[Chapter 06]

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The Black household resembled a living mess. People from all statuses were roaming around. Servers who needed to complete their assigned tasks. Food caterers whom brought in tables of food. Event planners were checking every minute decoration, making sure everything worked perfectly so they wouldn't have to face the wrath of Mr. and Mrs. Black later in the evening.

All people from all sorts of jobs mingled together in this mansion, all in arranging the perfect arena for the reception that would be happening later in the evening once the youngest Mr. Black signed the papers in the church with his soon to be wife. Then, the rest of ceremonies would be held here, according to Mr. Black's demands.

Amidst all the noise and chaos, emerged the oldest Black son from the stairs. Silas Black dressed elegantly in an expensive black tux, sharpening his black hair and onyx eyes. He walked with the air of confidence exuding out. His steps measured equally and his shoulders squared up, adding more height to his already 6'3 ft.

All in all, he was one fine handsome man whom everyone was inconspicuously stealing glances at. He noticed, how could he not when they basically eye-raped him, ogling him that directly. He simply didn't care for them. He remained unbothered as he marched through the busy hallways, successfully distracting people from focusing on their jobs for the few moments he blissfully passed through.

Once he made it to his father's office, he knocked twice respectfully before entering. Senior Black was sat at his mahogany desk, going stressfully through papers and files, while frustratedly waving his hand through his graying hair. He sighed at the interruption, signaling there was a problem at hand that needed fixing. He caught the eyes of his eldest son, and nodded in sheer agitation to proceed with what he came here for.

Silas opened his mouth "Ace is nowhere to be found" He stated calmly enough, knowing his father would be out of his mind if his son decides to embarrass the family, skipping his own wedding scandalously. Senior waved him off "He'll be there at the church" He said reassuringly, confident that his son won't run out on him and his family in the time of need. Silas gulped his uncertainty down his throat and nodded robotically, not quite persuaded with his father's claim, nonetheless not having any proof or substance to argue otherwise. He taped his mouth shut, hoping his little troublesome brother would stick to his word and go thoroughly with his promise.

Half an hour later, they boarded their new scratch-less car, tires painted black, signaling it never had been put to use before. They climbed into the extravagant car silently. The atmosphere way too charged for anyone to voice their thoughts aloud. Silas couldn't help but think of his brother's whereabouts, on a day as important such as this one, his brother's disappearance couldn't be simply a coincidence. Secondly, why the short notice. Wedding in average took several months to prepare for, if not a year in advance. While this one dropped on them suddenly taking them by surprise. What was going on? He questioned himself.

He decided to put off those intrusive thoughts and be focused on the bigger picture here. His brother was getting married. He was happy for him, truly. He would stand by him at the altar and offer his unconditional support and blessings. That's what brothers were for after all.

Upon reaching their destination, he couldn't but help be impressed by the decorations. Everything flowed in colors of off white, adding this warm chic vibe to the old church. Roses in faded pink dominated the space, adding an elegant pop of color to the theme. Although, this wedding was strictly family, Mr. Black went all out. He couldn't afford but the best for his children. Despite the lack of guests, the paparazzi would surely get some photos here or there, and if they were going to be plastered on the front covers of magazines, the least they could do was make sure they reeked of money and wealth.

Everyone settled in their designated seats upon the wedding planner's clear instructions. The ceremony was about to start shortly after, still there was no sign of the groom. He literally went MIA on this significant day. Silas only hoped he'll make it on time, if ever, and they wouldn't have to face the evil wrath of their father. Despite the constant reassurance that he'll make it, a worrying feeling brewed at the pit of his stomach, one that promised no good. He tried to ignore this unsettling feeling, blaming it on the nerves, albeit it never fully went away. It stayed there lurking in his stomach.

The clock ticked its intended time. The priest taking his allocated space on the altar, waiting for the bride and groom to do so, for the wedding to commence. Mr. Black has never looked as patronized as he was looking today. He was stressed beyond, based on the heaviness of his steps. The way his jaw ticked and tightened as each second passed still not showing the face of the groom. That's it, his son eloped alone on his wedding day. He was doomed. How could he show his face after this embarrassing scandal? He certainly couldn't, he needed to find a solution. Now.

He raked his hands through his hair, thinking of all the ways he'd make Ace pay for his nonchalant actions. Not now, though. He was mulling over what he could do in this scenario, when Silas emerged from beside him.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a hushed voice, although a sinking feeling in his gut already knew the answer to this question.

"Your brother, he's—" He started saying just as Mr. Jensen marched to them impatiently, looking grimly. "Where's that boy of yours? You promised a wedding!" He mutters aggressively, looking up from his wristwatch.

Mr. Black's words died in his throat, as he didn't have a clue as to what to say. He was about to say something, try to deescalate the situation when Silas popped up beside him "I'll do it" He suggested taking his father by surprise. The man was on the verge of a heart attack.

"You'll do what?" Asked the father taken aback. "I'll marry her. He's not showing up anytime soon, is he?" Questioned Silas rhetorically, knowing damn well that if this fell through, they couldn't recover from it. They'll walk town with a print of shame branded onto the name of their family and he couldn't let this happen. He needed to save his family name. So he'll do this.

"Mr. Jensen, a change of plans. My son Silas will be the one to marry, not Ace. Is this a problem?" He approached the man warily, anticipating his answer. "No, I was promised a wedding for my daughter. Doesn't matter whom the groom is" He answered nonchalantly and Silas gulped at how careless his attitude was.

Nonetheless, he did as he promised, took his brother's place on the altar and waited patiently for the bride to follow.

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