[Chapter 26]

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Fast forward a few months, and the weather had lightened up a tad. No longer raging storms were pressing through. The skies bared only multiple shades of variant blues, the sun returning pendently to its designated spot up in the sphere where it hasn't been in for quite a while. The trees had the first outgrown of green leaves springing out the otherwise naked brown branches, presenting the everlasting promise of renewing.
Tatiana and Silas were on a daily stroll, having heard from the gynecologist that it was good for both the mother and the baby, they've been walking a distance almost everyday now. They had just checked out of the clinic where they had a doctor's appointment. To their fortune, everything was perfectly fine and the couple couldn't have been more grateful or happier that things were sailing smoothly with the whole pregnancy.

Silas was wearing a hoodie and simple jeans, while Tatiana was dressed in a flowing sundress, out of comfort to her sticking-out stomach. He advised her to take a jacket, since it's only March, although meaning spring, it was still chilly sometimes and the weather was still moody. She had downright refused, previously claiming it was hot and she needn't a sweater. She was regretting her decision now, as the cool breeze whipped against her skin, strands of hair flying about messily, the air making goosebumps arise on her arms. Silas noticed her shivering stance and took off his hoodie immediately and dressed her in it, remaining himself in a basic shirt. Tati accepted the fabric excitedly. For one, it smelled heavenly of him, and for second it provided the desired warmth. Perfect combination. "Thanks" She muttered sweetly looking up at him sweetly. He just shrugged and brought her to his chest, kissing the top of her head. She nuzzled her red button nose in his chest and continued through her steps.

Once they reached the crosswalk, appeared beside them a good looking young woman, dressed in tight skinny jeans and a crop top. Tatiana looked at the girl then back at herself, noticing the stark difference. The woman looked like a supermodel out of a magazine while she resembled a bloated whale with her belly. Feelings of insecurity and inadequacy filled her chest as she felt like she wasn't pretty enough. Most of her clothes wouldn't fit her anymore, she basically went on a shopping spree to find ones that did fit her..she'd sized up almost two times her size. She wasn't desirable enough. She knew she shouldn't compare, since each one was in a different place in life, besides she was her own person, but she couldn't stop the fears of infiltrating her mind, poisoning her with different toxins. Her eyes glossed over, and if anyone asked, she'd blame it on the weather and the stupid hormones.

They continued with their journey, she stole a few glances at her husband here and there. He was surely a handsome man. His arms bulging from his t-shirt ensued he spent his adequate time at the gym. He was broad, tall, muscular and pretty much every girl's dream man. Then she looked down at herself. Fat belly bulging, wobbly legs, swollen arms. How could she measure up? She surely couldn't compare to all the pretty girls. She dulled next to them. The thoughts kept eating at her brain, until they reached home. She finally lost the battle and bursted out in fits if silent tears.

Silas who was clueless as to why his wife was bawling her eyes out, rushed to her side "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He asked while laying a hand on her back. She looked at him, reminded of the sculpted perfection, then exploded into heavier crying, lips forming into a permanent pout. Shaking her head, she knew she was making no sense. "Baby, tell me what's wrong?" He repeated, desperate to know what made her go off like that. "D-do you think I'm pretty?" She asks after calming a bit, her eyes staring right through his, as if waiting for the simplest mishap. He furrows his eyebrows "Of course, why're you asking?" He couldn't understand how her brain functions. "B-but I'm big as a whale, a-and I have swollen feet and-" She didn't get to finish her words when he cut her off "What're you even talking about? You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. In fact, the only gorgeous woman I've seen" He says and she looks at him questioningly. She wanted to believe his words, but were they true or simply a compliment. "But, what about the other girls, they're so-" She again was interrupted by him "What other girls? Baby, you're perfect. I only have eyes for you. I love you and only you" He says as his hands grab her face gently "You're the only one for me, understood?"

They were eye to eye now. She nodded, the hair on her back stood at the tone of his words, she liked it when he commanded her. "Good" He answered authoritatively as his lips planted themselves on her forehead for a quick peck. Then, he did the unthinkable and swept her right off her feet, making her gasp in shock. "What're you doing? put me down!" She called out to him; one hand on her poking belly while the other snapped in front of his face expressing her exasperation. Silas smirked as he had other plans swirling his mind, he tightened his hold on her defiantly, and started to head in the direction of their room opposing her futile protests "I'm going to show you just how much beautiful I think you are" He said huskily in her ear, his words holding a promise that made her insides heat in excitement. She nuzzled her flushed face in his chest, loving the affirmation and the attention she was receiving while being shy for what she knew was bound to happen once they enter the bedroom.

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