Chapter ❹

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Once I had unpacked my bag, had dinner, and had a shower (because parents don't let you on your phone until you've done these things. They're so fussy), I pulled the note out of my shorts which were now laying on my bedroom floor. I carefully unfolded it, thinking about how she had made the note even before I said goodbye. That must've meant that she wants me to call her. Inside the note, in red pen there was a message scribed in Karly's cursive and neat print. It read:
*Karly's number (call or preferably text me. Only because of parents....)
6847 390 124
I liked how she wrote her numbers so that they didn't line up. I smelt the print of lipgloss that she had left on the page. Strawberry. It reminded me of her. Without further hesitation I took out my phone and turned it on. I clicked the messages app and typed in her number. 'Here goes' I thought.

*New text message: 6847 390 124
8:13pm Wednesday

🎩Wayne🎩: hey Karly *

Exactly three minutes later my phone vibrated. The name Karly appeared on my screen. I unlocked my phone, hands shaking.

*KaRLy💟: hey there Wayne

🎩Wayne🎩: wat u doing?

KaRLy💟: not much. Wat about u?

🎩Wayne🎩: same

KaRLy💟: lol

🎩Wayne🎩: haha

KaRLy💟: ☺️

🎩Wayne🎩: I can't stop thinking about you....

KaRLy💟: I find that flattering. Thx💖

🎩Wayne🎩: I can't wait to see you tomorrow

KaRLy💟: neither can I .....

🎩Wayne🎩: it's 12:36am. We've been at this for like 4 hours. I think we should call it a night.

KaRLy💟: okay. Goodnight...

🎩Wayne🎩: goodnight......

KaRLy💟: omg! Stop flirting!!!

🎩Wayne🎩: okay. Goodnight *

I saw that she had read the message. There was no reply. She must have gone to bed. I clicked my phone off and went to sleep as well.
I woke up early which obviously surprised mum because when she called out the usual wake up it's time to go to school and what not, I was already up having breakfast. I decided to go to school early today because I figured that maybe Karly had the same idea as me.
"BYE MUM!" I screamed 20 minutes earlier than usual through the house as I walked out the front door.
"BYE WAYNE. HAVE A GOOD DAY!" She screamed back. I did the usual thing and dawdled to school. Unknown of whether Karly was even going to be at school today. I hoped with everything I had that she was just to see those big blue eyes again.
I walked in the front gate of the school to see Karly sitting on a step near the garden by herself. She was reading a book. I snuck up on her (just like little kids) and grabbed her shoulders from behind. "Boo!" I scared her.
She spun around swiftly and grabbed my hands which were still clutched to her shoulders.
"Hey." she said in that good morning type of voice.
"Good morning miss Karly. How are you on this fine day?" I said in a vaguely British accent
"I'm quite delightful thank you." she replied, playing along with my little game.
We both burst out laughing for no apparent reason. The bell for class rang into our bowel of laughter.
"Hey, I gotta go get something from the office. I'll meet you at class. Tell Miss Kalan that I'll be late. Thanks. Bye." Karly chanted to me so seamlessly.
"Okay bye." I chanted back to her.
I strolled into class and took my position at the back lonely corner of the room. Exactly 7 minutes into the lesson, Karly knocked on the door, interrupting Miss Kalan's speech which I intentionally was not listening to.
"Good morning Karly." Miss Kalan announced. She was a sweet teacher so no one would ever expect her to yell if someone was late.
"Good morning miss. Sorry I'm late." Karly nervously stammered (she didn't know that the teacher was nice)
"No problem Karly. There was no harm done. Don't worry about it. You haven't missed much. Come in and sit down."
Karly fast walked across the room which soon turned to an awkward run. Everyone was watching her. Once she had gotten to the back of the room, miss Kalan continued her speech and everyone turned their focus away from Karly.
"Hello again." I whispered to her
"Hey." She whispered back. I could see that she was struggling holding all of her books.
"Are you okay? Here I'll take these ones." I offered her
"Thanks so much."
"My pleasure."
We ceased our whispering conversation in exchange for drawing on books. The whole time all I was thinking about was Karly. Her sweet voice. Her funky yet under toned style. Her amazing eyes. And not to mention her beauty. Fianlly, class was completed for the day. 9F poured out of the small door. Karly and I were wedged in between the crowd because we couldn't move out of the classroom or back in it. Once we pushed our way through the crowd we could finally breathe again.
"Phew that was hard." Karly joked while bumping me.
"As always." I bumped her back.
"See you tomorrow?" I asked
"Most likely yes. Bye."
We went out separate ways for the night.

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