Part 49: His story in his own words

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Next morning: Kohli's mansion.
Dida was sitting lost in her thoughts while Arhana and Pranbir were looking at each other worriedly.
Mr. O & Mrs. O didn't come. They didn't want to intrude in Kohli's family matter.

It has been fifteen minutes and there was an awkward silence. No one really knew what to say.
Prachi whispered to them:"Ranbir, talk to Dida."
Aryan:"Sis, this is the calm before the storm. Enjoy it."
Shahana:"you are joking in this situation."
Aryan:"it's needed in these type of situations."

Ranbir approached Dida.
First time he was scared of Dida. He was choosing his words carefully.

Dida:"just tell me the truth. What happened when you were small? When i wasn't here? Don't you dare hide anything."
Ranbir:"i will tell you everything. I won't hide anything."

He started to tell Dida. He told her the two first incident about the slap and then when Vikram hit him so bad that he ended in the hospital.
Dida listened to him attentively.

Ranbir:"the beating became regular after that. They would hit me everyday. Sometime Mr. Kohli and sometimes Mrs. Pallavi."
Dida:"even Pallavi?"
He nodded yes.

Ranbir:"one day, Mr. Kohli beat me very badly and i was on the floor in my room. I still remember it was hurting so bad that i couldn't move. I tried hard to get up but couldn't. Then Mrs. Pallavi came and showed me something. It was a syringe. She told me that it was medicine to ease up the pain. But i refused.
She still injected me. I couldn't fight back. And after that i didn't feel anything. No pain no nothing."

Dida became teary eyed hearing this. The other three felt disgusted by their behaviour and couldn't help feeling bad.

Ranbir:"she continued doing this few times after the beatings. And after that even i wanted it. It was helping me not feeling the pain. And everytime, i would go to her and ask her for it. She would gladly give it me.
I had become addicted till then. Any small problem even in school, i felt the need to have the drugs."

Ranbir, continued:"then, the last party before you come here, that day Mr. Kohli was happy. The party was going on full swing but then there were some pictures on the screen. Of me taking drugs, injecting myself. His close business associates got to know about this. There were no other people other than them but Mr. Kohli felt insulted. He slapped me in front of everyone that day.
It's the only day that i know the reason behind my beating. I deserved it that day.
They started locking me up. Then you came. They told you it was medicine to calm me down but it wasn't."

Dida looked on teary eyed.
Ranbir:"Aryan started sharing room with me. He witnessed me having nightmares. He saw me injecting myself. He stopped me but i didn't have that will power to listen to him. Then he talked some sense into me. I don't know how he did it but succeeded. He was the one who helped me to stop the drugs one year later. He helped me throughout."

Dida:"so much happened, and you didn't tell me? Both kept quiet."
"They are lying."
The five turned to see Pallavi with Vikram along with Mr. O and Mrs. O.
Mr. O:"sorry, we couldn't stop ourselves from coming."

Vikram approached Ranbir threateningly.
Vikram:"you still dared to come here after yesterday's act? After you tried to burn your mother."

Ranbir looked away uninteresting.
Vikram, to Mr. O:"won't you arrest him for his illegal action? You pretend to be a lawyer. Go on, file a complaint against him."
Mr. O:"See, court needs proofs and witnesses. Do you have any witness of yesterday's act?"
Vikram:"i am."
Mr. O:"you don't count. And I wasn't there so... no case."

Dida came to Pallavi.
Dida:"what is Ranbir saying?"
Pallavi, crying:"he is lying, Dida. Don't know what did this girl tell him and Aryan that they have turned against me."

Mrs. O:"don't drag my daughter in this."

Dida:"after all this, you still sent him to hostel."
Arbir exchanged looks.
Pallavi:"i didn't send him. Vikram must have."
Vikram:"what? I didn't. I thought you did as you didn't want to see him."

Pallavi:"then how did he go without our signatures?"
The girls noticed how the boys were exchanging looks.
Aryan, nervously:"i signed them. I copied your signature."
Vikram:"you are also with him. Now, Mr. O, arrest him."
Aryan grew tensed for a moment.
Mr. O:"did anyone hear something because i didn't?"
Arbir smiled at him.
Dida:"you forged the signatures?"
Aryan looked down.

Ranbir:"he had to, Dida. He got me back on tracks. Whatever i am today, is because of Aryan. Otherwise, i would still be a drug addict."

Dida came to Vikram and Pallavi.
Dida:"why did you do all this? Ranbir came back amd still you are doing this."

Prachi:"she wanted him to come. Why do you want to torture him so much?"
Vikram:"she has every right to do that."

Hey guys, this is the part one of the truth.
Ranbir's story.
Hope you will like it.
And thank you for your comments.

Tomorrow might be a longer chapter. Depends😂

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