Going Home

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Tony looked out the window to the room the Avengers were being kept in on the Helicarrier. He felt sick. His whole body ached, and his sleep deprivation was finally catching up to him. He had his arm in a cast and sling, white bandages had been placed around his leg, and he had an ice pack taped to his head. A lady was wrapping more white bandages around Tony's chest. A badge on her jacket read, S.H.I.E.L.D Medic.
T'challa placed his helmet on a table and walked over to the Avengers. Dr. Banner and Agent Romanoff were explaining all they knew to Nick Fury and some other S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Agent Barton and Captain Rogers were being tended to by some medics. Thor was cleaning off his hammer in the corner. T'challa turned his attention to Stark. He couldn't help but feel bad for him seeing him in such pain. He grimaced as he saw the scratch marks from his own claws visible on Stark's chest.
The king walked over to Tony as the medic left. He coughed trying to think of what to say. Tony continued continued stare out the window.
Tony looked over at the king, not at his face, but in his direction.
"I am... I wanted to say..." it was hard for the king to find his words.
He cleared his throught and began again.
"I wanted to say, I am sorry. I shouldn't have-" Tony interrupted him.
"Don't be. You were right, it was my fault. People are dead because of me, thousands of people."
T'challa simply stared at Tony and let him continue.
"I deserve every bit of punishment I get." He looked down. "I just don't understand why I'm still alive." He said under his breath.
"Because you are not the man you once were. You have changed, for the better. All you want is to keep people safe. I completely understand, that is why I attacked you, out of blind anger for keeping my people safe."
The king placed a hand on Tony's shoulder.
"But you should not beat yourself up about it. A good hero keeps going, no matter how hard it gets."
Tony smiled.
"You sound like Cap."
T'challa returned the smile.
He then walked off to let Tony continue to stare out the window.

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