chapter 12 (Simmer pov)

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When Cloudjumper fell to the ground, Simmer ran to him.

"Cloudjumper!" Simmer yelled. Cloudjumper's wounds are serious. Blood is spilling on the ground and all over Cloudjumper. "You can't go out like this. You promised!"

"I'm sorry Simmer," Cloudjumper said with tears of pain and sorrow running down his cheeks.

"We got to do something! I got to cover that wound." Simmer said desperately.

"Simmer, stop. You and I both know that you cant save me." Cloudjumper whispered. "And please don't try to avenge me," he said with a small laugh. He continued, "I don't want you throwing your life away for someone dead. If you look in my chest, you will see a package with your name on it. It's for you."

"Yes, Cloudjumper," Simmer said, tears also running down his face. "I love you, dad."

"I love you too," Cloudjumper said with his last breath. He closed his eyes and went limp. Simmer cried there for the next half hour. He had to leave when patrols were getting dangerously close. Later at the workshop, Simmer opened Cloudjumper's chest of things. Simmer instantly saw the brown paper-covered package with the name 'Simmer' written on it. Simmer pulled the string wrapping the paper. When he opened the package there lay three items. The first is a card. The second is a gold neckless with a small ruby hanging. The third item is a rolled-up scroll. Simmer opened the card. It read:

Dear simmer, if you are reading this, I am dead. As you have noticed, there are two other items in the package. The neckless was my mother's. The scroll, well, you'll see. I have acquired a lot of wealth in my lifetime. In the right corner, there is a chest filled with all of my wealth. I want you to have all of it. everything I own is now yours.


Simmer unrolled the scroll. It was a painting of himself and Cloudjumper sitting together and watching the sunset.

"Thank you father" Simmer said with tears running down his face.

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