[Chapter 08]

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"By the power vested in me, I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" Silas heard the words and shifted to the woman standing in front of him.

His wife, he thought. He didn't think he'd get married anytime soon, alas he knew this was no ordinary wedding. He was forced to take on the role of the groom instead of his missing brother. That meant, the woman standing in front of him, was his wife only on paper. She wasn't his. Though he would treat her with nothing but kindness and respect until this matter resolved itself out.

When he got closer to her, he noticed how she flinched away from him. How her eyes screwed tightly shut, form shivering in fear at what follows. His heart physically clenched. Why would she do that? Did he do anything wrong that caused her to coil away? His head was spinning with a million outcome like a wheel when he neared her, he could see the fresh tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably. He sighed and opted to kiss her forehead, showing her his good intentions, while simultaneously wiping the tears away with his thumbs.

Her eyes opened in surprise, not having expected this tenderness from the man. She looked up at him with the fresh coat of dried tears at her cheeks, lips quivering slightly as he offered her a small reassuring smile that it was ok. Then, people exploded with laughter and chatter. Some opting to scatter towards the delicious food stands, others deciding it was a good time to dance, while a few lingered in their seats; engaged in light conversations. The worst part is already over, she reminded herself. Then, as a sick joke she recalled what would most likely happen at night, she felt her chest tighten in response. She didn't want this, nor she asked for it.

The night went on by the fake smiles the happy couple mustered. If anyone looked past the food and alcohol and music, they'd find that it wasn't that much of natural smiles they offered. Luckily, no one dug deep enough, all people seemed to care about doing was having a good time. She prayed silently in her mind for the night to come to an end. For all of this, the people and the decorations, would fade away. She couldn't take on any more people approaching her and congratulating them on tying the knot. More of a knot to her throat, she thought.

The festivities finally reached an end, where both families were tired of the excessive dancing and consumed by exhaustion from this eventful day. People eventually started leaving, stating their goodbyes and well wishes before taking off home. The weight of the situation downed on her when she entered the closed confines of his car. She was certain of what was awaiting diligently at the end of the drive, and she didn't look forward to experience it. The drive consisted of Silas driving behind the steering wheel, while she occupied the passenger seat. Fortunately, her simple dress allowed for her to take adequate space instead of hindering her movements. Still, she squirmed in her seat mentally, fear growing further and further into her mind. She stared off the window, avoiding eye contact at any cost and her fingers twiddled in her lap anxiously, while she pursed her lips thinking of what laid ahead.

Soon, the tires came scratching against the asphalt grounds, serving as a stark reminder to where she was. Whom she was with, and what was about to happen. Her voice got stuck in her throat as she gulped, Silas got out of the car and sauntered to her side in order to help her with her dress. She ignored the assistance and recoiled back in her shell. They started making their way to the front door, her becoming more hesitant with each step. He walked in further until they halted in front of a door. Silence grew more and more unbearable. She knew what this meant. She wouldn't comply. But, wouldn't it make it all easier if she did? What a mental dilemma Tatiana went through.

He opened the door, ushering her inside, then himself entering after her. The room was decorated simplistically. A huge king sized bed in the center of the room. A spacious closet to the opposite wall. Two nightstands adorning each side of the bed. A simple beige rug laid in front of the bed. And a door to the side indicating a bathroom and shower. It looked like a normal room. In her mind, it symbolized her worst nightmare. What would she do?

Before her thoughts got the best of her, her husband opened his mouth "The bathroom's there, would you like to change and freshen up?" He offered with a gentle tone, seeing the girl on edge in his presence. She nodded and fled there, after taking a hoodie and sweatpants from the closet there. They already got her things arranged here? Wow.

Once the door closed behind her, she let out the breath she'd been holding for the entire night. Her chest heaved up and down and she paced back and forth in the small room. Looking herself in the mirror, she despised what she saw. A helpless little girl in a hopeless situation. She couldn't save herself. The man was twice her size, she couldn't take him out if she tried. In fact, it'd be stupid to even try.

She willed her breathing to calm down. 'I'm here and I'm ok' She repeated this calming mantra in her head until her breath became somewhat normal. She looked at the shower longingly, eager to wash all the sweat of today off her body. She looked at herself, still dressed in white. There was no way she could take off the monstrosity of this dress alone. And she certainly wasn't about to ask the man outside. No matter how tempting a hot scorching shower she wants, sadly it couldn't happen at the moment. Guess she'll have to sleep in this thing until tomorrow morning, then she'll think of something. She'll even tear the dress down herself if it ever came to that. She washed her face clean of all the makeup, pleased to have gotten that off. She stalled in her movement as she was drying her face with a towel, when she heard the knock.

"Sorry to interrupt, it's that you've been in there for a long time. Is everything ok?" Came the worried voice of Silas, Tatiana squirmed in her position, growing anxious at his words. He was there and this wasn't all a bad dream. She contemplated her options, she could either try to run away through the small window or ventilation like people did in movies, or she could stay here locked in, until he grew tired of her resistance and broke the door down. She chose the third option.

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