Chapter 7-S2/E8 Rose part 3

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"It's with Katherine, in the tomb under Fells Church." And soon, that sentence will be a complete and utter lie.

Suddenly we hear a crash from upstairs. "What is that," I look over to Elena, she seems to be thinking the same as me. Damon and Stefan. "I don't know," Rose doesn't seem that concerned though. "Who else is in this house," Elijah is getting pissed now. "I don't know," seems Rose is fed up too. Elijah grabs my hand and roughly takes Elena's arm and drags us out, ushering Rose out as well. "Move!" ow, okay, no need to yell sweetheart. 

We get to the front room, and Elijah continues to look around, trying to find who's there. Someone speeds past, pretty sure I caught a glimpse of a leather jacket meaning that was Damon. Elijah shoves Elena over to Rose and presses me behind him. I pull away and grab Elena from Rose, not trusting the strange vampire with my sister. Another figure speeds past, "Rose," Elijah warns. "Elijah, she doesn't know," I am fed up with the repetition. Another figure speeds past, and we hear, "Up here," Stefan! 

Elijah speeds up the stairs, "Down here," Damon, he sounds so smug, this is why he's my second best friend. Gosh, I love that idiot. Soon, there's a stake in Elijah's hand. "Elijah!" I don't know why but I'm so worried about the gorgeous man, he can certainly handle himself. He's pissed though, he pulls the stake out like it's nothing, then throws it down. Then I'm in front of Damon, next to Rose. He presses a finger over his lips signaling for us to be quiet. I grin at him.

"Excuse me! To whom it may concern," Elijah yells, I try to keep quiet but hearing him angry makes me want to go comfort him... or jump his bones, but that's not important. "You're making a huge mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can't. You hear that" I hear something break and look at Damon confused, he mouths 'coat rack' and I nod. "I repeat you cannot beat me. So I want the girl" I hear more sounds of things breaking. "And what's mine on the count of three! Or heads will roll."

Fuck, being called his sounds so nice. "Do we understand each other?" Then I heard Elena, "I'll come with you, just please don't hurt my sister or my friends, they just want to help me." What is she doing? "Where is Maddison?" Elijah demands. "What game are you playing with me?"

I step out and see Elena has a... vervain bomb? She throws it at Elijah and it explodes in his face. He screams in pain, and I gasp. He looks back to Elena, going after her. After throwing the bomb she had fallen to the floor, terrified. Stefan comes down the stairs, shooting stakes at Elijah. Elijah just keeps going, and Stef keeps shooting.

When Stefan runs out of stakes he tackles Elijah, they tumble down the stairs and I just barely get out of the way in time. When they stop rolling, Elijah is immediately standing. Then Damon comes from behind Stefan coat rack in hand, and... stakes Elijah in the heart... killing him? It doesn't really feel like he's dead... he's an original... so... he's okay...?

By the time I've come out of my thoughts, Damon has staked Elijah to the door. You know what, I'mma leave a note in his pocket. I conjure up a note with the words 'Room with the open window and blue curtains, I'll wait up for you - Maddison' and the house address. Damon comes to me once he's made sure Elijah is stuck to the door, "Hey Maddi, you okay?" I nod and smile at him, "Yeah Day, I'm good" I glance over at Stefan and Elena, "Are you okay?" Noticing where my gaze landed he just nods and gives me a reassuring smile. "Okay, let's go." He tells the couple.

They start walking out but Damon notices that I stayed in place, "Maddi, c'mon." I look at him and smile, "I'll be there in a second, I just gotta grab something." He nods and tells me to hurry. Once he's gone I walk over to Elijah and slip the note in the breast pocket of his suit jacket. Then I make my way out of the house. 

~Le Time Skip brought to you by Bonnie and Damon making pancakes in the prison world and then a food fight breaks out~

We are on hour second hour on the way back home and I'm ready for a nap so I'm gonna go ahead and sleep for the next two hours. 


I'm back at the house, I sit up, I'm on that worn-out couch AGAIN. I hear something. I stand and walk out, into the main room, Elijah is still staked to the door. I walk closer to him, he's still that awful grey color. I lay my hand on his cheek, then I hear the sound again. It's coming from him, he's waking up. I step back, and put my hands out in front of me, focusing on the coat rack. I jerk my hands back toward my body, pulling the stake out. Quickly, I stick my right hand out, palm up, to catch Elijah, and slowly lower him to the floor.

The grey color drains away and Elijah begins to move, he raises his head. He looks into my eyes, "Hello there," his voice echoes through the room, sending chills through me. He tries to stand but struggles, I rush over to help him up. Once he's standing, I notice that his eyes are lingering on my neck. "Go ahead," I tilt my head allowing him access. He hesitates, looking into my eyes, searching for something, then he leans down. He presses a soft kiss to the left side of my neck, then he bites. I don't feel pain like was expected like I had felt all the times I had before when Damon got injured and needed blood right away. I wrap my arms around his middle, wanting him closer.

I feel him pull his fangs out of my flesh but he stays there. Almost as if debating if he's done or not. He lifts his head, looks into my eyes, and then his lips are on mine. His lips were soft and warm, and the kiss was chaste. My 5 foot 6 inches self, realizes that he's leaning down quite a bit so I pull back, and lay my head on his chest. I hear him chuckle and damn that sound makes me melt even more. I move my head a bit but freeze when I hear the crinkle of paper. I then remember the note. I quickly pull away, I must have startled him because he freezes up.

I grab the opening of the suit jacket and reach in the pocket, I try to hurry because I can feel myself waking up. I get a hold of the paper, pull it out, and put it in his hand, and then I'm no longer in front of Elijah. I'm back in the car, my head leaned against the car window. We're home.

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