Chapter 17

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I stood there with Alucard, watching the covered wagon grow smaller in the distance. "So you got rid of your wings," he commented to break the silence.

"I did!?" I gasped, looking to my back to still find the white feathery appendages. He let out a little chuckle at my reaction. "Damn, I really wish they'd go away, their heavy."

Alucard smirked at me. "I've seen you suplex that boar you call a brother," he pointed out.

"That's different than carrying half your bodyweight on your back," I pointed out.

He shook his head at me, with a slight smile. "It's getting late," he commented, looking off to the sun set. It felt like the sun just rose a few hours ago.

I let out a sigh. "I should to try to get rid of these things, I don't want to even try sleeping with them," I huffed, and turned to alos go gather my things.

As I walked I took deep breaths, something which had been excruciating painful twelve hours ago. I hoped being cln would make my wings go away, as I was terrified why they appeared. Once my Baggs were at my feet, I closed my eyes. With a few more deep breath, I imagined my back as it felt before, no extra limbs coming from my shoulder blades.

I beamed back, expecting to find the white masses still there. Instead there were none. In their place there was a torn back if my shirt, slowly having it fall off. I held it into place with one hand and threaded my bags onto the other. I've never been a fan of changing in the woods.

Instead I ran into the open castle, and found the closest I closed room. I wasn't exactly sure what it was, as I more payed attention in changing. I took off my torn dress, and slipped my brown tunic over it, leaving my leather leggings underneath.

I gathered back up everything and went to find Alucard. I should ask him promision before I crash in his castle for a while. I proceeded to walk through the halls, sticking to the ones I knew, which were probably in the worst shape. I came to the study, I knew it so, but the shattered door on the floor.

I peaked in to find Alucard sitting in there facing the door. "There you are," I commented stepping in, watching where I stepped. "I just..." I looked duo at him to find tear running down his face.

I dropped everything and ran to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, awkwardly having his face in my neck. I said nothing but just stayed there. In a moment his tears grew harder, and I could feel his body shake. That same moment he stood up and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me in tightly.

I just hugged him back, saying nothing and just letting him cry. My heart broke imagining him going through this alone. As his sobbs slowed I started to rub his back. Quickly after he broke the hug and took a step back. "Are you hungry?" I asked him, "I could go hunt a deer or something for us to cook over a fire."

"There is a kitchen," he told me, still with a few tears creeping down his face. "But what about..." I saw his eyes land on the pile of my things.

My eyes widened at what he had assumed. He thought I was leaving too. "Oh, I was gonna ask you if it was alright if I stayed in the castle with you," I explained bashfully.

His eyes lit up at my statement. He placed his hand on the side of my face and ran his fingers into my hair. I guessed it was for his own comfort. "If it's you Vendta, of course it's fine."

I sorta groaned and hit my lip. "It's actually Grace," I told him. He looked at me, confused. "My name,"I explained, touching the back of my neck. "It's just, Trevor, I figured it be easier going by that name..."

Alucard gave me a small smile. "Is that so," he commented calmly, retracting his hand. "I suppose you should call me Adrien then." He stepped away and approached my things.

It was my turned to be confused. I turned around to face him. "What?" I questioned, scurrying over to stop him from picking up all my things.

He smirked at me as I ripped a bag out of his hand. "Did you seriously think my name was Alucard?" he questioned, throwing two of my bags over his shoulder as he left the study.

I raced after him. "It's not like you were called anything else," I pointed out dramatically.

We were calmly walking down the hall ways, I could only assume he was showing me to a room, as we were carrying my things. "I'm glad you're here Grace," he confessed in a slight sigh.

I gave him a wide smile. "Now worries, I have now where else to be, but by your side, Adrien,"I assured him.

He looked ahead through the hall, probably trying to figure out where to put me. "So you got your wings to go away," he commented. We continued on that conversation until we got to a higher part of the castle.

He pushed open a set of double doors and led me in. "You can stay in this room," he said nonchalantly, "I was planning on using the room across the hall."

"Keeping me close, I see," I teased him as I sat down my things. I looked around to take in the room. The main piece was a large bed in the center of the room, with white curtens falling from the ceiling. There were colloms lining the right and left walls. Then the far wall held a wide window, which needed to hold a door, as a belcony was beyond.

"This switch turns on the lights," Adrien said, showing me a switch near the door. With a single finger, he flicked it up, and the room lit up in the disappearing light. It had to be magic, how else could it happen. "I'll teach you how this all works if you want," he offered.

I turned to smile at him. "Only if you want to share your secrets," I joked.

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