Chapter 37

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"Aunt Deta," Haylen ran in complaining. "Father isn't making any sense." He was practically a teenager at this point. Thanks to my lack / slow aging we would more easily be seen as siblings or friends than me being his elder aunt over twice his age.

I gave Haylen a warning look. "You know you're parents don't allow me to teach you after the dagger incident," I reminded him.

Haylen let out a dramatic sigh. "You healed the dog, everything was fine," he complained. "You know Father, he says nothing and expects me to understand." He was his mother's child. Strangely, still also an only child. Quite puzzling to me.

"Haylen!" a gruff voice yelled from down the halls. In stormed my elder bother, much elder looking brother at this point.

I threw my hand sin the air. "I have done nothing," I assured him. I just got a disappointed glare from him, something I've been getting for years.

"Please Father," Haylen begged, "You wish for me to know how to fight, and Aunt Grace makes everything make sense."

"Sorry, buddy, but this time around you can't go running to Deta for help," Trevor informed him.

I let out a soft gasp. "You're finally teaching him how to that?" I questioned. "You knew how to use a whip before you were ten."

"You out of anyone should now our parents weren't great," Trevor reminded me.

I scoffed. "Got the scars to prove it," I agreed. I then turned to my nephew, "Sorry, don't know how to use a whip."

Haylen seemed close to just throwing a tantrum close to one he'd throw as a toddler.

- * -

Saddly I couldn't go out as easily as I used to. Trefor had grown greatly the last couple of year, making its plac eont he map. Thateant more people, more outside people. I went out once with my wings showing and there were plenty of watchful eyes and shared Whispers. I didn't feel safe going out without covering them up, which could only be done with a cloak. While it worked well, wearing a cloak in warm months was hell to someone with an extra high Jody temperature as well as four wings stuck under it with you.

But it was becoming autumn, which meant go out was less of a hassle. I made a trip to the market, seeing what merchants were bringing to our small (but growing) city. I were perusing foreign texts, and herbs from distant lands. Even just the smell of them reminded me for years ago when I traveled everywhere I could and tried everything I could get my hands on.

I was lost on the memory saffron brought back when I noticed two figures. Well more so one. They were extrodinarily tall. I've seen tall people before, but oddly they were entirely cloaked, hood up and everything. While I wasn't one to judge, I was curious.

To there side I noticed a smaller frame walking with them, even matching the gate. It was natural for them, from year of practice. They though had their hood down. Her hair was a graying blond. Though I recognized that face. There were features that stood out to me, the ones she gave to her son. But the enite face I had only seen in paintings or in flames.

The tal figure turned to look in my direction, noticing my gaze. We locked eyes. The woman snapped her attention to me. I'd never thought I'd seen them again. Ad the onky time I'd ever seen either before was when they died. Just standing three stalls down were Dracula and Lisa Tepes. By the looks in their eyes, they must have recognized me as well.

I wanted to go and talk to them, hav all the answers in my mind answered. Something told me not to. It was a secret for them to keep. And if they wanted to see their son, it would be their decision. I knew from experience that making decisions for other would just put them in miserable positions.

"Grace," a voice that I didn't hope to hear at the time called out. Just a glance to the side I saw the tall blond walking towards me.

"I wasn't expecting your presence today," I pointed out as he came and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Haylen and Trevor are currently in a grudge match over something I do not wish to be involved with," Adrian sighed. "I'd recommend staying out for most of the day, they might try to drag you in as well."

I smiled and shook my head. "Thanks for the arming Darling," I told them, "I don't get it, they moved out a decade ago, why do they spend so much time there?"

"They're you're side of the family Love," he reminded me, and placed a small kiss on my temple.

I scoffed. "I was adopted, there is no blood relation," I reminded him. We both softly laughed. "Since we have the day, how about we go ask Greta if she needs help with anything?" I offered.

"You and your constant need to help people, can't we enjoy one day together," Adrian complained.

I shook my head. "Well unlike you I can't easily help out in the village anymore, so I should when I can," I pointed out.

Adriannsighed in acceptance. "I guess we can help out a bit if there is anything," he agreed. We started to leave the marketplace.

I took a gpance back, and the couple were still watching me. I gave them a smile and a wink.


I gave Haylen a look as he slipped into the kitchen for breakfast. He was unfamiliar with the look, so he stopped din his track. "Sit down," I told him, gesturing to the spot in front of me, with a plate already made.

"Please, did Father finally get to you?" he pleaded, heditentlybsitting down across from me.

I shook my head. "What's going on between you and your parents is stoll between them. Adrian and I aren't going to get involved."

"Well I think letting me stay here is getting involved," Haylen grumbled.

I took a sip of my tea. "It was an agreement with your parents that your staying here because how heated it's all getting. You all need some space, and we don't want you running away," I reminded him. "But there is something we need to talk about." I cringed just thinking about it. It was three nights now, and I promised Adrian I would take care of it.

"What?" Haylen questioned, with a mouth ful of food.

"You are an adult, and you can make your own decisions, but all night, really. We have heightened hearing, we can hear everything," I told him. "And has it even been the same girl? I'm pretty sure I heard a guy once, and not you."

"Aunt Deta!" Haylen hollard out. "You said it yourself, I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions."

I shook my head. "Yes, but this is our home, that we are allowing you to stay in, so we're gonna outline a few rules, alright," I told him.

"Come on, it's not like we're any worse than you two," Haylen snapped. "I can't even tell what you're doing sometimes. Do you use your wings or something?"

"Haylen Belmont," I scolded him, "This is different. We have been together since ebefore you were conceived."

"It's still gross," he cringed.

I snapped, "Says the one who has a foot thing."

"How do you know that?" he freaked out.

"You're only the floor below, I know much worse thing about your parents," I told him.

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