It All Comes Crashing Down

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"J.A.R.V.I.S, revert all power to thrusters!"
Tony commanded his A.I. He felt the wind whistle by outside as he was rushed upwards and felt the gauntlets on his hands smack against the metal of the Quinjet, dipping slowly downwards through the black sky.
He spotted the fire and smoke spilling out of the left wing and he flewup towards it. It was hard to see through the night darkness and the smokey fire, but Tony was an engineer. And it was fairly obvious to tell that the wing was totally destroyed, until they could get it back to the tower...which didn't exist.
And engine was missing, the other one damaged and causing thr fire, a large gap replaced where part of the wing used to be. He looked behind him and saw a dent in the side of the jet, and some, dark holes like someone had shot at them.
I recognize those marks...are those...repulsor marks?
Tony thought when suddenly, the ship veered sideways towards him and smacked him backwards.
"Tony!" He heard Steve call through his earpiece.
"If you're gonna do something, now would be the time!"
"I can't, the wing is totalled, no way of fixing it!" Tony searched his brain for a solution.
"Well you better find something, quick! We're about 40 seconds away from meeting our doom with the ground!" Clint called from the front.
Tony looked forwards as a big, looming dark figure came into view.
A mountain, you've gotta be kidding me!
Tony thought.
The jet was on course straight towards it, too. He closed his eyes and silently cussed to himself.
He pulled himself up and grabbed into the wing, putting all power from his suit into his thrusters again.
"I'm going to try and right this thing." Tony said into the coms.
"No, just come back inside! Its too risky!" Bruce replied.
"Its all we've got." Tony said as he pulled the jet sideways. The looming mountain grew bigger and bigger as it came into view. He closed his eyes as the ship narrowly dodged being slammed against a rocky wall.
He opened his eyes again and took a breath of relief. It didn't last long though, as the earth came closer and closer. He swung his legs in front of him to add a small boost to slow the jet from crashing. Tony could tell it was helping, but only a little.
He closed his eyes tight as the ground came closer and closer, before everything finally stopped moving.

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