Chapter 30 - S2/E12 "The Descent"

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Hey guys! I'm back! Vampire Diaries is no longer on Netflix so for right now this is a filler chapter.

If anyone has suggestions on what other fandoms they'd like fics for, write them in the comments! I thought about maybe writing a True Blood or Twilight fic.




"Nik? You okay?" After explaining everything going on with me seeing Finn, he just froze. I'm starting to wonder if Vampires can have heart attacks. I grab my old phone and dial a number.

"Who are you calling?" Finn asks curiously, peering over my shoulder.

"Elijah," I start as he picks up.

"What's wrong Elskan? I thought you were having a girl's night in?"

"I was but the girls left, so I called Nik. Can vampires have heart attacks?"

He snorts before clearing his throat, "My apologies, no, they cannot. Why?"

"Well, you see- I, uh, I've been seeing Finn. First was the sleepover, when you found me in the parlor. Then, it was in my dream that night, and he's here with me right now. I told Nik, and he's been frozen for about five minutes." Elijah takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Elskan, remember how you said we are a team? I'm not exactly a part of your team if you hide things from me."

"I know, and I'm sorry but at first I thought I was just seeing things cause I was tired. Then after the dream, I wasn't sure how I was supposed to broach the topic. What was I supposed to say, 'Hey, you remember your brother that's been daggered for 900 years? Yeah, I'm able to see him.' That wouldn't have been very productive, so I looked into why before I said anything."

"Did you find anything?"

"No, but I do have a theory. After being daggered for so long you become aware of your surroundings, then when I met Elijah it kick-started the bond with the rest of your siblings. Acting as sort of a beacon, Finn saw the world as it was 900 years ago until he and I made contact. Now, he can see and hear things like we do but his body is still in the coffin."

"Sounds reasonable."

"Reasonable?!" Nik screeches, the sudden interruption and sheer volume of his voice makes me jump. "How is any of this 'reasonable'? Our, technically, dead brother is able to communicate with our mate, and all you have to say is that it's reasonable!?"

"Nik," He shakes his head and hangs up. I sigh, "He hung up."

"It's alright Elskan, he just needs a little time to wrap his head around it."

"Okay, but 'Lijah?"

"Yes, Precious?"

"Can you come over?" He chuckles and says he'll be here soon. After hanging up I go into the bathroom, Finn following, and wash my face. I felt bad for upsetting Nik and not telling Elijah about Finn when I first saw him.

"You shouldn't feel bad, my dear."

"I can't help it. I may not have activated the bond with Nik but I hate upsetting him."

"You didn't upset him. He's upset with himself, probably worried I'll tell you awful things about him and you'll reject him."

"But I wouldn't."

"He knows that but right now- His self-loathing and paranoia are telling him you will. He'll probably call back tomorrow and you can reassure him then."

"Okay." I hug Finn just as a knock sounds on the front door. "That must be Elijah."

I rush down the steps, but I run into Alaric... in his underwear. "Oh, well, this is awkward." I laugh, pat him on the shoulder and slip past him.

"It's fine Ric." I skip down the rest of the steps and swing the door open. "Hi 'Lijah" I smile up at him. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me.

"Hello, Elskan." I pull him up the steps where Alaric stands, now in a T-shirt and sleep pants.

"H-Heyyyyy, Ric. Ricky, Ricster...Laric?" He snorts, frown dropping.

"Never, call me 'Laric' again. Now, where do you think you're going with him?" He asks, pointing at Elijah.

"Uh, well, y'know just gonna go to..." Seeing the look on his face I trail off. "The Livingroom!" I practically shout. He nods approvingly. I turn around and carefully push Elijah in that direction. "Go, before he insists you can't stay." He chuckles and Alaric follows us. "What now Ricky? We're in the family space."

"Just want to meet your new friend." Under his breath, he adds, "I know I'm not your dad but..."

"Ric, you practically am my dad now. It's nice to know you care but you don't need to worry." I smile and hug him, squeezing lightly. "Now, Alaric, this is one of my mates, Elijah. Elijah, this is my surrogate father, Alaric." Elijah steps forward and holds his hand out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Elijah gives his most charming smile, "Maddison has told me a lot about you."

"Hmm," Ric takes Elijah's hand, grip firm and polite smile on his face. I elbow him lightly, "It's nice to meet you too, Elijah. But know this, you hurt my girl and I will find a way to kill you."

Elijah nods, "If I were to hurt her, I'd thank you for it." Ric nods before bidding us goodnight.

"That went well," I laugh a little. "Now, how about we watch a movie?" He agrees as I notice Finn come down the stairs.

"I thought you'd be coming back upstairs."

"Sorry, Alaric doesn't want me and Elijah alone in my room."


Elijah furrows his brow, "Who- Is Finn here?" I nod, "Where?" I point to the doorway, he narrows his eyes as if he'll see something. "Can he hear me?"

"Yes. He can hear and see just like we do and apparently tell exactly what I feel."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, after Nik hung up, I was upset. He knew that I was upset about upsetting Nik."

Elijah sighs, "My brother is prone to fits, his reactions are not your responsibility."

"I don't like that he's upset Elijah. Especially if I'm the cause."

"Well, let us call him. I'm sure he's calmed down enough by now." I nod and we both pull out our phones. Elijah chuckles and tucks his phone back into his pocket. "He's more likely to answer you." I flush a little but start a call.

Nik answers on the third ring, "Hello Love."

"Hi, Nik." I smile at him as Elijah leans over my shoulder.

"Hello brother," Nik looks a little sour upon seeing Elijah.

"Hello, Niklaus." I look between the two as it goes quiet.

"Uhm, anyway. Nik, are you okay?"

He looks back at me, "Yes, love. Why?"

"Well, it's just- after I told you about how I can see Finn, you hug up." I bite the inside of my cheek.

"You worried our mate brother. She was upset that she caused you distress." Elijah sounds firm and a bit cold. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Please excuse my distress, brother, at being told my mate is seeing our daggered brother. The brother that I daggered 900 years ago, who has apparently been in agony, aware of his surroundings for who knows how long." Oooookay, definitely a bad idea.

"Nik," He reluctantly looks away from Elijah. "If you two are going to argue, at least do it in a constructive way."

"How do you suppose we do that love?"

"Well, usually when one of us, in my family, argues, we all sit down and talk it out. That way there's a mediator and someone to keep everyone calm."

"So, we talk about our problems and you mediate, Elskan?" I nod. "I'm willing to try, are you brother?" Nik huffs but agrees, this will be fun...

*Filler chapter, I will find a solution to the Netflix issue. I thank all of you for being patient and kind. I will be coming up with an update schedule and hopefully have more regular updates*

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