[Chapter 04]

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Simultaneously, a similar conversation was held over at the Black household. Ace Black's father had his younger seated on the couch opposite to his desk in his office. The elder man held nothing but spite for the blonde seated in front of him, wondering how could his own genes run in the filthy blood of this screwed up 23 year old son.

"What the hell were you thinking?" His voice reigns out in the spacious elegance room, his hand hitting the table aggressively in an agitated matter. He had so much work to sort through, his misfit son doing nothing but cause him serious trouble that needed fixing. And he was adamant to do so before any unnecessary word got out. God forbid it does, it only leads to his company and renowned reputation to come crashing through. Leaving him with nothing. No money, no power, no status. Nothing but a headache to nurse and a son to rot in jail.

"I wasn't thinking, that was the problem. I was wasted" Says Ace black. Blaming his serious sick behavior on the alcohol. As if alcohol could force him to forfeit his own skin and become a beast. It doesn't. And in this case it certainly didn't.

"You were wasted?!! Even if you were hammered, how could you end up with this situation?" He refused to address the matter by the words, knowing if one of the staff members got a whiff of what was going on in here, the house will be swarmed with paparazzi in less than thirty minutes. Plus, that would be the least of their problems if the police found out, or the company's board, even worse.

Ace didn't know what to say more to his father. That he was sorry? He can't when he wasn't. He regretted his actions? Nope, he enjoyed every moment of it, drunk or not. Absolution and forgiveness from Tatiana, his victim? He couldn't stand the sight of her. She's just one of the 'tainted' girls now. He had no business in seeing her let alone begging for her forgiveness, as if.

What a twisted way a predator's mind worked. He destroyed her then complained she was damaged goods. He was cut off from giving it much thought by his father's surprising words.

"I talked to Mr. Jensen" He started and Ace's heartbeat quickened up abnormally. He couldn't quite fathom what he was hearing. His father talked with Tatiana's father. What could they discussed about? Surely it wasn't politics or the weather. He gulped knowing that whatever came next he was screwed. Certainly, Tatiana's father couldn't go after him physically or legally...The Black family was untouchable amongst society. They held so much power and authority that prevented anyone from having any dirt to hold against them. But, come think of it, a scandal like this wouldn't wash away with the wind. A story like this wasn't easily forgotten by the nosy people of town. It wouldn't be too plain to be looked upon.

"Him and I reached an understanding after a lengthy conversation" Shares Mr. Black ambiguously, causing Ace to gulp in, he wondered what the aging men settled upon. He forced his icy blue eyes to remain calmly on his father, awaiting the avalanche that was ready to fall through at any minute now. He puffed up his shoulders, and tightened his jaw, in preparation for what was about to come. He only hoped it wasn't more bad than he thought himself.

"It's been settled, you're marrying her in two days" The words fell like heavy buckets of ice upon his ears. He couldn't believe this. How was he supposed to marry the disgusting girl? To wake up everyday next to her tainted soul. He surely couldn't, and wouldn't do so. Besides, marriage? Really? What a preposterous way to fix absolutely nothing.

He understood their motives, marriage was basically the oldest solution in the book. Providing security for both family against any unwanted claims. But that just wasn't it. He wouldn't do it if a gun was strapped to his head.

"What are you talking about? How can marriage fix any of this?" Shouts Ace frustratedly, rising to his two feet in a defying action. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was his father hit by the head just before he came up with this abomination of a plan?

"You know nothing boy. Marriage will fix everything" Mr. Blacks voice boomed authoritatively in the room, resulting in junior to shut his claims with a ground up jaw and a frown plastered upon his tough features. He sulked back to his seat staggeringly. His grimly face doing enough of a job to tell his father he detested the idea, despised it wholeheartedly. 

Unfortunately for him, his father didn't take into consideration how he might feel about this. He's the one who's gotten them in this mess in the first place, he's the one whom should take them out of it, no matter how much it cost him. No matter how much he despised this said stupid plan, he needed to shut up and follow through with it since he couldn't provide anything better.

Further moments of silence donned between the two before senior Black decided that this was Ace's silent consent, not that he was asking for it, or looking forward to hearing him lively agree to it.
"It's settled then. In two days time you'll be marrying her. It will only be immediate family and I expect you to comply" Was all his father spoke before getting up from his leather seat, buttoning his suit jacket close and walked away leaving an agape Ace behind. He wondered what could he do to evade the undesired situation as his mind began ticking and twisting.

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