Chapter 15

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I don't know how to explain the feeling. It was like I hat a knot in my back muscles that got released, but a knit you didn't know you were there. I felt free. Something once hidden to me, always lugging around, was free to my use. Just in time to. Instead of slamming into the ground, I glided back up into the high reaches of the tower, seeing the hole I had been thrown through.

In a soared. I'm the place Dracula once stood was a burning whole in the wall, which I quickly dove into. The only other one who could have gone through was Alucard, and I shouldn't leave him alone.

I came just in time to see Dracula throw his son off him. With a flash of light I appeared behind Alucard, preventing him from falling into debre from their earlier fight. He glance back at me, eyes wide with surprise. Now was not the time. "So you live," Dracula painfully laughed at my precense.

"A lot of people were surprised by the same feat," I retorted, feeling the pain of just talking. I don't exactly know what it was, but my healing factor was much slower at the moment.

Before any other words could be said, Dracula charged. He left me, but grabbed his son, throwing him as if we're a rag doll.
I could barely keep up as I stood by watching helplessly. I barely registered it when they disappeared from the room. Onward I followed the sound of the fight, hearing the painful crashes of the fight. At least I could hope it was a fight.

Within the large halls and open rooms, the fight echoed plenty to my hearing. Did everything become louder? Was that from my injuries? I didn't have anytime to question much, as the sound of footsteps came from down the hall.

I turned to find two of my team. Sypha and Trevor. They only paused for a moment. "He's alone," was all I could manage to say.
With a nod onward they ran, me following behind.

We came just in time. A shrivling, dying Dracula was slowly approaching his son. Before anything could be questioned, Trevor rushing in and sliced off his head.

Sypha stepped in. "Step back, let me finish this," she asked of Alucard. With a nodd he took a hesitant step back. I mad eye contact with him from across the room, and gave him a reassuring smile. Sypha burned the body.

Freed out came a dark ominous smoke that circled the room. I came in and pulled the four of us together. I stratched out my arms and a clear barrior spperated us from the smog. Once it cleared, all that was left was a ring, and burnt carpet.

"Is that it?" Sypha questioned, the same thing we were all questioning.

Trevor seemed almost astounded. "Oh God," he gasped, "Did we... did we do it?"

"We did," Alucard solomly said putloud, as he stared at the ground. I stepped over to stand by him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I killed my father."

"You ended a war on human kind," Trevor pointed out. I shot a glare at him, not that he was wrong, but he had such an insensitive tone.

Sypha stepped in, "Trevor's right, you've saved countless lives." I thought that was all they were going to say. "But it's alright to mourn the man too." I'm glad I'm not the only one who took what happened from both sides.

Alucard reached up and covered my hand in his own. "He died long ago," he let out with a sigh, finally looking forward.

With a silent moment we started walking out of the room. "So you've got wings," Trevor said what I new they were all thinking.

"Yea," I said with a gssp, "I got them after I was thrown through a wall."

"You got the worst of us," Trevor sighed, as if it was a competition he had just lost.

I rolled my eyes at my brother's antics. I turned to look at the blond by my side. He still looked solom, but not sad. "I'm here," I assured him, nudging my hand against his.

Rest of the walk down was quiet. Everything felt different. We all had the same goal before. It was what was keeping us all together. But we accomplished that goal, what was keeping us together now?

That was all the more eminet at we descended to the ground floor. All of us paused. I looked too them all, but only Syoha had been looking back at me. With a set of smiles we knew we were thinking the same thing. I walked forward and grabbed Alucard hand before reaching over and grabbing Sypha's hand, pulling us close until we were shoulder to shoulder.

As we were walking out to the new day, I wrapped my wings around us all. While they were new, they felt like a part of me.

"Get those feathers out of my face," Trevor complained, waking my wing.

I gasped loudly, and leaned forward to glare at him. "Did you really have to go and say that," I hissed at him, "Just cause I got broken ribs, don't mean I won't fight your ass."

"Come on, you got wing now, and you think your better than me," Trevor goaded me.

I let go of the hands I was holding and with a single flap of my wings I was my height off the ground. "I'm ready to go whenever you are," I challenged him.

A few little laughs cout my attention. I looked to find small smiles on both of their faces. "While I love seeing you two get along, I thing we all need some rest, not a Belmont brawl."

I easily landed on my fett, curling my wings behind me. "I'm not a Belmont," I reminded her of the knit-picky detail.

"Like it matters," Trevor groaned, "I'm the only one left, who cares if there's one more." I looked to him with wide eyes, which only caused a small amount of fear to appear in his. "Vendta," he said in warning. With a happy shreakI threw myself at him, giving him a hug.

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