The Beginning

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In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Nova woke up to nothing.

She could feel nothing, see nothing, and hear nothing.

Her dress floated around her body, as if she was hovering through space. Despite not knowing where she was, it didn't scare her. She could sense security in the darkness, and it would have lulled her back to sleep had it not been for a familiar claw suddenly holding on to her own hand.

She looked up at the radiant being before her, her eyes widening in surprise and love as she gently squeezed the hand in hers.

"Hallow. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. Where are we? Is this a new place you made?"

Hallow gently cupped his other arm around her waist, bringing her closer to rest her head against his own, "Nova. I'm afraid this is no trick of mine."

Nova was confused by how serious her lover sounded, and she swallowed hesitantly, "What are you talking about? Is everything okay."

"I don't have much time my Nova. Your brother is gone, but you are safe for now."

"What do you mean?" Nova asked, confusion and worry manifesting inside her, "Where are my mother and brother? Where am I?"

Hallow sighed, unsure whether to let the other know of her complicated, distant future. She wouldn't understand, no, not even if he explained it to her...there was no time for that. She was important to her brother's fate, but it would take years and years until her purpose was fulfilled. How could Hallow explain to the woman he cared deeply for, that she was an important part of their New Beginning? An end to all but the resolution of everything? She was much too young, too naive to face it all. One day, but not today...

"One day I will tell you everything, little Nova. You will not see your mother again, however. It's the only way, as cruel as it all may seem to your dear, complicated family." Hallow couldn't bear to see the bewildered, confused, and perplexed look on his lover's face. She blinked rapidly, her heart rate increasing as she desperately clung on to his arms. She opened her mouth to ask a dozen questions, but he placed a silver claw on her lips, "Not today."

Nova felt the tears start to sting her eyes, but she trusted the being who had raised her. She knew deep inside Hallow's tricky personality was an honest creature who wouldn't betray or lie to her. "I understand. Please, take me away from this place. I can't stand the darkness anymore."

The Halloween King scooped up his woman in his big arms and summoned a portal in front of them. He stepped inside as Nova rested her head against his chest, wishing nothing more than to evaporate from the world entirely. 


Farrah began to panic as her daughter's body vanished before her eyes.

She remembered how Isen had passed. It would have triggered a panic attack had it not been for the warm breath that suddenly covered her head. She slowly looked up, shock and disbelief taking over as she fell back and stared at the shadowy, familiar being before her. 

"No... you're not him. Who are you?" 

The monster once known as Vulcan stepped towards his mother, silent as ever but never failing to emit the energy of a predator hunting its prey. Farrah didn't even need to ask again, for once they stared deeply at each other, she knew it was her son.

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