Chapter 28

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Punz POV

I was finally able to sleep after some time on trying to get comfortable, after what felt like minutes of sleep I was woken up by Sapnap yelling at me "hey hey hey!! Not even a good morning.. geez" I said sitting up rubbing my eyes, as I then looked around seeing it was still night time "Nick! What the hell! It's still night time!" I said getting up "Punz we need to go NOW!" He yelled "wait. why? What happened?" I asked waking myself up

I look around "some i don't know kids took our horse, MY horse and we need to go get them!" I rose a brow and looked behind him noticing only one horse "how do you know they were kids who took it? Did you see them?" I asked seeing him pack up, making me do the same sadly, I wanted to sleep more "Yes! I saw them they are heading that way, as we speak!" He said pointing the direction we need to go "hmm ok well grab all your stuff and let's go" I said as we began to pack quickly

~~~minutes later

    Once we finished I got on the horse and waited for Nick to hope on but noticed he wasn't doing anything "Nick get on!" I said as he rose a brow "and grab on what your waist? I'm good" he said turning around, I smirked "and what's so bad about grabbing my waist?, we are only riding a horse together" I laughed "let me hold the leash, you go in the back and stop goofing off" he said throwing his backpack at me "well this is my horse so stop whining and get on before I let you do this on your own" I said as he sighed "fine.." he said making me smile in victory as he got on "but no shenanigans, got it" he said as I nod "yes sir" I laughed as I pulled the leash and headed off

After a while I spotted the horse "hey Nick isn't that your horse" I said pointing towards the two people who stood next to the horse as they held something "Yea that's them! HEY YOU!" He yelled, hurting my ears "Nick be quiet" I hushed him as I covered my ear "what!, that's them!, they have my horse!" He whispered yelled at me "I know they do I see that but I wanna know what are they doing though" I said hoping off the horse "who cares what they do I just want my horse back!" He said also getting off

Thankfully there were a few trees around to hide from a plain hill like flower field that was in front of us "We will get your horse but just wait!" I said looking back at the two boys as I tried to see what they were holding "hmm but I cant!, and I won't!" He said running passed me "no Nick! NICK!" I yelled out I shook my head and ran behind a yelling Nick "ohh boy"

Tubbo POV

We stood for a moment admiring the flowers all around as I held onto my book "wow look at all the flowers Tommy!, they all look so pretty" I said picking up a few "no time for flower picking Tubbo we need to find the flower for Ranboo, can you show me the picture of the flower?" He said as I nodded opening the book "I placed a leaf on the page so it can be used as a book mark so we won't lose the page anymore" I said showing him the picture, making him nod "that's smart now we won't have trouble finding the page, but stop getting other flowers and let's find the flower we need" Tommy said

I closed my book putting it away as I held the flowers "but there so pretty, wait I'll just do this.. and done" I said placing the last flower on my head "now none of the flowers will fall and I won't have both hands full!" I said making Tommy look at me, making him laugh "Tubbo your like a bee you like being around flowers and get distracted by them so easily" he said walking away as i smiled "hehe bee boy" I said touching the flowers "TUBBO! LOOK!" I heard Tommy as I ran to where he was at

   he held a flower "is that the flower?" I said as he nodded "yes yes it is, uh Tubbo why did you make a flower crown on your head?" He asked as I shrugged "ehh you said to stop grabbing other flowers, and since I have grabbed these on my head I decided to put them on my head" I said "well at least it's not a bother carrying them anymore, oh uh quick question do you still have those pearls you got from the guys bag?" He said looking up at me

I nodded taking them out of my pocket "yes I do I have-" "HEY YOU!" We both turned to the voice seeing it was the guy from earlier "oh no he found us uhh" Tommy spoke as he looked around 'think Tubbo think' I thought also looking around, that's when I got it "Tommy! Tommy quick hold my hand and don't let go, make sure to hold on the that flower also" I said as he rose a brow "HEY GIVE ME MY HORSE!" The voice got slightly louder "Hurry!" I whispered yelled at Tommy as I looked at the man who was now a few feet away

Tommy nodded grabbing my hand as I threw the pearl as far as I could as I looked in fear at the guy running, I closed my eyes and waited, soon I felt the ground shake a bit making me open my eyes again, i then turned to face Tommy who stood still, eyes closed as I looked around seeing we weren't on the hill anymore "Tommy you can open your eyes now! The pearl worked! We are gone from that guy" I said as Tommy slowly opened his eyes, and looked around "What the- how did you do that!" Tommy questioned

"remember the small bag i showed you earlier, well since the guy looked like he was going to hurt us I decided to use the pearl and poof it worked!" I said looking around "but what about the horse?, how are we gonna go back home?" He questioned as i began to think "well I threw the pearl south, which means it's the direction we came from" I said letting out a yawn "well then we should sleep here, and tomorrow morning we will head back" I nodded at Tommy as I take a small blanket from my backpack I carried with me and placed it on the ground to lay on "We will finally have Ranboo back" I smiled making Tommy nod as we got ready to sleep

Sapnap's POV

    "Where the hell did they go?!, they were right here!" I said scratching my head "it doesn't matter anymore at least you have your horse now" Punz said behind me, I looked at my horse and smiled "that's true but I'm confused why did they took my horse though?" I questioned "who knows but look at the bright side, they lead us to our destination" He said making me look around

    "that's right!, Punz quick let's grab the flower and go home!, I need to know the truth!!" I said looking around for the flower "Nick I'm tired let's just sleep here and head home tomorrow okay? We already know that the flower is here so we sleep and tomorrow morning we grab the flower and go back home" he said as I nod "yea alright, well the good news is that I got my horse back from those kids" I said lifting a brow having Punz nod

  "yea it is good news now I don't need to hear you whin anymore" he said laughing "haha very funny, that's not whining okay!, I was only being realistic ok they had my horse and I was going to ask them why did they do that, that's all!" I said walking over to my horse "how's my girl!, are you okay?, did they hurt you?" I asked my horse making Punz laugh more "you really do care about her don't you" I simple nod "more than you think" I said smiling at my horse


    Hello everyone hope everyone is well, sorry I haven't really spoken here much, I've been off lately feeling slightly down from reasons but I'm still here!, I'm up and running don't you worry!

    Also... THEY MET UP Aaaaahhh George and Sapnap met up!! Oh lord how I've been waiting so long for this all we need is Dream to be there and muah.. finito the whole Dream team, I'm so happy for them wish I can have what they have :( oh well I hope to meet people from around the world as well one day, I'd like to meet new people and actually communicate and connect just like them oh well take care everyone love you all and see you guys next week <3<3

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