Thoughts that are heard

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Everyone stayed silent for a while, looking at each other for ideas, but what was to say? It had been established that something strange was occurring, but nobody had proof, and there was lack of theories to go with the statement.

All three of them were shocked to see who broke the silence, as she lumbered to her feet, eyes still stained red from the crying session she had just finished petite, anxious Amelia spoke, "What are we going to do?" She knew nobody knew the answer to this, they'd all happily answer any other question that she could tell. Yet she stood waiting patiently for her answer.

The three remaining strangers followed her lead and pulled themselves up off the cold marble floor.

"We need to find the others," Davey replied. He patted Amelia on the back, the purpose of that was to congratulate her for pulling herself together, he wouldn't have been able to do it and he envied her slightly for being in tears one minute but staying calm the next. If Davey had started crying, (which the others would find it hard to believe he was very close to.) He would not be able to stop,  nobody would be able to console him, that would be it he would cry for eternity. 

"Sorry about that," Amelia half smiled at Davey as she said this, almost as she had just read his mind. "I'm sorry but sometimes you just have to cry, to get it all out am i right?" Although this sounded like a rehtorical question it was not, and again she waited for an answer, but this time not as patient.

Davey just stared at her for a moment, he was too fixated on the fact that what she had just asked was so related to what he had been thinking, and it scared him. 

What if she's out to get us? His mind asked, it had been scrambling ideas since the time he woke up, but he had never felt it search for answers so quickly until that moment. What if she can read my mind? She knows what  i'm thinking. Its an act.  He dismissed these thoughts in an attempt to calm himself down, that was too much of a crazy thought.

"Impossible," He said aloud... he had done it again, he spoke without realising that he was not supposed to, who would even need to be a mind reader to know what he's thinking? Again his mind scrambled for what to say next, to make what he had said make sense. "It's impossible to control your  emotions in a situation like this."

Hannah reached out and rested her hand on Amelia's shoulder to comfort her again, "Let's not apologise for emotions, lets just find the-"

Before she could finish what she was saying a loud yelling was heard from behind them. They all yelled too out of shock, the noise scared them out of their skin. Alex had his fists up, ready to fight off whoever or whatever it was. He released his fists, and grabbed his chest when he saw who it was. He laughed. Relieved. But Davey did not. When he saw the look of pure terror on Francis' face as he approached them, his stomach did front flips, back flips and any other flip that one could think of. Francis stopped yelling as he got close to Davey, put one hand on his knee and started panting. He had been running. But from what?

"What is it?" Davey asked frantically, tapping Francis' shoulder. "You're meant to be with George."

"H... hes gone mad. I had to run." Francis' eyes met Davey's, they were filled with horror.

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