Chapter 13- S2/E9 Katerina Part 4

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(Small Note; Somethings in the timeline are going to have to be moved, it's just story sake)

"I have been in contact with my brother," Elijah said after she was out of earshot. "And what happened?"

Maddison's Pov.

"I informed him of the doppelganger's existence but," he stopped looking down in something akin to shame. "Elijah, what is it?" I'm confused, what could he have done? "I did not tell him about you." He mumbled but I still heard. Why would he not tell Klaus? Does he want to just leave and forget I exist? I sit there in silence for a moment as my thoughts grow more intense. A constant stream of 'Is he going to leave' and 'Am I not enough.'

My eyes fill with tears, what could I have done to make him want to leave? Will I be alone again? As I sit there a memory, long forgotten comes to the front of my mind.


"Maddison, Jeremy hurry down or we'll be late," Mom yelled. I looked at Jeremy from my spot on the floor, tying his shoes. I finish and stand grabbing Jer and I's coats. We rush down the stairs almost running into our mom. She looks down at us with a huge grin "There you two are, how are my birthday babies doing?" Remy and I scrunch our noses while looking at each other "Mom we aren't babies," Remy started. "Yeah we're six," I finished.

She chuckled as Dad came out from the kitchen with Elena. 'Lena skips over to Jer and me "Maddie, Jeremy Happy Birthday!" We smile at her before our parents usher us out the door.

Little time skip brought to you by baby Mikaelson's~

Once we reached the park, we saw Bonnie and her mom, Caroline and momma Liz, Matt and Viki, and Ms. Sheila. There was a cake (chocolate no doubt), sandwiches, and chips sitting on the table. There weren't any balloons because Jeremy had sensitive ears and didn't like the loud 'pop.' As we got closer I ran to Caroline.

"Carebear," I squealed. "Maddi," she giggled at my running form. As soon as I was close enough I tackled her to the ground. We lay there laughing until momma Liz picked us up off the ground. "Girls if you aren't careful you'll get hurt or get your nice outfits dirty," she reprimanded but smiled at us.

Another little time skip brought to you by Elijah taking care of a baby Niklaus~

We had been at the park for a good hour and a half. Everyone was either at the swings or on the slide but after a moment I felt something pulling me away and a burning on my upper right arm. As I walk over toward the bench I see a man sitting watching everyone play. He doesn't seem to notice me approaching, I look at where he is staring. It looks as if his eyes are following Elena, but why would he be watching her?

I look back at the man before putting a smile on my face "Hello." His eyes snap over to me but only for a second "Hello." I giggle feeling extremely happy, maybe it was the cake. "What's your name child?" I suppress another giggle threatening to spill out. "I'm Maddison Gilbert, what's your name?" He stares at the playground, "Mikael, what's the brunette girl's name? The one in the blue dress," I look back not remembering what color dress Bonnie and Elena were wearing.

"Oh that's Elena, she's my big sister," I smile brightly. "Why are you over here child," he asked. "Well, Ms. Sheila said that if one of my special tattoos ever hurts and I feel like going somewhere I should," I climb onto the bench making sure not to hit him or get too close so I don't make him uncomfortable. He looks at me, meeting my eyes and I begin to feel lightheaded. "Soulmate," he whispered. I bring my hands up to my head and frown. Am I getting sick? If I get sick that means Jeremy will too. I have to go make sure Remy is okay!

I jump down and I'm about to take a step when he lightly grabs my hand. "Where are you going," he frowns. "I feel dizzy, if I am getting sick, that means Jeremy is too," he seems to get a bit annoyed. "Whose Jeremy?" I turn and point to Jer, "My twin, we're six today." He hums before smiling. "How about I come to visit you tonight?" I tilt my head thinking it over. Ms. Sheila said that I should always trust my feelings about people because I'll always be right. She said my sense is special like that. "How will you know where I live?" he smiles again. "I'll know, trust me?" I nod. I run back to the slide and make sure Jeremy's okay. After a while we leave and I look back to the bench but Mikael is gone.

A few hours later (in Spongebob narrator's voice)

It was dark and Mom and Dad had tucked us all in, after I was sure they had gone to bed I climbed out and stood by the window. I watched for a while, slowly losing hope, but then I saw him. He motioned to the front of the house. I quietly snuck out of my room and downstairs. I opened the front door and he was waiting on the porch swing. I closed the door behind me before making my way over. I sit next to him "Hi," I whisper feeling a bit shy. "Hello little one," he mumbles back looking down at me. I giggle at the nickname, "Are you gonna hurt me?" He looks at me in surprise. "No, but why would you come out here if you thought I was going to hurt you?"

I shrug, "I didn't but I thought I should ask." He looks at me curiously "For a six-year-old you talk oddly." I frown, "Yeah a lot of people say that, my teachers and parents say I'm smart for my age," he gives a small nod. "You don't think so?" I huff a breath, "I dunno. I don't get why it's such a big deal that I talk like the adults sometimes, I'm around them a lot. I just pick up what they say." He smiled lightly and we continued to talk until the sun rose, and I had to go back inside.

For weeks we repeated this routine, slowly growing closer. One day he just never showed. He didn't show up the day after that, or the day after that. Then Bonnie's mom disappeared too. I came to the conclusion that they fell in love and left together. In the time Mikael and I had spent together I had come to love him.

<The last night he had shown up>

I waited at my window like always, but something felt different about tonight. As I see him walk towards the house I race outside to meet him. When I open the front door he's already sitting on the swing. I climbed in his lap, which I had started doing about three visits after the first one. "Hi Mika,"(Mike-a) I smile up at him. "Hello, little dove," he started calling me that a week after the first night. I asked him why and he said 'Because you are beautiful like a dove.' This night was like a few others where we didn't speak much. We sat there, me curled up in his lap and playing with his fingers, and one of his hands running through my hair. After a while my eyes began to close, but tried my best to stay awake, wanting to enjoy our time together. These nights were something I had begun to anxiously wait for. I didn't want to lose a second of this.

Mikael noticed "Dove, you are tired. Go on to bed," I lifted my head from his shoulder. "No Mika, don't make me. Don't wanna leave you." He sighed before smiling, "Alright little dove, you can invite me in now." Mikael had refused to let me invite him inside. I practically leaped out of his lap before grabbing his hand and tugging him to the door. I quickly told him to come in and led him up the stairs. As we were walking toward the door, he glanced at my parents' bedroom door. He stopped and stared at it for a moment but after tugging on his sleeve some more he continued walking with me.

He lays on my bed and pulls me to lay on top of him. I put the blanket that I had wrapped around my shoulders over us both as he ran his fingers through my hair. I slowly drifted off to sleep, and when I woke he was gone and I felt an emptiness, worse than when he and I usually had to part.

(Small Note; The relationship between Maddison and Mikael at this point is Protector(Mikael) and Puppy Love(Maddison))

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