[Chapter 07]

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Tatiana was surely going to pass out from the way her heart was beating uncontrollably in her ribcage. It wasn't the good type of adrenaline either. It was the kind of feeling predicting her ending soon. She didn't want to go through with this. She thought about running away, far off where no one would recognize her. But, sadly she couldn't. She didn't have the money for it, nor the audacity to disobey her father's words. She tried to hold in her tears as the clocked ticked more and more. Not wanting to ruin her stunning makeup, according to her sisters. She kept her head up, in a way to defy the pools of tears in her eyes. Her hair remained as is, in gentle waves cascading down her shoulders. Her wedding dress, god bless her mother this once, was a beautiful modest full-sleeves off-the-white color that covered her delicate skin.

She couldn't fathom she'd have to act ok with her rapist touching her, putting his filthy hands on her tattered body. Come think of it, he'll do more than that in a matter of hours from now. That's what made her detest her life so much. She was doomed. She knew.

When the time came, her father stood there waiting for her to join her hand with his elbow so he could lead her to the altar. A lone tear managed to escape her eye as she wiped it away as quickly as it came. She wouldn't cry. At least, not now.
She joined her hand with her father's stoic one, and with every step she took, her heart was nearing more and more to leap out of her chest. Her feet were shaking in the high heels she was wearing. Afraid she might trip and embarrass herself, she held on tightly to her father. From the side of her eyes, she could notice her sisters sat happily, bouncing with excitement at the notion of their sister getting married. They got to flaunt those big puffy dresses they bought, so why not? She was certain, if they learned the circumstance of her marriage, what caused her to agree to do this, they wouldn't be so thrilled anymore. It was too late to tell them. Too late to tell anyone, screaming out for help to get her away from the beast she was bound to spend the rest of her miserable life with. 

She kept her head down, not wanting to meet his sinister eyes and be brought back to that detested night, she'd surely pass out. She kept her eyes trained strictly on the carpet ahead, a good strategy to make sure she wouldn't trip either. Once the carpet ended, followed by the two steps to the altar, she wished she could redo the walk. Again and again and again. Anything to postpone the moment her heart feared the most. She'd gladly spend her remaining days walking and re-walking that carpet endlessly so she wouldn't have to reach the end where things get gruesome for her.

She made the two steps successfully, standing in front of the man she despised the most. She could feel her chest heave up and down acceleratingly, alarming her of an upcoming panic attack. She taped her mouth shut, forcing the bile in her throat to stay down there. Puking, surely wouldn't better the situation.

The priest commenced about the sacredness of marriage and the speciality this holy bond was, she didn't pay enough attention to it. Her eyes trained on the shiny black boots she focused on. She couldn't physically bring herself to look up in the eyes of her usurper. So she stayed like that the entirety of the ceremony, until she couldn't. The priest was asking the 'I do's now, and she'd have to look up.

"Do you, Silas black, take Tatiana Jensen as your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to hold her in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, to remain faithful to her until death do you apart?" The priest asked, what caused Tatiana to raise her head unbelievably. Did the minister say 'Silas Black' ? As in Silas, Ace's older brother?
Strangely enough, when she looked up for the first time to the figure standing in front of her, she was taken aback at the sight of the man. Him and his brother had nothing in common but their last name.

While Ace had dirty blonde hair, and strikingly icy blue eyes, his older brother possessed both black hair and eyes. He also stood so tall, almost like a giant to her 5'4 ft that was enhanced to 5'7 thanks to the heels. The man still towered over her in his 6'3 domineering height. She trailed her eyes to his face, from the shiny black hair to the onyx eyes, both creating this unmatched aura around him. His nose was pointed straight, surrounded by high cheekbones which added to his exterior complexity.

Silas took notice of the girl who looked up at him for the first time since they started. The first thing he had noticed was the stark difference of height between the two of them. She was petite in frame. Black shiny hair cascaded down her shoulders loosely. She had a button nose and puffy, naturally pouty lips. Then, her eyes, they were jet black, the same color as his, but they both looked nothing the same.

While his eyes had this look of sincerity, and a light of confidence and reassurance gleaming through. Hers were completely the opposite, looking doe-like, like a hunted prey, with this scared look since they were glossed over, the terror glinting out. He trailed his eyes subtly down her body, trying to remain respectful of his brother and the woman standing in front of him. Her body was hidden behind the velvety fabric of the dress, offering nothing away. He hummed in his head and forced himself to remain focused on what the priest was muttering.

"I do" Answered Silas in his deep tone, causing Tatiana's eyes to widen slightly at the last minute change. She grew more anxious, standing in front if this stranger, binding her life everlastingly with his. For all she knew, he could be worse than his brother. The thought sent her shivering in mere terror.

"Do you, Tatiana Jensen, take Silas Black as your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to hold him in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, to remain faithful to him until death do you apart?" Repeats the minister for her this time. She gulps down visibly. Here comes the moment of truth. She looked away at the seated figure of her father, whom held a threatening look in his eyes shall she dare say no.

She looked back at the groom who stood there awaiting her answer, she took a deep breath and the words left her mouth at last "I do" She squeaked out in a minuscule tone, knowing this was the exact moment she signed her life away. They exchanged the rings, both nervous with the weight of commitment.

Several sighs could be heard collectively, people really expected her to say no and run away like some movie. She wished she could do so, but in real life she'd have consequences to face.

"By the power vested in me, I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" The man said lastly taking her aback. Her breath picked up tremendously. She couldn't go through with this. She looked up into his eyes with hers begging him silently not to do this. She only hoped he would be merciful enough to listen.

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