Chapter ❶❸

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"Over to you now Caroline, for the news reports......" blared the TV as I sat and ate my soggy cornflakes. I wasn't actually paying attention to the TV presenters until they said something that caught my attention.
"Now across to Peter as we have some breaking news."
"Thank-you Caroline. Well as you can see I'm at the ESH and right behind me there is a fire. Now, so far most of the building has been taken over by the fire, but thankfully, from what we have been told, no one has been hurt or critically injured. We do understand that SES and fire crews are still working hard to get everyone out of the building, starting wit the most injured patients first. Incase any viewers at home have family members or know someone who was in this hospital at the time, or if you have any concerns and questions, please feel free to ring the helpline number at 800 899 100. That's 800 899 100. We will be keeping you updated on this growing disaster and police ask if anyway knows anything about how this fire was started, to please come forward. Thank you. Now back to you Caroline."
"Thank-you Peter. Now........" I immediately flicked off the TV and jumped up off the couch, ignoring that soggy cornflakes were going everywhere. Snatching my phone in a worried hurry, I dialled the number, 800 899 100, and waited for a reply.
"..........Umm. Hello. Yes. This is Wayne. I was just checking to see if someone was okay, regarding the ESH fire.....Karly. Karly Jeffersonly.............Okay. Thank-you anyway........ Really?......Great! Thanks. Bye."
"What did they say?" My mother eagerly asked before I even had time to click the phone off.
"Ummm. They said that they haven't been told about a Karly Jeffersonly yet. But they said that I can go to the scene, to see of she is there so that they can identify here and notify her family who are at work." I was shaking with the fear of yet another fatal disaster
"Okay. You better go then. I'll ring the school. Bye." I raced out the door whilst calling another taxi. About the fifth taxi this week!
"Where to?" Asked the short driver in disbelief that he had come to our house so many times
"Umm. ESH." He took off as we sped through the dark streets that the morning sunlight was just starting to hit.
"Here you go." I payed the man and didn't bother to say thank you. (I know it was rude but someone was in trouble.) The stench of burning concrete and wood, whiffed up my nose as my body forced itself to run even faster. I could just catch a glimpse a a young girl, about my age, with short blonde curls. Karly. Racing up to her, the thought of not having her by my side ever again slowly passed through my worried mind.
"Karly! Is she okay?" I quickly asked the paramedic as I didn't have time to talk since my body was so puffed
"Yea. She's okay. Although her equipment keeping her alive was destroyed and all the hospitals around this area are full. She was one of the more seriously injured patients that we took out first, so that we would have time to think of a much needed solution."
My heart pounded as she just laid there. Lifeless. My mind flashed back to the car accident and as much as I tried to shake the thought away, I just couldn't. I was awaken from my short daydream with the sounds of faint coughing. Karly. The paramedics stabled her as I talked to them some more.
"Well can't you just air lift her someone?" My body now felt like it was hyperventilating
"I'm sorry kid. We just can't. She can't go in a plane like this. Too risky. And nowhere has the room or equipment for her, seeming that this was a specialist and emergency hospital." The man explained as I felt like fainting.
"You okay kid?" Another man asked. I was turning green. Pale. My lungs keep searching for more air just as fast as I was breathing it out. My world suddenly turned a blank shade of white and all the voices and sirens mysteriously disappeared.

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