Chapter 2

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At the crack of dawn, the first rays of light shone through his so-called "window" because it was only a hole in the wall. Cloudjumper got up his muscles aching from the hard work he had done the previous day. Cloudjumper stretched his wings and grabbed the amazingly decorated sword and polished it one last time (or so he thought) (this is the part where everyone gasps). As he was flying in the air, he admired like every day how amazing the sky looked. He got to the palace walls when two soldiers intercepted him.

"Stop and state your business" a very big and orangey-colored Skywing questioned.

"Just delivering a package to Queen Scarlet," Cloudjumper answered.

"w-what is it" a jittery maroon-colored companion of the other Skywing.

"a handcrafted jeweled Sword Scarlet order me to make." He answered again annoyed.

"Let us see it first" the orange Skywing demanded. Cloudjumper opened the sack he kept it in and unraveled the cloth he covered it in. as the Skywings looked at the gold hilted, and the large ruby for the pommel, Cloudjumper saw greed in the other Skywings eyes and got worried. Are they going to steal it and call me a traitor? Cloudjumper thought nervously.

"You can pass," the orange Skywing said. Whew, that was a close one. Cloudjumper thought. As he flew down to the palace, he saw an arena fight with tons of Skywings watching. Might as well go there. Cloudjumper thought. the Queen might be there. (Just so you know, Cloudjumper hasn't been to an arena fight because, and I quote "It is too violent for my liking."). he flew there and walked up to the queen.

"Your majesty," Cloudjumper said as he approached the Queen.

"What do you want?" the Queen said, apparently bored of the fight.

"The sword you ordered is here" Cloudjumper answered.

"What took you so long!?!" Scarlet asked.

"Well," Cloudjumper started. "a fine blade like this can't be rushed" and he ripped off the covering for the sword (for dramatic effect of course). He showed the beautiful blade and sheath encrusted with rubies and other precious stones. Everyone around them gasped at the beauty of the sword.

"I hate it," Queen scarlet said flatly.

"W-What?" Cloudjumper said not expecting this reaction.

"I. hate. It." Scarlet said. "What part of that did you not understand?"

"Not to be rude, but why do you hate it?"

"The ruby is too small, the gold isn't shiny enough, the handle is so ugly. Should I go on?"

"No, your majesty"

"Good. Because I am bored talking to you." And with that, she walked to the palace without even watching the end of the arena fight. "Oh, I almost forgot, remake the sword. Better this time." She called over her shoulder. Shaking in rage Cloudjumper leaped into the air. No one has ever insulted his weapons, NO ONE. When he got back to his home, he set the sword on a rack next to the entrance to his house. He lit the forge and started working on the other 850 swords he has to make.

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