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A cascade of blonde hair flew down past her shoulders as she sat across from her brother, a strawberry in her fingertips.

"How do you know you don't like it unless you try it?"

He snatched it from her grip, squeezing the piece of fruit in between his gloved hand.

"It smells awful. I don't know how you can stand eating so much fruit, Nova."

Nova pouted, resting her cheek against the palm of her hand as she witnessed Vulcan wiping the smeared contents on the table they were on. Her eyes trailed from his hand up towards his face- well, what was covering it.

Vulcan had become extremely sensitive to light as he reached adulthood. Farrah wanted to keep her son indoors at all times, but he wouldn't allow it.

Vulcan asked Algol to bring some materials he could fashion into a mask and wear when he was outside. It took a while, but the man was finally able to create a head piece that proved to be useful.

The only reason Nova didn't like what Vulcan was wearing nowadays was because he appeared too intimidating. His clothing covered every part of his body, not allowing a single inch of skin to show, and his mask was menacing, almost diabolical. She believed he purposely made it like such to terrify her- and it worked.

Despite it all, though, Nova felt more sympathy than fear. She loved her talented brother dearly, and seeing him not only severely scarred but having to deal with certain issues she was unaffected by saddened her. She constantly wished she was the one affected with his troubles instead of him.

"I know that face," Vulcan spoke up, pulling Nova out of her thoughts.


"I don't want your pity." He finished, impatiently tapping his fingers against the wooden table. Nova felt a little guilty as she bowed her head, twirling her thumbs together. There was a moment of silence before a small smile appeared on her face. She was beaming, reaching out towards him with wide open arms.

"You're so cute!"

Vulcan stood up, inching away from her grasp, "Can you not?"

Nova giggled, trailing after him like they were kids playing tag. Vulcan figured it was no use avoiding her and rolled his eyes as she bounced into his arms, nearly squeezing the life out of him.

"You can let go now," He grumbled, giving her one uncomfortably tight squeeze which left her gasping for air.

"Ouch," Nova rubbed her sides, chuckling with a mixture of pain. "Do you think mom is awake yet?"

Vulcan patted down his clothes, brushing away whatever his sister had left on him, "She's not. Her hearts in a calm state right now."

Nova scrunched up her nose, always amazed at the ability her brother possessed, "How fast is my heart going right now?"

"Pretty fast. You need to stop eating all that candy Uncle Hallow brings."

"But I love his candy! Have you tried his pumpkin tea? It's the best!"

"It's nothing but sugar."

"Exactly," Nova winked, scooping her arm around her brothers own. The both of them strolled down a small hill, chatting about random things that popped into one another's minds.

Despite their many differences, the twins were inseparable. Both Algol and Farrah were pleased with this, after all, there was no one else that could keep the two company. Farrah was usually locked up indoors and Algol had things to do on his side of the universe.

It was safe to say that Nova and Vulcan were closer than ever before as they reached adulthood. They were together every second, and despite their childish quarrels, they would quickly forgive one another. After all, they had no one else to tease, or share their inner most feelings with.

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