Chapter 14- S2/E9 Katerina Part 5

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"I did not tell him of you," Elijah mumbled but I still heard him.

My thoughts were interrupted by Elijah grabbing my jaw and turning me to look at him. "Elskan, what's wrong? Have you had a vision?" He seemed worried as I blinked, "Elskan why are you crying?" He wipes the tears away before pulling me into his arms. "You're going to leave aren't you?" I let out a quiet sob, my vision blurred.

He pulls back with a confused expression, "What? Why would you think such a thing?" I sigh and look down at the table "Mikael left me too," I mumbled, starting to feel embarrassed about crying in public. Elijah waves the waitress over, he pays for the food that we barely touched before having me get up and he follows. He grabs my bag and walks us back to the car. After we've climbed in he asks, "What did you mean by 'Mikael left you too'?"

"I didn't remember before but, I met Mikael," I look at him as he watches the road but it's clear his mind is working on overdrive. "When?" He questions. "It was my sixth birthday, we were celebrating at the park and he was there. I guess he found out about Elena and came there to kill her," I tell him everything and finish when we get to what I'm guessing is where Elijah is staying. 

He speeds to open my door and picks me up. I let out a quiet yelp at the sudden movement. Once we're inside Elijah speeds up the steps and to what I assume to be his room. He sits me on the bed, "Wait here for a moment." He walks through a door and comes back holding a white button-up. "Here, you can change into this." I stand from the bed kicking my shoes off, then removing my sweatshirt and pants. I slide the shirt on and button it a little past halfway. What can I say I'm a menace.

I turn to climb back on the bed but notice Elijah staring at me from his place on the bed. I think now is the perfect time to tell him about the Easter bunny thing. "Hey, Lijah guess what," I giggle as I straddle his hips. He raises a brow, "What?" I take his hands in mine, "Apparently you're the Easter bunny." He gives me a weird look. "And Nik is the oldest and you're his foot soldier."

"Elskan, what are you talking about?" I press my lips to his, sharing the memory from this morning. I pull away and he begins laughing, "I knew you'd think it's funny." His phone rings so I roll off and curl into his side. "Hello, who is this?" Elijah sat there a moment before shooting up to a sitting position. He stood from the bed and as I went to get up as well he held out a hand telling me to stay put.

Well then... "When?" He soon began pacing. "Alright brother," he sighs as Nik... Wait! NIK! OMG! "Lijah, I wanna talk to him, please," I beg, utilizing the puppy eye that Jeremy and I had perfected at age 9. He stares at me and bites his lip before nodding. "Brother there is something that I must inform you of," he waits a second before continuing, "I have found our soulmate." Even from my place on the bed, I could hear Nik's shout. Elijah pulled the phone away from his ear with a small wince before bringing it back. "She wishes to speak to you."

He hands me the phone before sitting next to me. "Hello?" I mumbled, beginning to feel shy. "Hello love, what's your name?" I giggle hearing his accent, Oh...My...Goddess "Maddison Gilbert." He's silent for a moment, "Gilbert?" I know why he's asking. "Yeah, I'm Elena's little sister, well cousin technically but whatever." He breathes deeply"I'm sorry, love I-"

I cut him off, "Nik it's okay I've got everything figured out, don't worry." I turned to Elijah to kiss his cheek, I knew he had been worrying about this as well. "You've figured everything out?" I just then remember he doesn't know anything about me. "Yeah, I uhm know the future and stuff. Oh! I also have control over the Elements. I think I also get visions of the past but I'm a bit uncertain about it." As I finish I hear him chuckle and it makes my brain melt.

"You have visions? Tell me one love," I tell him to wait one second before handing the phone to Elijah and grabbing my sketchbook out of my bag. He takes it upon himself to tell Nik what I'm doing which is not cool. He might wanna see my awful drawings. On my way back to the bed I drop the book and it falls open to a page near the back. Note to self get a new one, it's almost full. I pick it up again and look it over. It's of me and Nik, I somehow just know it's him even though all I can see is the back of his head, standing in front of three circles a person in each. It's Elena, Jenna, and someone I don't know. This is the ritual. I'm hoping it will go differently...

I sit back down and grab the phone from Elijah. He looks over my shoulder as I begin to speak. "A few days ago I drew the ritual. Three circles of fire. Elena in one, my aunt Jenna in another, and some woman in the last one. We are standing looking at them," Elijah begins to rub my arms in worry. "We?" I smile at the slight hope in his voice. "Yeah, me and you, we're holding hands and if I remember the vision correctly then Elijah joins us soon after."

"Elskan tell him about the one you showed me in the diner." I nod and turn back to it. "Lijah you'll have to help me with names." I feel him nod before leaning over my shoulder again. I point to the far left of the paper "There's," "Rebekah," Elijah fills in. "Then," I point to the next "Someone I do not know Elskan." "Oh. Right, a woman and she is a soulmate, I can see where I drew the mark," he hums. "Then," "Finn." "Okay, then there's..." "Mikael."

I hear Nik draw in a sharp breath "Mikael?" I furrow my brows before remembering what Eli had told me. "Yes, but Nik I draw the future and everyone is smiling so obviously something will change for the better." I sit waiting for a while worried, "Continue." I smile sadly wishing I could comfort him more. "Then there's me, then you Nik, then..." Elijah playfully glares at me "Me, Elskan or have you forgotten my name already?"

I giggle as I press a kiss to his cheek "Never. Now the last one," "Is Kol." "We're all just standing arms around each other and smiling like we're posing for a picture or something." I hear a slight hum from the phone, "Sounds wonderful love." I already like Nik as much as I do Elijah. His voice makes me melt and I guarantee my drawings do not do his beauty justice just as they hadn't for Eli.

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