5- David

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Sounds of twelve-year-old steps ripple in the air

David was running outside to see the world

Iris hugs her son before he reached the porch stairs

He loved nature, it made his eyes twirl

The breeze levitates his golden hair

And tickles his round ears

A bearing smile would tear

And get his eyes to gleam

Running with the wind and dancing with tall green grass

Living the dream of being with mother nature's craft

Soaking its beauty with all of his senses

He could laugh out of joy from now till forever

Jackie would join with her chaotic behavior

But they both found peace and joy in nature

He was too pure to sense the lurking evil

But it was too easy for Iris to feel them

The Virginian souls that polluted the atmosphere

They would prey on the pure and their prayer peace

David sensed no cursing or swears

He wasn't foolish or stupid or spoiled

His mind was just too clean to care

God smiled on that little boy

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