abhi:"if she is saying that she doesn't know...."
Ranbir shouted:"No... i will make you speak in other ways then."

He went to the dining table and broke a glass. He picked on piece and approached Pallavi.
The ones who witnessed the fire incident knew what this was leading to and stayed quiet.
Even Vikram didn't protest this time.
Abhi tried to stop him but Ranbir didn't allow it.

Pallavi moved back.
Pallavi:"you think this is going to work? Not the second time."

Ranbir:"i regret not doing it the first time itself."
He held her hands and put the glass piece on it. He slid it open.
Pallavi screamed in pain while Abhigya and Rhea were shocked.

Shahana, tensed:"Aryan, stop him."
He nodded no.
Aryan:"she deserved it. They have been playing with his patience. Now they face the consequences."

Rhea went to them.
Rhea:"Ranbir, leave aunty. Have you gone mad? For a stupid girl, you are doing this."
Ranbir released Pallavi while Dida held her bleeding arm.

He turned to Rhea.
Ranbir:"you don't know anything, so shut up."
Rhea:"can't you see what that girl is doing? She is making you hate your family."
Ranbir, threateningly:"shut up. Just shut up."
Rhea got scared at his tone of voice and stayed quiet.

He turned back to Pallavi.
Ranbir:"answer my question, i don't mind the blood."
Pallavi, laughing sarcastically:"you can't do anything. You know why, because you won't become a monster like me."
Ranbir looked on and took her hands once more.

Ranbir:"i will go to every extent for her."
He cut her hand again just about the previous wound.
Abhi was about to interfere but Vikram stopped him.
Pallavi:"Vikram, what are you watching, do something."
Vikram;"it didn't work last time. So wouldn't this time as well."
He was going for a third time but they heard police sirens.
This time, Aryan went to stop Ranbir. But he wouldn't budge.
Aryan:"if you go to jail, then who will save Prachi? Calm down for now."
He took the piece pf glass from his hands and hid it.

Vikram came to Pallavi and hid her hands
Pallavi, confused:"what are you doing?"
He held her hands and warned her.
Vikram:"stay Quiet for now. If you say about what Ranbir did, I will also confess what we did to him years ago.'
Pallavi looked at him.
Pallavi:have you gone mad?You are threatening me for him?'
Vikram didn't bother answwer her.
The police arrived there. Aryan informed him about Prachi's disappearance and they lodged the missing complaint.
They asked some questions to Arhana and Ranbir and then reasuured them that they willfind her. They left afterwards.
Pallavi stayed quiet all the time, becaus eof Vikram's threats.

Aryan took Ranbir to his room while Dida attended to Pallavi's wounds along with Pragya.
Dida:'Tell us the truth, Pallavi. Are you responsible for this?'
Pallavi, sadly:Dida, trust me. I promise you that I will change and I am trying. I have nothing to do with all of this. I don't know where Prachi is.'

Ranbir went to his room. He requested Aryan to leave him alone.
He locked the door and looked around his room. Everything felt empty, void: his room, him. Prachi has been here for a few days only but he was feeling her presence everything.
He sat next to his bed and hugged his knees. There was no one with him, so he let the tears poured. Once it started, he could stop them, they were flowing like a river.

At that moment, he realised how he couldn't be without her. This emptyness in him since she disappeared was eating him. He was feeling helpless, she took the only thing that meant everything to him. He laid down on the floor not trying to stop the tears anymore.

Aryan was still at the door and heard him, he wouldn't leave Ranbir alone no matter what. And it was the first time that he saw Ranbir crying. Tears also welled up his eyes.
Shahana touched his shoulders.

Aryan:'I never saw Ranbir in this condition. He suffered a lot since childhood but never cried. He always hid it but today, she broke him completely.'
Shahana:'His happiness is with Prachi. He needs her. Once he reaches her, you will see the smile will never disappear.'
Aryan nodded understaning this fact.
Aryan:'We need to help him find her.'
This time, Shahana nodded.
Aryan:I know what to do?'
He left while Shahana was tensed.

Aryan went to Vikram's room and thankfully he was the only one there.
Vikram noticed him and signed him to come while he was on the phone.
Aryan:'Where is Prachi?'
Vikram looked at him.
Aryan:Uncle, your son needs her. You guys broke him, Prachi is the one who keeps him going. Don't separate him from her. Please.'

Vikram:'I don't know where she is, Aryan. I am not on this with Pallavi, but I promise you that I will help you guys in finding her.'
Aryan:'Why will you help us?'
Vikram:'I don't know.'
He left leaving Aryan confused.

Rhea came to Ranbir's room and used a key to open the door. She got the duplicate keys from the servant
She opened to find Ranbir crying badly on the floor.

Rhea, to herself:'Poor Ranbir! What did you make yourself into? See, if you have fallen for me, you wouldn't feel so much pain. But, what to do, Ranbir, we had to do this. To make you mine. These tears are for a few days, then Prachi will leave your mind, heart and soul. Suffer for now, bear the pain, then I will give you the world's happiness.'

She entered the room and kneed down next to Ranbir. She touched his shoulders.
Ranbir: 'Prachi...' He stopped seeing her. Rhea controlled her anger.
He moved her hand and stood up quickly. He wiped his tears and looked away from her.

Ranbir:How did you enter?'
Rhea:'Your mom is worried about you, Ranbir, she gave me the duplicate keys.'
He chuckled sarcstically.

Rhea:'Don't you find it weird that she just disappeared like this?'
He looked at her.
Rhea:'I mean, no-one knew where you guys went, so how could anyone just kidnap her? What if she just ran away.'
Ranbir looked away while Rhea just smirked.

Rhea, continued:'You have to agree that you come with a load of baguage, what if she got tired of you and just left?
Ranbir, angrily:'Just shut up and get out of here.'
Rhea, not paying attention to him:'Just think, Ranbir, it fits perfectly. Sudden disappearance, she must have planned all of this.'
Ranbir held her arms harshly and said dangerously.
Ranbir:'If you don't want a repeat of what happened downstairs to you, then shut up and get out of here.'
He took the keys from her hands and push her outside. He once again locked the doors.
And started to throw things here and there.

Hope you like this one.
And thank you for all your love.

Well, i have an idea about the current track and want to write it. But won't get to write 2 stories at one time. Too much.
So i was thinking to write the other one as a One Shot.
Hope you guys will read and appreciate that one also.
Will work on it and maybe by next week i will update it.

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