Chapter 11

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~~~~~~~~~~MOMENTS EARLIER~~~~~~~~~~


I was getting dragged out by the beast after not being able to say anything to my daughter, I finally got to see her after a few days of me being gone, well locked up "NO PLEASE ILL DO ANYTHING!!, DONT LET MY DAUGHTER STAY PLEASE!, LET HER GO!, KEEP ME INSTEAD! PLEASE... Please" now that she came and took my place, it all shatters me, it breaks my heart, she doesn't deserve to be there, I rather be locked up then her, but she can be a little stubborn sometimes, I can never change her mind on anything and that worried me, she is determined to do anything, I know she would sacrifice herself for others, which worries me a lot 'Ima get you outta here, one way or another ima get you out!' I thought as I then saw the hall light up as we were out of the castle, it was cold outside as I couldn't really see where we were going, it felt kinda windy

    All of a suddenly I was thrown inside a weird small looking wagon right next to a sack like bag that was on the side in the wagon and as soon as I was inside I heard the door close with a click and knew that second I was trapped inside as I face towards the door "NO WAIT! PLEASE WE COuld talk about this please... LET ME OUT! PLEASE!! LET ME OUT! L-Let me out...." I begged out loud but no hope, I only saw how the beast watched me like nothing was happening as I was getting taken away, the only thing I wanted at this moment was to get my daughter back as I yelled out for her but nothing, all I can do was stay locked inside the small wagon and sigh "why did we come here in the first place why!! None of this would've happened if those scary looking wolfs weren't here, aaahhhhh" I spoke to myself as I sat on the bench, putting my hands on my face

A few minutes have passed and all I thought about was how they could be treating my daughter this very moment, the horrible things that they can be doing to her, I began to overthink again "m-my daughter I-I need to get to her" I said as I looked through the hole as I remember the beast saying how 'he wanted to get my daughter' I thought as I got stressed out, not hoping for the worst "MY DAUGHTER! YOU Better NOT TOUCH HER!! PLEASE JUSt Take me back to her!!! NOW! PLEASE... *sigh* please..." i said as tears fell down my face as I stood up looking through a little hole trying to see where I was, I was now a bit far from the castle but i can still see the gates as it was slowly disappearing into the forest as it was beginning to get kinda cloudy and quite windy 'my poor muffin.., first Nick and now Y/n,*sniff* *shiver* Where is Skeepy... where can Skeppy be... Skeppy... ooo it's cold out here' I thought as I backed up from the window rubbing my shoulders causing me to trip and fall "oof" I say as I fell backwards

I then heard groaning that came from the bag I saw earlier "huh? What the muffin?" I back up from the bag as I began to see it move "uhhh hmmm no no no ther- there's something in the bag uhh... HELLO IS ANYONE THERE! I THINK YOU LEFT SOMETHING!!, TH-THE BAGS MOVING!" I yelled through the little hole as no one responded I sighed as I turned to face the bag quickly as it was still moving "oooo I really wish it's not an animal that could attack me..." I say as looked around as I found a stick that was under the bench and grabbed the stick that was under it

    I grabbed the stick and began to point it at the bag as I got a bit closer, with the stick in hand I began to poke around it to see if it would continue to move in which it did as i got scared and whacked the bag as I heard the thing groan again but in a painful way soon I noticed it wasn't an animal but a human like sound, "oh god!" I said as I got the bag opening it slowly as I saw Skeppy inside "OMG! SKEPPY!, WHAt hAPPened to YOU!!" I said as I crouched down taking the rag out of his mouth so he can talk as I quickly hugged him and continued to untie him "Ouch that hurt me! Huh Bad? What are you doing here? H-how are you out? I thought you were still inside? How did you get out?" Skeppy spoke in a confused way he then looked at himself and everything around us "and why are we here? What is this place?" He said slightly shaken up

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