[Chapter 10]

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When Tatiana stepped out of the bathroom back into the room, Silas took this chance and entered. He also had an eventful day that turned out slightly less than what he was expecting. He also felt nervous and on edge. She wasn't thrust into the situation alone, they both were stuck together. After a quick cleansing shower, he made it out in nothing but sweatpants, leaving his upper half stark naked. He occasionally worked out, meaning the girls would usually go drooling on the sight. Not her though, she was sat on the bed, clutching her knees into herself, bewildered by the sight.

She didn't ogle or drool or react like any sane person would, she instead remained locked eye to eye with him, her eyes holding a questioning look; almost screaming out 'what next?' at him. He sensed her discomfort with the skin display and opted to pull a random shirt quickly, pulling it on to cover himself. Her nerves eased slightly at the thoughtful act. When he finished, they were both met with this awkwardness of what followed. Both as clueless as ever of how to behave and interact in such situation.

He started making his way to the other side of the bed, meanwhile her breathing became erratic, nerves knotting at the base of her stomach. He made it fully to that side, shooting his hands out, grabbing the pillow in the process. She frowned, he took the pillow then started..moving elsewhere? His actions piqued her interest. What was he doing? Where was he going anyway? Where would she sleep?

"I'll sleep in the other room, I assume that's what you prefer?" He asked thoughtfully. She nodded her head slowly and was put at ease when he stuck to his word and sauntered out of the room. She looked at the space next to her, a spacious bed that could probably fit a tiny family in here and he left it all for her. She didn't know what to make of the gesture.

She didn't want to overthink what possessed him to act this way; maybe mere disgust, or human decency. Really, it could've been either one or anything in between. She didn't want to mill over what caused his actions tonight. She made sure the room was locked, a habit she's grown the last week, and then fell back to the comfort of the bed. After this tiring night, the cold quilt enhanced the feeling of being on cloud nine. She relaxed into the mattress, her tense muscles finally getting a rest, and dived right into slumber.

Waking up the next morning, she found herself sticky from all the sweating and whimpering she did last night. Basically, the recurring nightmares refused to leave her alone, they'd follow her even in her sleep, where'd she have no control over them. It would result in her thrashing and turning all night, calling out and whimpering involuntarily. Sometimes she'd be loud, other times the evil wickedness would take over and all she could do was cry and quiver in her sleep. It was a 'you get what you get' with each passing day.

When she fully awoke, she firstly wiped the excess of tears from her cheeks, stretched and halted in her movements upon noticing the estranged room around her, then it struck her like lightning, she wasn't home. She'll never be home again. In fact, she lost her home since that godforsaken night. Stepping out of bed, she stumbled into the bathroom lazily in order to take a shower and start her day. She made sure the lock was on and then went ahead and did her business. Dressed in a large hoodie and boyfriend jeans, she made sure the outfit hid her body well, leaving no curves or figure apparent to the eyes, before stepping out back into the room.

She then went out to explore the temporary house, having not seen that much the previous night. Finding the rest of the house complimented the main idea she'd encountered in the bedroom; simplicity. It was a strange calming thing. All she was used to was chaos and noise, having lived with her traditional parents and large family, there was never a quiet moment to take a breath in her previous life. Now, everything screamed easiness and serenity it almost took her by surprise.

She was surprised to find Silas occupying the small dining table, plates packed with a variety of nutritious delicious food. She took in his easy form, stuffing his face with morning heaven-ness and when he got hold of her sight, he smiled "Hey, I made breakfast, come on" He waved her over in an invitation. She reddened at the gesture. Why'd he offer her food? Was it normal? Should she accept? Or shall she politely deny? She stood there awkwardly, contemplating her next actions when he started filling another plate, presumably for her. She stammered and then by his final urging gestures with his hands, she caved in and decided to have a seat. It's been too long since she last enjoyed a meal and it showed. Her porcelain skin shined while, deathly color-lacking white from shortness of proper food.

"I made various options, I didn't know what cuisine you like, so I hope that it's ok with you" He started once she sat down beside him. She smiled faintly "It's more than ok, thanks" She gifted him with a sweet smile before picking up her utensils to eat and this might be the first time the scaredy-cat genuinely smiled since he met her. The idea bloomed warm bubbles in his chest, he took his cup of tea, drinking away in hopes of calming down this surging feeling. The rest of breakfast went away in comfortable silence, the one where each focused on their own plate, no shared conversations or mindless chatter, alas the company of the other was enough to fill out the sound of nothingness.

"Hey, Tatiana, I think it's best if we talk about a few things. Would you mind following me to my study?" He asked her and she bounced back bewildered at him approaching her. Did she do something wrong? Was he mad at her? Disappointed maybe? The sinking feeling starts to drown her stomach, making all the delicious food want to go back up again. She held the urge in and nodded briskly, following him silently through the corridors until they reached what she assumed was his study.

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