[Chapter 25]

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On a gloomy Thursday evening, Silas returned home exhausted. He gad a rough day at work and only wanted to crawl back into bed with Tati and cuddle all night. The late December day was beginning to hint to Christmas, seeing in a few days it'll be the twenty fifth of the last month of the year. He couldn't deny his excitement, for Christmas was a family induced holiday and he hadn't had anyone to celebrate it with up until now. He couldn't get a hold of his mind that wandered in imagination. He could picture them both, dressed in frizzy socks and ugly sweaters, tangled up together in the window loveseat's sheets. They'd make cup after cup of hot chocolate, depending on the hot liquid to warm their insides. At the same time, they'd watch the snow fall heavily from the windows, while they nourished in the heat of the fireplace and blankets.

He set his keys at the table upon his entrance, sighing as he discarded the shoes and began to dissolve his tie that was suffocating the air out of him, unfortunately, it was a vital part in his line of work so it wasn't going anywhere. He threw his suit jacket on the foot of the bed and ran his hands through his hair frustratedly. He was glad this workday was over. He didn't notice Tatiana in the room at first, she was in the bathroom beyond his sight. She exited while drying her freshly showered black locks with a towel. She saw him and a smile automatically drew up her lips, she was glad to see him. He erupted volcanos of happiness in her as she hoped she did him.

"Heyy" She greets lightly, her smile enough to brighten up the world by numerous shades. His day was only getting better from now on. "Hey" He answers back dryly. She frowns; why does he sound so..unenthusiastic, almost lacking life. She neared him cautiously "What's wrong?" She placed a hand on his bicep while her concerned words blanketed around him. "Nothing, just a bad day at work" He admits and she nods while offering a sympathetic smile. She incredulously appreciated his constant hustle to bring food to the table.

She dragged him to bed, making him take a seat on the comfortable surface. He did as asked and waited to see what she had in mind. He looked around until she settled behind him on the mattress. She brought her hands to his chest and began unbuttoning his blazer. He knitted his brows "What're you doing?" He asked confusedly. She hushed him while sliding the fabric away from his body "Shh, trust me on this" She muttered and he decided to do just that. He relaxed his shoulders, them being too tense from the tremendous stress. He leans back a bot just as she brings her dandy hands to his back to work his knots. She slides her fingers on the skin, kneading and rubbing and slightly scratching which earned deep grunting from Silas.

He liked this special treatment, even loved it dare he speak the truth. He relaxed completely in her touch, leaning back into her. His shoulder grazed her cheeks and she took the opportunity to plant a gentle kiss on his shoulder. He screws his eyes shut sand revels in the feel of her warm hands on his naked back, the feel of her soft lips on his skin. He was undoubtedly on cloud nine. "How's that, Si?" Tatiana asks mid treatment. He releases a moan as she digs into a knot on his lower back. "Very good, baby" He answers in a husky voice and she receives the praise with hot cheeks and fastening heartbeat. His words always did have that effect on her.

"Yeah?" She asked sensually, testing to see how frustrated he really is. He nods vehemently "Mhm" He moans and she swears the fire department could drop by any minute now to extinguish the fire in her stomach. The room was turning hotter. She then instructed him to lay back in bed, he obliged happily. He laid on his stomach, leaving his wide back at her disposal. She straddled his waist and resumed working. Kneading the skin skillfully in her experienced hands, they slid down further and further each time, alarmingly low. He finally had enough of her teasing and flipped them so that he hovered over her. The action took her by surprise as she widened her eyes at him. He bent down kissing her jaw "I think it's time I give you a massage, what do you say?" He playfully suggests, a smirk evident on his face.

He could see the look in her eyes. The desire. The want. The need. She flitted her eyes from his eyes to his nose to his lips to every detail on his face. He raised his eyebrows inquiringly, knowing to not instigate anything without her clear consent. She answered after long silence "Yes." She admitted and he stared at her "What was that?" He asked, she gulped and repeated "I said yes" He got to work after her approval, adopting this new idea in his head. He started by kissing her forehead, then moving to her nose, slightly lower to her chin. She laid still beneath him. Then, he kissed the center of her throat, after that the exposed flesh of her collarbones, the spot making her squirm. Bingo. He nuzzled into her, burying his face in her chest, sucking gently on the skin.

Her breathing got erratic, coming out in puffs now. He continued his gentle assault, then moved further down to her sweater clad chest area. He looked up at her and she raised her hands understanding his question. He took off the sweater off of her, discarding it somewhere on the bed and started to mark the new territory exposed to him. She moaned heavily and he planted butterfly kisses at every inch of her sweet skin, enticing her more. He trailed his lips from the valley of her chest, to her stomach where he showered it with endless kisses. Remembering the little human growing there, he made sure to love it extra hard, damping it with wet kisses, not leaving any inch of skin unattended to. It made her feel lots of things. First, happiness pooling in her chest at his loving nature, second, lust and desire at his sinful actions. He made the cold December air feel like it's burning up. That's how much her husband turned her on. When he reached the waistband of her pants she stiffness visibly. He caressed her with the gentlest touch "Let me take care of you?" He asks, probing his arm on the bed, giving her the option to grant or deny. She stared at him then nodded her head earnestly. They continued their hot little session, before they decided to cuddle while napping.

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