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Algol stood outside of the home he had created for Farrah and her children long ago.

There was always a sense of calm and peace whenever he was there, but now that Farrah was missing, the dwelling didn't seem as inviting as it once was.

The creature took one step forward, his claw reaching out towards the front entrance. Before he could pull the door back, he paused to admire how withered and decayed the wooden entrance was. He lifted his head and stared at the cobwebs, dust, and dirt piled outside the structure. Algol didn't even realize the place was falling apart.

"She's not back," a somber, tired voice broke the silence that had surrounded Algol. He lifted his head, making contact with a tall, slender man hiding behind a devilish mask.

"Vulcan? What are you doing om the roof?"

Vulcan merely stayed put, his sad blue eyes glowing with emotion as he slowly bent down, "I've been thinking." He finished in a bitter tone.

"Come down."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Vulcan interrupted, clawing his way to the edge of the roof, "My father was a unique being, unlike any out there. He was murdered by those...those disgusting people. You didn't think I'd find out. Well now I have."

Algol was at a loss for words. He could sense the bitterness and hate spilling out of Vulcan's mouth.

"Who told you?"

"It doesn't matter. I know everything. You can no longer hide anything from me." Vulcan straightened up, hopping off the ceiling and landing directly in front of Algol.

"Don't worry, uncle. Nova will know nothing of this, but I need to ask a favor of you." Vulcan finished, slyly inspecting a rather annoyed Algol, "Like I said, my poor mother isn't here. You and I both know she wouldn't just leave. The only option is that she was taken by force."

Algol had a strange feeling he knew where this was heading.

"It was obvious humans hated her the most, after all she practically caused the death of all the people in Haven when she fell in love with my father."

"Listen here. You're not thinking straight. The people of Haven have all been killed."

Vulcan wouldn't even listen, "Perhaps some humans from another dimension discovered what happened in Haven. It makes sense they'd be searching for Farrah, perhaps even Nova and I. Of course they'd come after the both of us when they're through with her...it all makes sense now."

Algol couldn't tell what was going on in Vulcan's head at the moment. He seemed to be in shock, yet he didn't even realize it. Most importantly, how did Vulcan find out about Isen's death? Algol had to cut off the man's rambling before he poisoned his mind any further with his suspicions.

"Stop right now and listen to yourself." Algol tried to grab a hold of Vulcan, but the other latched on to his arms, pulling him close with a strength Algol had never witnessed before.

"It makes sense some humans took her, right? Don't you want to find out where she is?"

"Vulcan...I'm sorry about Isen," Algol laid his claws on the man's trembling shoulders, "I loved your father."

"How can you say that when you haven't dealt with the rest of humanity. People are the reason my father is dead."

Algol could now see that Vulcan wasn't trembling with sorrow, but rather anger. Pure, genuine anger.

"That's enough. You're going to tell me who told you about Isen. Was it that pumpkin?"

Vulcan didn't even respond. Instead, he began to circle around Algol like a predator eyeing its prey, searching for the slightest hint of weakness.

"You say you love my father, yet you fail to show it," the cruel words stabbed into Algol's gut, igniting a flame of spite he hadn't felt in a long time.

"My father was slaughtered by the humans and now my mother is gone as well. You know who is to blame. It's humans. They've taken everything from us and we're doing nothing about-."

A small grunt of pain escaped from Vulcan's throat the second a large claw flew directly at his neck, sinking nails into his flesh. Algol didn't realize he was choking Vulcan until the other began to laugh like it was all some sick joke.

"Vulcan. I didn't-."

"You did. Brutality is in your blood. You've become way too soft."

Algol felt a tang of recognition cross his mind as Vulcan rubbed his covered neck. He slowly glanced up, swallowing when a familiar wave of energy began to radiate from the masked man.

Algol could feel Isen, only it wasn't the Isen Farrah knew.
No, this was the monster Algol had known from the very beginning of time- merciless, hateful, and bloodthirsty. His mind flashed back to the dark painting Hallow had uncovered in his kingdom, and he realized everything was now falling into place.

Vulcan's raspy cough pulled Algol out of his thoughts. The creature watched with sympathy at the being he had practically raised on his own. For so long he was worried about what he would do when the New Beginning started to become reality, but now that he was there with Vulcan, he couldn't deny his inner feelings any longer.

Algol got down on all fours, face to face with the one who would bring darkness to the universe. The one who was so different from the rest of his living family. The one Isen would say was just like him.

"You are like your father. I love you for that and more. Whatever you need me to do, I will be at your service."

Vulcan paused for a moment, seemingly trying to digest the fact that Algol was now on his side entirely. With a sigh of relief, he fell to his knees and embraced Algol, tears streaming down his face as his companion squeezed him tightly.

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