chapter 8

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*Warning, this next chapter may have some violent parts. If you can't/aren't able to read this, you can skip this chapter*

"What do you mean you made it!?!" simmer practically yelled at Cloudjumper.

"Well, Scarlet told me to make explosive bars, and I did," Cloudjumper said.

"Is there any way of getting your father out?" Simmer asked.

"Not without the keys," Cloudjumper said.

"It's fine. You boys go escape." Ezio said. "I've lived a long life. You boys live yours."

"We can't leave you," Cloudjumper said. Hot tears are now running down Cloudjumper's face. Cloudjumper heard distant yelling. Cloudjumper turned his head and saw a guard down the dungeon. Simmer saw him two.

"GO!" Ezio yelled. Simmer and Cloudjumper bolted.

"Grab this!" Simmer yelled to Cloudjumper while they're running down the dungeon. Simmer handed a sword that was actually one of the many swords that Cloudjumper made. Cloudjumper grabbed the cold iron handle. I fit him perfectly. when they reached a big circular room, Cloudjumper stopped and turned around to face his opponent. The young dragon skidded to a stop. He was smaller than Cloudjumper but bigger than Simmer. Cloudjumper and the Young dragon drew their weapons. The young dragon is using a short sword.

"I am giving you a chance to leave with your life," Cloudjumper said whiling positioning himself. "Leave now, and I won't kill you."

"I will never take the mercy of a traitor!" the young dragon yelled. The young dragon charged and swung his sword downward. Cloudjumper easily blocked it and punched the dragon in the face. The young dragon tried to slash Cloudjumpers chest. But Cloudjumper flicked his sword, chopping off the young dragon's front claw. Dark red blood spilled everywhere. The young dragon screamed. Then he tried to pierce Cloudjumper's neck. Cloudjumper blocked the sword with such force that his opponent's sword shattered. The young dragon tried to run down the hall. But Simmer went in front of him and cut the young dragon's throat. the young dragon fell to the ground, dead. Blood covered the ground and Cloudjumper sword.

"Simmer!" Cloudjumper said aghast.

"what?" Simmer said. "he would have killed you without hesitation"

"Do not EVER take life so easily. Cloudjumper said. "If everyone killed like you just did, what kind of dragons would be left in the world?"

"but he would have alerted the gua-" Simmer was cut off by Cloudjumper.

"I know, but the other guards will notice that he is missing. And then they will send a whole group of soldiers. Killing or not killing him would still get us chased. Dragons in our history take life for fun, I do not ever want you to become one of them." Cloudjumper said. "Is that understood?"

"Yes, Cloudjumper" Simmer answered looking abashed.

"Good. Now, we better get out of here."

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