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"Algol will not be happy. I think he will be quite...unhappy," Hallow giggled like a little boy, watching the two twins conversing from afar.

Upon discovery, Samael had pulled the spirit to one side, insisting they needed to speak privately. Besides, it seemed the unusually giddy Nova had questions for her brother as well.

"It doesnt matter. Algol won't find out about this until Vulcan's purpose is fulfilled."

Hallow rested his head against his palm, examining his friend with a tight smile, "The boy doesn't know who you really are, does he?"

"No," Samael responded bluntly, "And he won't know. At least not yet. Is that clear?"

Hallow nodded, chewing on the tip of his metal claws as he attempted to surpress a laugh that threatened to explode from his mouth. Samael noticed, however, and he turned to the other bitterly, "What now?"

"I was merely thinking. For everything to flow smoothly, perhaps it's time for that vicious Vulcan to be introduced to the Master."

Samael stared at Hallow for what seemed like forever, then focused back on the distant figures of the twins. He rubbed his bony hand against his arm, seemingly nodding with approval, "I think you're right."

Silence followed until Samael sighed deeply, tearing away from the scene, "I'm off."

"Who will you be hunting next?"

"It's Algol. I must find him before he finds that human on his own. Hallow, I will count on you to prepare Vulcan for the Master."

Hallow beamed, "I shall do as you ask."

A blueish black smoke surrounded Samael's bodies as he began to walk off into the forest. Once it diminished, the skeleton was no longer there. Instead a horned beast with a row of sharp fangs and glowing sockets stood tall, growling as it scratched its skull.

Samael turned towards Hallow, pointing a threatening finger at the spirit, "That girl is to be left behind. Vulcan is the only one who matters now. We are so close. Mark my words, she will only get in the way."

"I'll think of something to distract the soft one. We will await your return."

Samael hissed, clawing his way through the trees as he proceeded sniffing the air for a hint of Algol's scent. From behind, Hallow made his way out of the shadows and began to march towards the twins. His gaze lingered on Nova for a while before he realized he was getting distracted. Clearing his throat, he plucked out an orange handkerchief from thin air and waved it above him in an attempt to get Vulcan's attention," Yoohoo! My devilish little boy. Come here for a moment. Uncle Hallow must speak with you in private."


Samael never thought Algol would return to Haven, especially after what happened to Isen. Yet there Algol was, standing in the middle of the abandoned structure as still as stone.

Not caring about being discreet, Samael teleported directly in front of Algol who didn't seem at all surprised by the others sudden appearance.

Samael crossed his arms over his chest that glistened due to exposed muscle. He huffed loudly, seemingly annoyed, "Look what you made me do," he spat venomously, stepping towards the other.

"I haven't used this form since the last time I was on a hunt. I hate it," Samael shook his body, slowly shrinking down to his usual skeletal self. Patting down his dusty clothes, he approached Algol, "What are you doing here? There's nothing left, only ruin and decay."

Algol did not respond, but it was merely because he had nothing to say. Samael sighed heavily, his lifeless sockets seemingly flaring with life as he rested his hand on his companion's shoulder.

"Come. We have much-."

"You had nothing to do with it. Did you?"

Samael tightened his grip on Algol, cocking his head to one side, "What do you mean?"

The creature lowered his head, staring deep into Samael's lifeless face, "Farrah's disappearance. It's strange how she's gone the day after she was talked about in the meeting."

Samael tightened his clenched fist, smoke seemingly escaping from the holes in his skull. "Are you blaming me for that woman going missing? How dare you." He snorted loudly, grabbing a firm hold of Algol by his jaw and pulling him down closer towards him, "You and I will be going home, because there's something special coming up."

Algol attempted to pull away, but Samael was much stronger.

"What's coming up?"

"Oh, you'll see. Our plans will finally begin, and that is all that matters. Do you understand, Algol? Farrah is the least of our worries- for now, that is."

Algol didn't respond as he was finally let go. He straightened his head up, glancing behind him as the other begin to guide him out of Haven.

When they disappeared into the fog that had permanently surrounded the place, Algol could faintly make out the shape of a rather tall, slender being left behind in the ruins- their branch like horns stretched out towards the sky.

But it was only the trees.

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