chapter 1

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Bang! the sound of a hammer striking metal was crisp and hard. Cloudjumper was working on this sword for ours. He can believe that queen Scarlet was ordering him to make over a thousand swords this month! He only made 150 so far and he was halfway to the deadline, or he will be dead. Or that is how the Queen had put it. Cloudjumper was an incredibly skilled metalworker. He was known all over pyrria for his skills. He made the hardest, sharpest blades ever known to dragon (without animus magic of course). His blades let the Mudwings and his fellow Skywings destroy their opponents in the last couple of battles. Bang! the final hit was done. All he needed now was to quench the blade and sharpen it. The sword had a silver handle with a spiral of gold around the handle, the pommel was a whole ruby! The wrist guard was made of solid gold. Pure solid gold! Though of course, it was personally for the queen, the order was beautifully made on a scroll he had laid out on one of his many metal workbenches. The iron was not any normal iron, he was told that the metal for the blade was animus touched. He was told when he'd acquired it the weapon it was used for made it indestructible and never dull. But of course, he had no way to prove this until he had made it and tested it out. He dipped the soon-to-be-finished sword in his quench bucket making it instantly boil and spillover. In his early years of metalworking, he had learned to steer clear from the hot water because even if it looked cool it was still incredibly hot. After a couple of seconds, he pulled it out. perfect he thought. All he needed to do was grind away the first layer to make it shiny then sharpen it, which will take ours he thought very upsettingly. As a metalworker, he had learned patience and was able to sit and stand still for hours. When he started grinding, he pressed a peddle which pulled down a rod that was attached to the wheel making it spin. He has done this for hours at a time and even he was tired. Finally, his blade was finished, gleaming in the last bits of light from the sunset. Not a moment two soon if it got dark and I would not have the blade in the morning, queen Scarlet would have my head for sure! Despite this dark thought and worries he had a restful sleep.

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