Chapter 19- S2/E10 The Sacrifice Part 4

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"Cody is on his way, and he really wants to meet you," Alice tells us, practically skipping her way over. Unfortunately, I began feeling a searing pain in my neck and I get flashes of Kat draining Jer. Then a stinging in my right hand. Visions of Elijah and Dr. Martin. Chanting ringing in my ears. Elena gasps from her spot at the window. Then an overwhelming feeling of worry and fear, Caroline and Tyler. A video of Mason turning. Damnit, these flashes are really annoying. Thank the gods they don't happen all the time.

Present Time~

I'm standing with Elena, monitoring the creepy chick when Lena turns and gasps. I turn to see what she's looking at and there's Damon. Piercing blue eyes meeting my own. "What are you doing here?" Elena glances at me before speaking. "What are you doing here?"

She turns as Rose walks over. "You called him?" Rose, in response, puts her hands up apologetically before pointing to me. "She told me too." 'Lena whips her head around to face me. "What the hell, Maddi?" I sigh, "I'm sorry, 'Lena." She shakes her head frustratedly, "You said you understood."

"She lied." I glare at Damon, "Actually Damon I didn't lie, I understand 'Lena but I'm also not going to let you be killed." Just then stalker chick decides to make an appearance. "Damon Salvatore." Damon looks over to Rose "Get rid of her." I quickly stride over, "I'll handle her." I grab Stalky by the wrist and she seems all too happy to have me touching her. "Sit."

She takes the seat in front of me. I grab the sides of her head, rummaging through her mind. I look over every memory of her and Slater "studying," me. It only proves to make me feel even worse. Before letting go I take all her memories of vampires away. All she remembers is that she and Slater were together, he had an allergy to sunlight, and then he abandoned her for another girl.

As I go back into the other room where Damon, Elena, and Rose are waiting I hear, "Time to go, Maddi have you taken care of the chick?" I raise a brow at him, "Of course, when have you ever known me to fail?" He cracks a small smile. Three men burst in through the door, "We're here to meet the doppelganger."

Elena steps forward, "Thank you for coming." Damon grabs her "I will break your arm." I sigh walking over and pulling his hand off 'Lena. "Damon stop." He looks at me like I've just killed a puppy, then turns to the three men. "There's nothing here for you." The man in the doorway drops to the floor with a crunching sound that is all too familiar. Damon in response to the sudden intrusion pulls me and Elena behind him.

Elijah speeds forward, looking between the two of the three left before Rose runs off. "I killed you, you were dead." Damon huffs. Elijah looks at him in amusement, "For centuries now." Then he turns to the two, "Who are you?" One of them puffs out their chest parroting the previous question, "Who are you?"

"I'm Elijah." Shivers run down my spine at the slight threat in his tone. The man shrinks in on himself, "We were going to bring her to you... For Klaus, she's the doppelganger. I don't know how she exists but she does. Klaus will want to see her." Elijah gives a slight hum, "Does anyone else know that you're here?" The man shakes his head, "No."

"Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful." Elijah shoves his hands into their chests and rips their hearts out. He, of course, dramatically drops their hearts letting them fall to the ground with their bodies before reaching a bloody hand out. Elena goes to step forward but then seems to notice he's not asking for her. She turns her head, watching as I walk to Elijah. "Hello there."

I smile up at him, "Hi." He grabs me and rushes off. He takes us to what I can only assume is The Martin's place since I don't recognize it. "Why did you not answer my messages?" He looks at me as if my lack of response has pained him greatly. "Well, Elijah, I believe in getting what you give. You didn't respond to me, so I didn't respond to you." I admit, maybe I was being a little petty but he's my soulmate, and going without him felt like I was wasting away. He sighs, "Elskan-"

I put my hand up, cutting him off, "No Elijah, you can't just ignore me for days and then expect me to be patiently waiting for you to decide that you have time for me. If you were busy then you could have said so." He lays his hands on either side of my face, looking into my eyes. "I've barely been able to get out of bed, I'm constantly feeling drained and all I could think about was you. I wondered if you were okay but then I thought 'if he wasn't at the very least alive then he wouldn't be opening my messages and purposefully declining my calls,' you ignored me, Elijah."

He makes a weak sound in the back of his throat as if he's a wolf submitting to its' alpha. "I'm sorry, please forgive me, Elskan. I was trying to make preparations for Niklaus' arrival and then I let my insecurities take hold of me." I sigh leaning my forehead against his, "What had you so frightened?" He wraps his arms around my waist. "I fear that once my brother arrives you will become so enamored by him, that you will forget about me."

I let out a small laugh, to which he looked at me offended, which made me laugh more. "I'm so glad that you find my fears laughable." He drawls out. "Yes, I do Lijah because it's completely ridiculous to think that anyone, let alone I, could forget about you." He lets a small smile fall upon his lips. "Elijah, you are my soulmate just as he is. You both hold equal places in my heart, and you always will. I will not love any of you more or less than the others."

He presses a chaste kiss to my lips, "I am glad."

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