New York Is Under Attack! (Surprised?)

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The smell of smoke blew through the air, making it pretty hard to breathe, even through a suit of steel armor. There were always fires in New York, always sirens wailing through the busy streets, people shouting, but never like this.
The firefighters had somewhat control of the fire, said by locals to have been started by a massive explosion. The police were hustling people off the streets and out of the building.
And yes, I know what you're thinking, "Why would the Avengers be called out to a simple burning building?"
That was the same thing Tony Stark thought when he got the call sent in by Nick Fury for the Avengers to jump to the rescue. Except instead of "Assembling" together to save the day, they were sent out separately on their own to different parts of the city. Apparently, there had been explosions in six different locations. What was strange about it? The fact that every location was a Stark Industries warehouse.
That was what troubled Tony the most. Why is it always me? He thought as he took a sharp dive through dark black smoke and into the building through a busted window.
He landed, immediately scanning for anyone still trapped. Pepper ran Stark Industries, but she was on vacation with family for a while to get away from it all. The last thing Tony wanted was an earful from her because the company was burnt down to a crisp.
Luckily, everyone seemed to have been evacuated. Everyone except those that had been near the explosion.
Guilt washed over Tony, he knew it wasn't his fault they had died, but he still hated having his name in the problem.
After the smoke and fire died down, the first-responders would try to find out what caused the explosion, but there was still fire in the building. Smoke was making it hard for Tony to see, and even harder to breathe.
"J.A.R.V.I.S, activate filtration system." He told his A.I.
Tiny gaps were opened in the neck of the suit and whatever fresh air it could detect was replaced with the smoke.
Tony took a deep breath in and out. The reason Tony had picked this building was because it was the only one that had an arc reactor powering it, as this building manufactured all the Avenger's equipment. Tony designed and built suits and weapons for the team, sent it to Pepper, who then sent it to the warehouse to make more of in case they needed them. Some of his own Iron Man suit designs were sent there too.
All he knew was that if the fire reached the arc reactor, it would cause an even bigger explosions, one that could possibly detonate half the city.
A radio transmit came through his earpiece.
"This is Widow here, we've got building two cleared of civilians and put at ease."
"Same here." Sounded like Clint.
"Fire has been put out at building three, all the civilians have been taken to safety."
"Good to hear, Cap." Tony replied.
"Keep the good news coming guys."
With that, he made his way down to the arc reactor to turn it off before disaster struck worse. Smoke was worse down below the building, and made it even harder to see. But Tony found the power generator and flipped down the lever to turn it off.
With a loud whizz the reactor powered down and shut off. Relieved, Tony sighed and flew back up to check on the people outside. Everyone seemed fine for now.
"Building one safely in check." Tony said into the coms.
"Great." Replied Steve.
"Everything has been taken care of here as well."
"Here too." Thor and Hulk boomed into theirs.
"Great, everyone meet back at the tower, we need a word with Fury about what happened here."
"Roger that." Cap replied.
Tony could picture him saluting to no one as he flew down to the officers below.
"Thanks for the help, Iron Man." One looked up at him and said, helping a group of people away from the building.
"Anytime officer."
With that, Tony took one last look to make sure everyone was safe and flew off towards Avengers Tower.

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