[Chapter 28]

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After a hefty car ride, that consisted of heartfelt screams from Tatiana, puffy breaths inhaled and exhaled the entirety of the journey, they made it to the hospital. Silas shut the engine down immediately, knowing it was bound to be quite a while before they finished their business here. In less than a moment, he was crouched by Tati's side, helping her painstaking figure onto the ground. She hissed and winced, the pain stubbornly refusing to set her free. On the contrary, it only got worst as each contraction only increased in intensity from the ones previous.

They made it inside miraculously before she crumbled to the ground and were assigned a room. She laid on the bed while Silas put the bag beside her on the floor, knowing it's about to be handy. The nurse emerged from behind the door, allowing herself to check on Tati's progress. She needed to be 10 centimeters dilated..she was on a strong six. She instructed Silas to keep her company, motivate her constantly to push and push so she could reach the requirement. He nodded robotically, too disheveled. In an instance, he stood next to her, taking her hand in his and squeezing lightly making sure not to cause her pain.

Tatiana was wincing repeatedly, face red and sweaty from the nature of her current condition, her eyes closed but they needn't be open for you to sense her pain. Every strangled scream, every half cry, every bone crushing grip she held his hand. They were all more than enough to convey just how much she felt torn snd agonized. Silas sighed, wholeheartedly hating to see her in this condition, useless to offer any help or assistance, but at the same time he knew there was no way around it. "I don't think I can do this!" She breaks out sobbing all of a sudden, the pain rippling through her like a knife. He shook his head defiantly, refusing to let her give up in this crucial time. "Baby, you're doing absolutely amazing. Just a few more pushes and it should be all over soon" He trued reassuring her, to let her doubts rest assured. He could see he was failing as she couldn't comprehend his words, too much buried in her own head.

He leaned down taking her face with his hands "Look at me. You're the strongest person I know. Just a few more pushes baby, I promise" His eyes shone the utmost truth. He wanted to alleviate her of the suffering she was feeling. She wiped the streams of tears on her face, and nodded in agreement. They continued for about twenty minutes of pure physical activity in order to get her to ten centimeters, then Silas called back the nurse. When she proved to have reached the demanding amount, she came back with a doctor and so labor began.

It's safe to say the next few hours were nothing short of stress and tension in the white themed hospital room. The wails could be heard all the way to the corridor Tatiana thought, not that she cared at the moment. She was pushing a human being out of her! Another thing, that Silas and Tatiana didn't know the gender of the baby. They did have the option obviously from forth month hence on, but they both decided they wanted to keep it a surprise for when the time came. Weirdly, the time did come and they didn't even realize they were thrust into it.

The late afternoon slash evening turned into full night as the sun slipped down into the horizon, not leaving a trail behind her. The sky dipped in blues and purples elegantly while everyone in the room was too busy with the woman going through labor on the bed to pay attention to what color the sky was outside. Her heavy screams tore through her, shredding her vocal cord exhausted. She kept pushing as they encouraged her more and more. Finally, about half an hour if slow progress, a tiny shriek could be heard followed by the baby cries. Tatiana collapsed on the bed, thankful she needn't push any more, she didn't think she would be able to anyways. The nurse grabbed the baby while the doctor cut the cord. She engulfed the baby in a white tiny blanket, soon turning red from the bloody baby.

Then, she extends her hands out to Silas, after cleaning the baby out and engulfing her in a another blanket. She hands him the newborn "Congratulations, it's a girl!" She says and tears can be seen falling out of Silas' eyes. His arms welcomed her tiny figure in his as he cocooned her back and forth while she sucked on her thumb. He neared his wife ob the bed, who was glistening with drowsiness and a sheet of thick sweat, but he couldn't help thinking she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He sat on the chair next to the bed, his eyes stuck on the minute figure in his arms. She almost weighed nothing. Tatiana looked over in proudness and emotion. He could see the longing in her eyes, so he gave her their baby girl. She broke out into a cute expression as the baby nestled in her chest. Silas smiled at the scene in front of him. He planted a gentle kiss on the girl's head, and then a firm one on Tati's forehead, followed by s quick peck to the lips.

"I'm so proud of you" He stated while his eyes glistened with nothing but purity of love at both of them. "What should we name her?" She looked over at him, having not agreed in advance on any particular names. It wouldn't matter, their baby girl was here, so cute, and so healthy. He shook his head smiling while grabbing her hand "I haven't thought about it yet, I'm not opposed to anything you'd suggest" He said. She did suffer for hours until she pushed her out, she should get to name her. Tatiana looked over "I'm not sure yet. How about we figure it out in the next few days?" She quirked an eyebrow at him. He chuckled, kissing her hand "Whatever you say baby".


•The End•

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