Part 61

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Ranbir:"See Mrs. Pallavi, this is how you win in someone else game."
Rhea didn't give up until now.
She came to Prachi.
Rhea:"it's all your fault. How i wish i asked those goons to kill you there!"
Prachi:"yeah, you were such a coward though."
Rhea was raising her hand to slap her but Prachi caught it and twisted.

Rhea screamed in pain, but this time no-one came to her rescue, not even her parents.
Prachi twisted it more hurting her:'This is for trying to kiss my boyfriend yesterday.'

Rhea:'You fucking....'
Prachi, twisting her hand more:'Mind your tongue.' She jerked her hand away after that. Rhea held her wrist as it was hurting badly.

Ranbir:'You all will get the deserved punishment. I already called the police.'
Aryan:'And thank you for the confessions.' Aryan showed them his phone where he recorded everything.
Pallavi:' Come on Ranbir, such a small punishment for all that we did. Jail? He will get out of it soon. I expected your punishment to be better than that.'

Ranbir looked at her.
Aryan:'don't wake the sleeping lion. You will not be able to bear it.' 
Pallavi:'he won't be able to do anything. Even for his girlfriend, the worst he could do was cutting my hand.'
Ranbir:'I have learnt to play the games, but I will never fall to your level. The Police will deal with you and you are going for a long time. We have all proofs.'
The police came there.
Aryan told them everything. All their crimes and sins. The police arrested Rhea, Pallavi and Vikram.
Police:'We will meet you tomorrow in court.'
They all nodded.
Pragya left from there cryingly while Abhi apologised for Rhea;s behaviour. He also left afterwards. There was only Arhana/Pranbir and Dida left. Dida sat down in tears, Ranbir apporached.
Ranbir:'I had to do it Dida.'
Dida:'I know, I know but it still hurts.'
He hugged her.

Ranbir's room:
He was looking at the sjy when Prachi came there after a bath. She noticed him lost in his thoughts and approached him. She hugged him from behind.
Ranbir turned to her and hugged her properly. They needed each other, they found comfortable, safety and love in each other's arms.
He made her sit on the bed and took an ointmet. He was tending to the cuts on her arms.

He slowly applied the onitment and at the same time was blowing on it so that it doesn't hurt. Prachi was looking at him lovingly. His care and love for her was out of this world. She knew it to well, he loved her immensely.
She was the one who got hurt but he was also feeling the pain.

She didn;t even realise when he was done as she was too lost in him. He snapped his fngers to bring her back.
Ranbir:'What happened?'
But instead of replying to him, Prachi just hugged him tightly. He also reciprocated the hug immediately.
Ranbir:'Prachi, what happened?'
He broke the hug and made her look like at him. He noticed her teary eyes.

Ranbir:'Anywhere hurting?'
She nodded no.
Prachi:'I missed you.'
He lightly chuckled hearing her.
This time, he hugged her.
Ranbir:'You can't imagine how did I survive these 2 days? In fear of losing you, in pain of not finding you, in distress of not having you in my arms. It felt like hell.'
The tears flew down her cheek hearing him. He wiped her tears and caressed them as well.
Prachi:'I love you.'
He placed a feather-like kiss on her lips:'I love you too.'
And hugged her.
Prachi:'Are you sure for the trials tomorrow?'
He nodded:'I should have done it before. Nothing like that would have happened if i did. They wouldn't have hurt you.'
Prachi cupped his face in her hands:'Whatever happened, the kidnapping, you have nothing to do with it. You couldn't know, Ranbir.'
Ranbir:'I did. I did know they will do something but I ignored it. You have been hurt multiple times because of them, not anymore.'
Prachi:'You are right. Because of THEM. You are not going to blame yourselves for this. Understood?'
He nodded.
Prachi:'Should we sleep? I am exhausted.'
He made her lay down and climbed next to her. Prachi lifted the covers and moved closer to him. She placed her head on his chest.
Prachi:'Finally peaceful.'
He stroked her hair in order to make her comfortable, not that she wasn't.

Ranbir, tryng to cheer her up:' you were a tigress fighting them.'
Prachi looked at him.
Prachi:'you didn't see then how can you say this?'
Ranbir:'Well, their injuries said a lot.'
Prachi:what can I say? I had a handsome, sexy, cute trainer, who taught me the fighting techniques.'
Ranbir rose his eyebrows and smiled at her.
Prachi:'I can use these techniques to fight anyone.' She playfully punched his stomach.
Ranbir:'Well, do tell that handsome, sexy and cute trainer that he did a fabulous job.'
Prachi:'I have other ways to thank him.'
He looked at her curiously.
She lifted her chin and placed her kiss on his cheek. His smile grew bigger.
Prachi:'And he loves the other way.'
He tickled her slightly and they slept afterwards. They were both exhausted from the past events. it was nearly over now. One last step and it's done. He will be rid of those toxic people in his life. He will be surrounded by his loved ones only.

Next day,
Everyone was in the courtroom. They had already provided all evidences and Ranbir also testified against all three.
Judge:'We have proof for everything, but them beating and assaulting you in childhood still remains a question. Only one witness confirmed this accusation.'
Aryan told what he saw the night he got to know the truth.

Judge, continued:'Do you have any other wirness for this particular crime.'
Everyone was tensed because they knew the answer. No-one saw them except Aryan. This was their biggest crime, they couldn't escape this punishment.

Ranbir:'I do have another confession.'
They all looked at him confused even Prachi. Who was he talking about? Only Aryan knew about the beating and saw them. Who else saw them?
Ranbir's eyes went on Vikram who relised one thing.
What Ranbir said to him when he was traying to help him.
'If you want to help me, then confess when the rught time will come.'

Vikram:'Me.' Everyone was surprised but Pallavi shocked.
She whispered to him:'What the hell are you doing?'
Vikram:'Rectifying our mistakes.'
He went ahead and confessed everything: what they did to him, the beatings, the physical assault, the drugs, everything.'
Ranbir was relieved that at least hisfather did something for him.

Judge:'Are you willing the press charges on Miss  Rhea Mehra as well for kidnapping?'
Ranbir looked at Abhigya and remembered how in the morning they requested him to free Rhea. They even said that they will make her understand.
He sighed and looked at Prachi and Aryan.
Abhigya were dejected but they couldn't do anything.

Judge:'After hearing and witnessing all evidences and taking into account all proofs, this court declared Mr. Vikram Kohli, Mrs. Pallavi Kohli and Miss Rhea Mehra guilty.
As Mr. Vikram Kohli has pledge guilty, he is sentenced for life imprisonment with no visitors.
For Miss Rhea Mehra, since she is still young, she is given 8 years of imprisonement, but with good behaviour, it can be reduce to 5.
And for Mrs. Pallavi Kohli, regarding her mental health and the crimes she did on a child, she is being sent to the mental and psychatric ward in prison for a life time punishment. If she gets better then she will be sent to the normal prison.'
Arhana and Pranbir were relieved with the turn of events while Abhigya and Dida had mixed feelings.

Hope you guys like it and that the punishment was well deserved.
Thank you for all your love and support ❤️❤️

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