Lair of Despair

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Tony woke up feeling very lightheaded. His neck felt sore as well as his arms. He finally made sense of his surroundings. He was standing back to back with a hard, rocky wall. His arms were above his head, cuffed to chains sticking out of the wall.
He looked to his left and wanted to throw up. His teammates were lined against the wall in the same position he was in. Steve was next to him, they were each about 3 feet apart from eachother.
Natasha was next to Steve, and she looked about ready to murder someone.
Natasha was right, Tony's arm was getting excruciatingly sore. His whole body ached worse than it had in a while. And he hadn't eaten since that coffee from the tower.
I wonder if that coffee mug is still in tact.
Tony wondered when he heard someone or multiple someone's walking down a tunnel leading to the trapped avengers.
He noticed Steve's shield, his gauntlet, Widow's stingers, and Hawkeye's quiver laying in a pile in the corner.
This cave they were trapped in was even worse than the last one. It was bigger, colder, and eerily resembled the one he had been held hostage in.
About five men in the same dark clothing stepped into the opening, guns ready but from Tony's view, they looked like they were on safety. Probably just for show.
They walked in and stood in a line, facing the Avengers. They said nothing and only stared.
"Um...hi." Tony said, trying to break the silence.
The line shifted as an old man with a long gray beard stepped forward. He had rings on his fingers and old fashioned clothing. The men behind him bowed and Tony guessed he was their leader or something.
"Greetings, Avengers." He spat the word out the same way the guy from the other cave did.
"You are probably wondering why I have ordered to have you all chained up like this."
"Yeah, little bit." Clint replied.
Natasha flashed him a warning look.
The man continued.
"Welcome to my lair. This is where you will be spending the rest of your lives."
Steve jerked forwards angrily.
"What do you want from us?"
The man cackled. "Ah, Captain America... nice to see you still have the same bout of leadership you did when you were busy killing my family, along with your Hydra brainwashed friend."
Tony glanced at Steve. The man was talking about Bucky, Steve's war buddy.
"What do you know about this?" Tony asked as threateningely as he could.
"Oh, nothing, nothing! The only reason I have brought you here is to watch you perish."
The team looked at each other.
"Do not worry, you will not last that long..." with that, the man turned around and walked away. All but one man left to be a guard.
"Are you kidding me? This is not how I'm gonna die." Clint said.
Natasha could easily slip through the cuffs if it weren't for her stinger bands on her wrists. Thor had metal on his hands to keep him from calling his hammer, and Bruce was staring at the ground. Steve looked over at Tony and Tony looked at the ground, he couldn't look anyone in the eye right now.
He felt like it was his fault. His armor had gone out of control and caused this whole mess in the first place. And now some random terrorist wanted them all dead.
They spent about an hour chained to a wall. Tony's wrists began to hurt from straining so much against them, and his legs were sore from standing so long.
"This is ridiculous." Thor said. "The god of thunder does not die to a chained wall."
Tony thought for a moment. He looked at the guard, still standing in the corner, but he had lost interest in staring at them stuck and struggling against a wall, so he was staring at his gun.
Suddenly, Tony got an idea.
He whistled at the guard.
"Hey, buddy!" The guard looked up.
"Come here." Tony had no idea if this man even spoke English until he said. "Why?"
"Because." Tony answered plainly.
The guard strapped his gun to his chest and walked over to Tony.
"What do you want?" He asked very rudely.
"Thats a nice knife you got there." Tony nodded at the knife in the man's pocket. He let go of his gun and grabbed the knife.
"Yeah, pretty sharp."
"Uh...yeah." Tha man began to walk away but Tony stopped him.
"Wait! That's not what I meant."
The man sighed and turned back around.
"Why can't you just die already?"
"Thats what I want." Tony said.
The man looked more confused than he had ever been in his life.
Tony looked down at his arc reactor.
"We give up."
He felt Steve and the others turn to face him but he ignored it.
"Just take my arc reactor and give it to your 'master' if that's what he wants."
The man leaned against the wall.
"You think I'm that stupid?"
"Just take it." Tony said.
"Honestly. At the very least just take the reactor. It'll go by faster, trust me."
The man hesitated a moment. He looked like he was trying to figure out what he should do in this situation.
"Come on man just take it already."
"Tony-" Steve began but Tony cut him off.
"Just grab it with one hand and twist it to the right."
The man slowly reached his hand forward and grabbed his arc reactor. His shirt was in the way but he could still touch it through it.
"I forgot to tell you before you twist, push it in."
The man pushed his hand against the reactor and it lit up, making a wiring sound, and, faster than light, a blue blast came from his reactor, hitting the man in the chest and blowing him backwards. Tony's plan was working. He leaned forwards as far as he could and grabbed the knife the man had dropped with his teeth. Thank God it hadn't cut him.
He tilted his head sideways, ignoring the seething pain rushing through his chest, and managed to pick the lock to the cuff to his right hand with the knife, using his now free hand to free his other hand. He heard shouting come from the tunnels and he quickly picked Steve's lock to his right hand. He didn't have enough time to pick the other, the shouting was coming closer. Instead, he ran to the corner and grabbed Cap's shield.
"Here. Use it." He said as he gave the shield to Steve's free hand.
Multiple men came into the opening with guns and were shouting something foreign again.
Steve threw his shield straight into the men and knocked them over the heads one by one knocking them out.
Tony gave the knife to Cap and let him free the others.
"Nice thinking Tony." Steve said as he handed him the knife.
Tony smiled and ran over to the corner to grab his gauntlet. He passed the quiver over to Clint. Cap fended off any more men that came in while freeing his teammates. Tony tried to use his gauntlet, but the repulsor wasn't working.
He rummaged through the junk on the floor and found a screwdriver and some wires. He knelt down and began fixing his gauntlet.
Steve got Thor uncuffed and took the metal off his hands. Thor immediately called his hammer to him and helped fend off against the bad guys.
Tony managed to get his repulsor lit up again and helped knock out the rest of the terrorist wannabes that rushed in to attack.
When they finally finished, luckily no one was hurt. Tony felt like hell, but he kept standing. They still had to get out of there. He found his earpiece and tried to use it. He could barely hear J.A.R.V.I.S. speaking to him.
"J, send this out to Fury at S.H.I.E.L.D.
This is Stark, we are in Afghanistan and could use a lift."
He heard the click from the earpiece which meant it had sent. Lord knows how it worked, but Tony was just thankful it had.
The Avengers ran out of the cave, some clumsily from being hung up for over two hours. The sun was way too bright for Tony's eyes to take in so he shut them hard. He tripped over sand and fell over, Steve catching him with one arm. He opened his eyes, why had everyone stopped?
He looked in front of him through watery vision. Standing in front of them was the old man, as well as a younger man and dozens of Iron Man armors, repulsors ready to attack.

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