Where Is He?

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   After a while, I managed to regain myself and soon enough, I found myself half asleep on the sofa in between Niall and Zayn with Perrie resting on his lap with her head on his shoulder,

   In the background, I could hear the television. Of course because Eleanor had the remote, she picked to watch ‘Deal or No Deal’. I didn’t mind because I could fall easily asleep during it and I think for an hour, that’s what I ended up doing,

   “Bobbie?” I was poked softly in the shoulder, “Bobbie?” They whispered, another poke,

   “No,” I moaned and snuggled deeper into the sofa,

   “Bobbie,” This time I was shook on the shoulder and so reluctantly opened my tired heavy eyelids, Niall was looking straight at me with his innocent blue eyes,

   “What, Niall?” I asked rubbing my eyes to hopefully subside the blurriness,

   “I think Noelle needs feeding,” He told me, looking around, I saw no one, “They’re upstairs, but Noelle won’t stop crying, Louis changed her but still nothing,”

   Yawning, I nodded and pushed myself off of the sofa, “Alright,” I stretched and left the room, going upstairs, I went straight into the girls’ room and found Louis and Eleanor, “Still practicing your parenting skills?”

   Eleanor smiled as she saw me, “Yeah,” She breathed, “Louis,” She called, Louis joined us with a crying Noelle in his arms,

   “We think she’s hungry,” Louis told me soberly,

   “I know,” I sighed, “Come on then,” Taking Noelle from Louis, I went into my own room, I didn’t feel comfortable breast feeding with an audience,

   “Are you hungry?” I asked her, “There you go,”

   After Noelle was alright and stopped crying, I burped her and then went into the back room with Louis and Eleanor,

   “Oh Bobbie,” Eleanor turned to me with an excited smile, “Guess what Louis and I signed up for?” Louis grinned at me from Eleanor’s excitement,

   “Surprise me,” I shrugged with a smile,

   “Parenting classes,” Eleanor squealed,

   “And you agreed to go?” I asked Louis who I would’ve thought wouldn’t want to go to a parenting class,

   Louis shrugged like I did with a smile, “Well, El is feeling unprepared so I thought we’d do it together, right?” Eleanor leaned in and pecked his lips,


   “Aww,” I sighed, “You two are like…Made for each other,” I told them, Eleanor and Louis looked at each other with cheesy smiles on their faces and love in their eyes.

   It made my stomach churn. Why couldn’t I have that with someone? Didn’t I deserve it? Is that why? I sniffed and turned away just in case tears started to fall again, but I had a feeling they wouldn’t, I was all cried out. I felt as if I had nothing left to cry…

   Checking the time, I thought it was getting later by the minutes, and it was. “I’m going to try and put them down,” I told them,

   “Do you need any help?” Eleanor asked whilst patting her stomach,

   I shook my head, “No, it’s alright,” I smiled at them reassuringly, “I’ll see you in the morning,”

   “Alright then,” Eleanor breathed and wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug, I couldn’t help but stumble slightly as her stomach pressed into mine, “Night,” She smiled pulling away,

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