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"What would you like? We have all sorts of delicious treats here. Try this yummy yum yum," Hallow waved a black, foreign round object in front of Nova's lips. The second she opened her mouth to protest, he stuffed it deep inside her throat, accidentally causing her to choke.

"Oh. Sorry."

Algol couldn't stop pacing the floor, his impatience eating away at him. Hallow tried to ignore the black cloud walking in circles around his dining room, but it appeared he couldn't take it anymore.

"Uncle Hallow, why is it so prickly?" Nova nearly gagged, trying to keep it together as she munched away at the unusually chewy treat.

"It's a tarantula silly. There's a lot of protein in that little booty so make sure you gobble it all up!"


"Algol. A word if you may?" Hallow turned towards the creature, waving for him to head outside of the room while Nova was distracted. Algol aggressively marched out, failing to turn around until he felt a heavy claw on his shoulder.

"Why are you so worried, friend? You're making Nova unhappy."

"You know why. This isnt normal. Farrah is not coming back and who knows where in the bloody hell she's at." Algol shoved an angry finger at Hallow's chest, "I'm wasting my time here. You should be giving the kids their birthday celebration. I have to go look for her."

Hallow wasn't happy with what he was told, but he tried not to spoil the mood, "Isn't it funny we refer to them as children when they clearly aren't?"


"Why must we fight like an old married couple? Vulcan will be with us soon and Nova will recover any second now. Let's try and be a happy, typical family."

Algol couldn't respond, conflicted by his emotions and his duties. Hallow noticed, however, and his impatience began to show, "I don't know what you want. I try and make things bearable and all you care about is Farrah. I wish you and Isen never crossed paths with her. She has caused nothing but problems."

The pumpkin King faced the other way, a pout on his face as the fire in his head began to grow dim, "You, Isen and I used to be so close. Now that he's gone, I'm losing you also. To that...that woman."

"I made a promise I'd protect her and her kids because it's what Isen would have wanted."

"Don't lie to me. You love her as well." Hallow whispered, "It's true isn't it? Your silence says it all. Get out of my sight. I don't ever want to see you again." The Halloween spirit dramatically pressed the back of his hand against his forehead, twirling away like a scorned lover.

"It's not that. You didn't even give me enough time to respond," Algol answered, clearly annoyed by how overdramatic Hallow always was, "Shut up and look at me you stupid fruit."

"I am most definitely not interested," Hallow waved his claw in the air, indifference written all over his carved face, "As your good friend, it is my duty to seduce you so you can stop thinking about that horrid human."

"Don't even."

While Hallow was busy teasing an unamused Algol, Nova sat alone in the living room. She glanced towards the entrance where both her uncles had vanished, hearing nothing but the sound of murmuring and Hallow's loud laughter. She wondered what they were talking about, and how long it would take. The woman also wondered if her mother would be joining them, after all Hallow did say Farrah would be back soon.

A grunt of pain caused Nova to focus back on the door, a smile on her face as Algol walked back inside. Behind him, Hallow followed, rubbing the side of his head with a pained whine.



"Stay here with Hallow. I'm going to go find your brother."

Hallow was close to protesting, but he immediately shut up when he realized he would be spending alone time with Nova. With a little menacing chuckle, he practically slid over to the woman and wrapped a large arm around her waist.

"Go on then, Algol. Naughty Nova and I will have loads of fun without you buzzing around."

Algol marched towards the two, slapping Hallow's hands away from the giggling human, "I won't be long."

Hallow made sure Algol had left his kingdom before focusing his attention back to Nova. A wide grin was stretched out onto his face, and for a split second Nova could have sworn she heard him growling.



"What should we do now?"

"Why don't you and I enjoy a nice walk through the graveyard. We can dress up, drink tea, speak about your future perhaps?"

Nova's eyes trailed outside the large window beside her, out into Hallow's dark underworld, "My future?"

"Why, of course! How old are you? Shouldn't you have a 'soulmate' or something of the sort by now? I personally think I have the right man for you. His name is Riley, though he's a tad bit smelly from decay-."

"Uncle Hallow." Nova politely cut off Hallow's muttering, causing a sigh of defeat to escape from his jaw.

"Oh alright. I'll play matchmaker again on another occasion." The large spirit murmured, wondering how he would tell Riley he was rejected.

"I just want to spend my time with you, Uncle Hallow. If that's okay?" Nova peered up at him, a hidden sadness lingering in her gaze. Hallow couldn't say no, not to her.

"Fine," he spat out, sparks of fire jumping from his mouth.

With his large arms, Hallow gathered the woman close to him. Nova rested her hand against his orange cheek, focused on his face with a serious stare, "Thank you for putting up with me. I only wish everyone was here so they could join us."

"I don't. It's much more pleasant being able to spend this gloomy night with you and you only."

Nova's face glowed with happiness, and she rested her head against Hallow's chest. For a moment, she forgot everything around her.

It was just her and Hallow and nothing else mattered.

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