A New Beginning

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Algol felt it from the darkness, a tremor, much like a ripple in a calm lake.

He lifted his head, staring out at the fog surrounding him. He expected to feel the strange sensation again, but it didn't come back.

The creature stood still for what seemed like forever before he began to slowly crawl back to where he had come from.

Fresh blood slid down the sides of his jaw as he gently licked away the strings of flesh clinging to his teeth. Algol had just feasted on countless human bodies, but it wasn't because he was hungry. He had to remind himself who he really was, and it seemed to work.

Soft growling escaped the monster's gaping mouth as a familiar structure began to take shape. It was the church of The Order, the lamps outside barely illuminating the night.

He paused for a moment; eyes glowing brighter as he sensed the tremor again. It was much stronger, but this time he knew where it was coming from.

On his two feet, Algol began to trot towards the church, his sharp claws sinking into the side of the structure as he attempted to make his way up the roof. Up above was a stained glass window with a good view of the whole congregation down below. From there he would be able to see what was going on.

The closer Algol got to his destination, the louder a certain rhythmic chanting grew. He huffed loudly, quickly hoping on to the roof and towards the window.

The beast held his breathe as he peered down, his vision absorbing the colorful, warped scene below. He stayed still, trying to decipher who was who and what exactly was going on. His gaze travelled from one distorted shape to the other, then rested on an unfamiliar rather large black one. It was swaying from side to side as it made its way down from the front of the church. The more Algol focused on it, the more he realized that the thing was now staring up directly at him, its horns branched straight up, almost like-.

"Beautiful isn't he," a voice rose up from behind the creature, causing him to whirl around with a hiss.

It was Samael, his bony grin seemingly growing wider, "Why don't you come inside? He's about to feed."

"So it's happened, hasn't it," Algol's words slithered out of his jaw, his gaze unwavering as he stared directly into Samael's own sockets, "Vulcan is gone."

Samael didn't seem to like the last remark, but he didn't respond immediately. Instead, he wandered over to Algol's side, looking down at the hazy monster down below. Finally he spoke, "He's still there. He's only changed on the outside."

"What has he changed into?"

Samael clapped his bony palms together, "Why don't you come down and see for yourself?"

Algol growled angrily, disappearing in thin air along with Samael.

They were now suddenly inside the church, the heat and smell of copper pervading the air around them. Algol stared out at the congregation of monsters, then down at a few gagged humans trembling before a very large shadow.

Algol stepped back in surprise, realizing Vulcan's new form was much larger than anything he expected.

"What is this?" Algol quickly muttered, never breaking eye contact with Vulcan.

The man's new body was dark and wispy like smoke, but there was no mistaking his shape. The shape was of Isen, his father.

"Like father like son," Samael replied affectionately, his fingers fluttering in the air, "And now we must continue on our path to salvation. Farrah must return to her children, don't you agree?" His empty stare hid a menacing expression.

"You know where she is?"

"I want you to bring her back, Algol. And I want her here quickly." Samael stepped behind one of the captured humans, resting his foot against their damp, trembling back, "Whoever she's with has to be dealt with accordingly."

Algol could feel himself salivating as the stench of fear and blood began to grow stronger, "Do you want them dead or alive?"

Samael shoved the person, a cry of fear escaping their muffled mouths as they fell before Vulcan.

The smoky monster bent down low, a black line of saliva dripping from his jaw as he sniffed his victim. Before the person could properly look up, a snap of his wrist was enough to send their head flying clean off. It bounced against the wall of the church, causing the crowd to grow more excited.

Algol stared with quiet awe as Vulcan merely stepped over the corpse, moving on to the next captured soul and tearing them apart as well.

"He's not eating them. He's mutilating them, " Algol muttered, watching as pools of blood began to form around his claws.

The skeleton turned towards his friend slowly, drops of fresh blood sliding down his face, "Hate is a marvelous thing really. What makes it powerful? More hate." He barely flinched as more droplets of ruby red fluids stained his side, "Bring the man who's with Farrah here. And bring him alive. Vulcan must finally confront his father's killer."

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