Part 13: Some pranbir moments

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Next morning:
Ranbir was the first one to wake up. He smiled seeing Prachi and kissed her forehead before heading to the washroom.
He took a shower and came out. He was sure that Prachi had some of his shirts or hoodies. She would always steal some.
She loves wearing his clothes. He checked and indeed found some. He took one and wore it.

He ordered breakfast for both of them. It was Saturday, he had just a meeting and then he was free. There was prayer at home before the wedding ceremonies start.

He woke Prachi when the breakfast arrived. She went to brush quickly and then they sat on the bed. They both ate together.
Ranbir:"i have a lunch meeting. You rest, then i will pick you up for the prayer."
Prachi:"ok, but what should i wear?"
Ranbir:"anything that you are comfortable in."
Prachi smiled at him.

Prachi:"by the way, this is my hoodie."
Ranbir, sarcastically:"really?"
Prachi nodded yes laughing.

Ranbir approached her and tickled her on the waist.
Ranbir:"whose clothes is this?"
He tickled her more.

Prachi:"ok, ok yours.... Yours. I stole them."
Ranbir stopped at once.

Ranbir, looked at her questioningly:"mean? Me?"
Prachi nodded yes pretending to be annoyed.
She was going to go to the washroom but he caught her hand.
He pulled her to him and kissed her nose.

Ranbir:"still mean..."
She closed her eyes but nodded yes.
He moved to her cheek and kissed it. He went to her ears and whispered:"now...."
He could see how she was affected by his touch. He lightly traced her arms till her fingers.
Prachi felt the goosebumps but she was enjoying his touch.

Ranbir entangled their fingers together. He kissed her closer to her lips. Prachi turned around shying away. He hugged her from behind.
Ranbir:"am i mean?"
Prachi nodded no. He smiled at her response.

Ranbir went for his meeting while Prachi was at the hotel.
Ranbir was irritated by the man who was carrying the meeting. He was too overconfident and that's never good.
Ranbir was finding something wrong with them. They were the main supplier of their business. The man presented his contract to Ranbir.
Ranbir:"I will have a look at it then get back to you."
The man grew tensed which was noticed by Ranbir. But his supervisor was ok with that.

After Ranbir left, the man questioned his supervisor.
Man:"what if he finds the loopholes in the contract?"
Supervisor:"no worries, the legal head of Kohli's enterprise works for us. He will say that the contract is good without any issue. He will also be conned just like his Dad."
The man smiled afterwards.

While returning to the hotel, Ranbir received a call from Dida.
She wanted to see him as she was worried because of yesterday's incident. Ranbir decided to meet her before picking Prachi. He texted her telling her where he was going.

Kohli's house:
There were people decorating the hall. As soon as Dida saw Ranbir, she came to him.
Ranbir:"don't worry, i am fine."
Dida, teary eyes caressed his cheeks while hw just smiled at her.

Aryan came there.
Aryan:"you both come with me. I need help."
He dragged them to his room. Dida and Ranbir looked at the mess in his room.
Dida:"what happened?"
Aryan:"what should i wear?"
Ranbir shook his head at his comments and proceed to help him.

Dida:"i wished thee were 2 weddings instead of one."
Aryan:"right Dida. Let's get Ranbir married along with me."
Ranbir, lost in what he was doing:"yours is in a few days, we can't get married together. Prachi has her exams going on...."
He realized what he said and turned to Dida.

Dida, curiously:"Prachi?"
Ranbir closed his eyes and sighed then looked at Aryan.
Ranbir:"you did that on purpose."
Aryan:"your punishment for not telling me."
Ranbir:"you wait..."
He was about to hit Aryan playfully but Dida stopped them.
Dida:"explain now."
Ranbir ruffled his hair nervously.

Aryan:"i will tell you. This Mr. in front of us made himself a girlfriend. A beautiful girlfriend and he hasn't told us."
Dida, dramatically:"what? Girlfriend?
Aryan nodded yes.

Dida:"How could you, Ranbir? You hid this from us... we became strangers now."
She pretended to be sad along with Aryan.

Ranbir facepalmed himself looking at their antics.
Dida, happily:"who is she? How is she?"
Aryan:"beautiful, nice and most important she keeps him happy."
Ranbir tried hiding his smile.

Dida:"wahhh, now i have to meet her."
Aryan:"she is coming, Dida. For the prayer."
Dida:"really? I should make preparations then."
She left quickly from there.

Aryan:"do lots pf preparations."
He didn't notice Ranbir who hit him playfully.
Ranbir:"you couldn't hide it?"
Aryan:"from Dida, nope."
Ranbir:"go, get ready."
Aryan:"as you say boss."
He left chuckling. Ranbir also got ready and came to Prachi's hotel.

He came inside the room. He heard the shower on so he settled himself on the bed and waited for her.
He was checking the contract papers from the previous meeting and thought to keep in the drawers. He was doing that when he heard the bathroom door opened.
He looked up finding Prachi in a beautiful and yet simple traditional yellow outfit.

 He looked up finding Prachi in a beautiful and yet simple traditional yellow outfit

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He looked at her mesmerizingly from head to toe. Prachi also noticed him and signed him what happened but he was too lost in her to reply.

Prachi, checking her outfit:"did i do too much?"
Ranbir nodded no, chuckling.
Ranbir:"you are looking perfect. You never wore a traditional dress before. You are looking pretty that i might fall...."
Prachi looked at him.
Prachi, curiously:"i what?"

Ranbir avoided eye contact with her. She chuckled.
Prachi, happily:"let me complete it. I am looking so pretty that you like me a little more now, correct?"
Ranbir, smilingly:"let's go."
Prachi:"two minutes."
She went to the mirror to wear her earrings.

Ranbir:"anyway, Aryan and I mentioned you in front of Dida, so i had to tell her everything."
Prachi, excitedly turned to Ranbir:"means that i will meet her officially as your girlfriend?"

Ranbir nodded yes.
Prachi, holding Ranbir arms and pulling him:"then let's go. I am so eager to meet her."

Ranbir:"Prachi..." he stopped her for a second.
Ranbir, seriously:"along with Dida, you will also meet them..."
And then realized to whom Ranbir was referring.

Ranbir:"you won't say anything to them, please."
Prachi:"that's not fair. They did so much..."
Ranbir:"yeah, but you also know that it's just because of Aryan that i got out of drugs."

She nodded yes.
Ranbir:"that's why i don't want any problem due to me during his wedding, so please..."
He requested her.
Prachi, a little bit annoyed:"ok, just for Aryan. I won't say anything but... i won't say anything until they do something. If they try to hurt you in any possible way, then Mr. Kohli, i won't stat quiet."

Ranbir:"ok ok."
Thank you everyone for everything.
The love, comments and votes. Really means a lot❤️❤️❤️

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