Tony's home gets destroyed...again.

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Steve grabbed the table with one hand and Tony with other. Thor lifted Natasha and Clint out into the hallway, Bruce followed, having turned out of the Hulk at the wrong time.
Thor turned around to Steve as Fury and the agents scrambled out.
"Captain, grab my hand!"
"Just get everyone else to safety, we'll get out ourselves."
Thor didn't hesitate and helped Fury and all the other agents from the building to get out. One of the windows was cracked open, so Thor used his hammer to fly everyone out down there. Clint and Natasha were helping everyone get out to Thor.
Tony helped Steve pull him out into the hall, filled with shouting and the sound of the building breaking at its hard seams.
"The whole building's coming down!" Steve yelled.
"Yep, sure looks like it!" Tony replied.
Everyone else seemed to be out to safety, except a few stragglers. Tony and Steve helped them get to Thor. They then struggled to walk through the cracking floor and falling ceiling. Steve almost fell throug a giant whole in the floor, Tony was about to yell "Watch out!", when a large, steel beam fell through the side of the building right between the two Avengers, separating them.
It was way too big a jump for either of them, and Cap didn't have his shield, nor Tony his armor.
My armor!
Tony realized that his armor was in the tower, every one of them, since he had moved in.
"Keep going, I'll find a way around."
"I'm not leaving you here, its not stable!"
"I'll be-"
Tony stopped mid sentence as the ground beneath him fell. He yelled in panic as he fell, grabbing onto anything that he could grab onto.
"Tony!" He heard Steve yell his name somewhere above.
He tried to tell him to keep going, but his voice was no more than a strangled whisper, he was barely holding onto a rusty, metal pipe, water gushing out of it making it harder to hold onto. A large piece of concrete was on his back, making it hard to breathe. He was squished between the ground and the ceiling, he tried to call his suit to him, and felt it respond to his wrist band, but everything went black as he felt himself fall, along with the tower.

Steve brushed dirt and ash from his face and eyes and tried to look around. Everything was gray and smokey. Thor stood next to him, lifting debri out of the way.
Bruce coughed behind him, and he looked back to see his fellow avengers, dusty and gray looking wide-eyed at the scene in front of them.
Hundreds of agents and workers from the tower scrambled around searching for people, luckily it seemed as if everyone had made it out safely.
Or...maybe not everyone.
Where's Tony...oh God no...
"Where's Tony?" He asked his teammates.
They looked at each other and around them. Clint was the first to speak.
"I thought he was with you?"
Steve looked at Thor hopefully.
Thor shook his head.
"I could not let you die, Stark was no where in sight."
Steve tried to calm down.
Relax, he's probably fine. He's probably on the other side looking for us.
Steve spotted something out of the corner of his eye, amidst the gray rubble, something red...ish.
The others followed his gaze and Steve ran over to it. He poked it and brushed the dust off. A red metal hand-shaped object... no no.
Steve dug around it as an Iron Man suit lay in the rubble. The others helped dig it out. The arc reactor light was off, or on but covered in dust. He stood up and pulled the helmet off, revealing the last thing Steve wanted to see.
The dusty face of Tony showed, and Natasha grabbed a rag from her bag and wiped the dust and stained blood off his face.
"Tony...Tony! Wake up, come on..."
Steve tried to keep calm, he really didn't want his teammate to die today.
Clint grabbed some water from a puddle on the ground and splashed it on Tony's face.
Tony opened his eyes and gasped. He groaned and Natasha held onto him so he didn't fall over. He tried to speak but nothing came out, except dust. Despite Steve trying to keep him down, Tony stood up as best he could.
He barely got the word out as the suit released him. He fell forwards as Clint managed to catch him.
"Whoa! Easy pal."
They let him slowly sit back down. Tony's eyes attached to something glowing from the rubble. The sunset caught something shiny.
Tony knelt down and rubbed his hand across it. A picture frame. He used his sleeve to brush the dust off to see it better. The glass was cracked. But what was visible made Tony want to curl up into a ball and dissappear.
It was an old picture of him when he was young, his dad, and his mom. It was the picture he kept at his desk in his workshop at all times.
He stood up and walked around, inspecting the rubble. Iron Man armor lay everywhere, all the gear from his shop, papers, tables, some weapons, everything, lay broken in the dust. He looked down again at the picture in his hands. He felt sweat drip down his cheek, or was it just sweat?
A hand was placed on his shoulder gently and he looked behind him to see Steve and the others standing solemnly.
"Everything we gone." Natasha murmured quietly.
And its probably all my fault...
Tony thought.

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