Lost and Found

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There was a sound of fire crackling in her ears as she struggled to open her eyes. They seemed to be frozen shut, but of course it was only a feeling. The light beads of sweat forming on her forehead signaled to her that wherever she was was warm, and slightly humid.

A groan escaped Farrah's mouth as she finally found the will to lift her eyelids. Everything was blurry, if not completely foreign to her. It took her a long while to realize what she was looking at, and where she was.

"Shit," She groaned softly, pulling a blanket away from her body. That was the least of her worries at the moment. In fact, it was where she was that troubled her most.

It was most definitely a cave which was only illuminated by the fire pit before her. Whoever had created it and how she had gotten there was a complete mystery to her, however. She remembered writing a letter for her children, then going to sleep. Could she still be dreaming?

Farrah's fingers reached out for the interior walls, running them down the rough texture. She was now more awake than before and was able to pull herself together enough to search for some sort of escape.

The sound of small feet scurrying deep in the darkened cave caused her to freeze however, and she froze halfway through her walk. Her eyes searched around until she was sure there was nothing larger roaming about. With much softer steps, she resumed tiptoeing towards the darkness, as there was no visible light that could signal some sort of exit was close by.


The woman whirled around quickly, swallowing uneasily as her name bounced off the walls, ending in a silent whisper. She paused, turning back to where she was heading, until she heard it again.


"Who's there?" The woman replied defiantly, "Show yourself!"

As if in cue, she began to hear footsteps. They were making their way towards the fireplace just a few feet away, and Farrah braced herself. She crouched down and tightened her grip on a nearby rock, raising it high above her so she could throw it at whatever was coming her way. 

"Farrah...? Are you...okay?"

Farrah rose, swallowing heavily as her eyes slowly looked up, resting on a pair of old boots standing before her. The beam of light shining down upon her was so bright she could barely make out the face of the individual.

"Wh-what are- who are you?" She hesitated to speak and wanted to say more was it not for the sudden shock she received. The light that appeared to come from a flashlight moved to the side, revealing a face lost in time and space.

All at once, flashbacks of the place Farrah hoped to forget started to come back....the beating, the betrayal, Isens death.

"Skye," Farrah almost whispered, her shock turning to horror then anger, " You...y- how are you alive?!" She rose to her shaky feet, glaring daggers at the man who merely stared back with uncertainty and a hint of guilt.

"Why are you alive?! You deserved to die along with your father!" She yanked the rock from the floor, raising it above her as tears rolled down her face, "ISEN is dead because of YOU!" She hurled the rock at his face with all her might but to no avail. He stopped her, hand clenched around her wrist as tears of her own started to spill from his own eyes, " I should have. I have been living with regret ever since that day...I am so sorry, Farrah, I am so sorry for what I did to you."

Farrah's lip trembled as she looked down at her hands, envisioning her last moments with Isen, the father of her children, the being she never knew would change her life completely...her love.

The pain came back, and it was as if she was reliving the moments of Isen's death all over again. Her cries echoed through the cave, shaking Skye to the core. He could feel her anguish and all at once hugged her tightly. She attempted to protest but immediately gave up, clenching on tight to the man as they both trembled and sobbed in one another's grasp.

"I know Farrah," he whispered, "But there's something we both have to do. I brought you for a reason. Please." Skye let go of her, searching deep into her red eyes, " Follow me. There's something going on that involves your son. I have to explain it from the very beginning, though. Back to that night at Haven..."

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