Story telling

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Nobody spoke for a moment. The silence became more eerie than when they felt as if their whole life was in danger. Nobody full understood what Davey had meant. Each of them kept their eyes to the ground to avoid Davey finding this out.

“I guess I'll begin,” Davey said glumly, “ I don't remember much, I was on my way home from the crystal pub, I'd had a nice night. Met a pretty girl.” He reached into his jacket pocket as an attempt to withdraw the piece of paper he was given from her, he couldn't find it. He must have dropped it. “I felt dizzy for a moment, collapsed and woke up... here.”

“Could someone have done something to your drink?” Amelia's voice was louder than it had ever been and echoed somewhat as she spoke. It made Davey jump, he'd forgotten she was even there.

“It's impossible,” He replied. “I didn't leave it, besides I wasn't there long.”

Francis, who was standing up leaning against the bakery door didn't move from where he stood, but he was the second to speak,

“Um... I was just at Lindsey's mum... Lindsey... my fiancé, gosh I hope she's okay. Well she and her mum had arranged a pre-wedding meal. I didn't really want to go, but y'know family and stuff. Anyway, I had this overwhelming feeling suddenly. I don't know, but I felt like I had to get out of there. So I did. I went out for a walk in the park. Ended up here.”

Amelia couldn't remember anything... but it was Hannah's story that was the most confusing, yet the most interesting.

“I was actually outside this place, I'm a photographer... well I want to be. I thought creepy buildings would be a good place to start. I stood outside this place last night. The moon was full, it added to the creepy effect which was just great... but-”

“Yes?” Davey persisted.

“Well I started hearing whispering, just as we all had a moment ago... but it was closer, like somebody was standing right beside me. I turned but nobody was there. Like skittis- sorry I mean francis.”

“Its okay I'm kind of warming up to the name.”

“Great. Well like Skittish, I kind of felt like I shouldn't be there any more, so I made a start to the back of my car, but I started going dizzy, weak. I felt like something was chasing me.” By now Hannah's voice had become shaky, and the recollection was clearly upsetting her somewhat. Tears began to well up in her eyes but she fought them off. “ I ran. But... but like I said, I got weak. I couldn't run anymore, then... I woke up... in this place. Now I just want out. I want to go home. LET ME OUT OF HERE!” Before anybody could say anything she had run up to one of the exit doors that was boarded up and began to hammer upon it. “LET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE.”

“She's going hysterical!” Francis yelled helplessly. “Stop her Davey!”

Davey lunged forward attempting to pull her back, but she had suddenly regained strength in the moment of madness and shook him off.

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