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Next Day.

Kenadi heard knocks on her door, making her wake up

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Kenadi heard knocks on her door, making her wake up.

She rolled her eyes, knowing it was Zay as she slipped from under Deontae.

She took her time brushing her teeth, and pulling a pair of boxers and a large t-shirt on.

She walked to the door, opening it, seeing Zay on the other side.

"Can I talk to you please?" He asked, and she rolled her eyes, closing the door and leading the way to the outside den.

She sat on the couch, looking out at the beach, and he sat next to her.

"Kenadi I'm sorry." He said, looking at her.

"Yeah I bet." She shrugged, and he sighed.

"I'm serious. You know I ain't mean that Ken, I was off my ass, I was jealous, mad. I just saw you kiss his neck and I flashed out. You know you not a hoe Kenadi." He told her, and she blinked back tears.

"A drunk mind speaks sober thoughts. And it's fine that you feel that way, shit I felt that way at first too. But you have to understand I'm grown, and I have feelings too Zaylon." She mumbled, and he sighed, bringing her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry Ken. I am, foreal. I don't think you a hoe, I was just mad. You right, I gotta chill. I keep telling myself that too, but I just be letting my emotions get the best of me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings baby. I'm sorry." He rubbed her back as she quietly cried.

"It's okay. I forgive you." She sniffed, wiping her face.

"I'm sorry foreal. I love you." He told her, and she kissed his cheek.

"I love you too. You do have to chill though Zaylon. You can't keep doing the same shit, and keep saying sorry with no change." She mumbled, and he nodded.

It went silent as they both looked out at the beach.

"So wassup with y'all? Y'all together?" He asked her, and she shook her head.

"I'm single. We know wassup though." She shrugged, and he nodded.

"Can I ask you something?" He inquired, and she looked up at him.

"Sure." She said, waiting on him to speak.

"When I asked you can we be together, you said you ain't wanna ruin our friendship, but you and Pooh closer than me and you ain't worried bout y'all friendship." He slightly frowned, and she nodded, looking back at the water.

"You and Pooter are two different people papi. You kinda always need shit to go your way, like you needed me to be with you. You full of emotions, which isn't a bad thing, by the way. But you act strictly off emotion." She paused.

"You wanted me to be with you immediately. Pooter doesn't care that I'm not his girlfriend. He likes vibing with me, no title, just having fun, you feel me? I mean, he gets jealous too, but not like you. Which again, isn't a bad thing." She continued.

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