Lost in the Wreckage

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Clint opened his eyes slowly. He felt his head banging against his skull and everything he looked at swerved left and right.
He groaned and sat up, realizing he was still in the pilot's seat in the front of the Quinjet. He looked in front of him, the controls on the dash were smoking lightly, and the glass from the window had shattered. He felt his arm sting as he lifted it and looked down to see tiny bits of glass stuck in it.
This is what I get for not wearing sleeves... He thought.
Natasha lifted her head and brushed the red hair out of her face. She coughed lightly and looked over at Clint to make sure he was okay. He looked up at her when she coughed. His blue eyes lit up with worry and he unbuckled himself from the pilot seat. She could see he had been wiping glass off his arms, luckily, her black suit had stopped any from touching her skin.
"Nat, you okay?" Clint asked helping her get up from her seat.
"I'm fine." She replied. "You should be more worried about yourself, look at your arms!"
His face turned red with embarrassment. "Let's just go make sure everyone else is alright-" He said when a loud roar sounded from outside the cockpit door.
Steve slowly opened one eye. He flet himself moving still, even though the jet had already crashed...hadn't it? Had Tony gotten it to safety in time? He put his hand on his head and felt himself being lifted from the ground.
He looked down and saw a familiar big green arm wrapped around him.
"Bruce...?" He looked up and saw Hulk's big green head look down at him. He grunted and let go of him.
Steve grabbed the side of the broken wall to the Quinjet, or what was left of the Quinjet, for support.
"Let go of me you big green ape, I can stand! I am a god!" Thor bellowed. Steve looked back at Hulk as he snorted and let go of Thor. Thor fell to the ground and his cape blew over his head. Steve heard him sigh and couldn't help but crack a smile.
Thor aggressively got up and threw his red cape back behind him. He refused to speak of that ever again, and continued to look like he meant business.
"Now, we should check and friends Clint and Nat."
"Right." Steve replied.
Hulk nodded and stopped over to the door, ripping it easily from the frame and throwing it into the void of space, revealing a pair of petrified Avengers.
"Thank God you guys are alright." Steve put his hand on his chest, relieved.
Thor smiled and walked down to help the two super spies out of the broken Quinjet.
"Glad to be alright." Clint said.
"Speak for yourself." Natasha said opening the First-AID-Kit that was miraculously still in tact. Clint rolled his eyes as Nat began wiping off his arms with a towel. She also threw Hulk a shirt.
"Here, Bruce." Hulk sighed and shrank back into Bruce, putting on the shirt.
"Tony must've gotten the jet back into a good landing position, or else we would all be dead, except maybe Bruce." Clint winked at Bruce.
"Speaking of Tony...where is he?" Natasha finished cleaning up Clint's wounds and looked around.
The others began looking around the ship, some calling his name.
Steve and Thor looked under some of the rubble from the jet. Nat and Clint looked everywhere else. Bruce knew how gravity and acceleration worked. He began trecking behind the jet, silently hoping he wouldn't find him, the last thing Bruce wanted to see was Tony smashed against the ground. Unfortunate, Bruce never usually gets what he wants.
He caught a glimpse of something shiny in the sand, he didn't know exactly where they were, some desert somewhere.
He ran faster as the last thing hw wanted to see came into view.
"No...no no no." Bruce repeated as he ran up to the pile of broken dusty, red and gold armor. Some pieces were scattered around it. The familer Iron Man helmet, non-glowing eyes with a pale arc reactor attached to the chest plate.
"Guys! Guys he's down here, hurry!"
Bruce yelled behind him as the other Avengers rushed up behind him.
Steve bent down and lifted the broken helmet from his teammates head. He was somewhat relieved to see Tony's head, dusty and bloody, still inside.
"Damn it, no!" Clint said reaching down to grab one of Tony's arms, Steve grabbing the other as he said, "Come on, we've gotta get him out of here!"
The other Avengers helped get their broken teammate back to the broken Quinjet.

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