Chapter 7

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Sorry for this chapter being late to come out. I have been delayed and was not able to get it done. anyway, enjoy!

Cloudjumper woke at the sound of a saw cutting through metal. Cloudjumper then opened his eyes and was surprised to see that Simmer cutting through the bars! Cloudjumper got up Quickly but quietly.

"What are you doing?" Cloudjumper whispered.

"Getting you out of here." Simmer whispered back. "What do you think I was supposed to do? Sit and wait for you to die?"

"I suppose not," Cloudjumper said. "How did you get in here? This is a high-security section."

"I signed up to be a guard. It was surprisingly easy."

"How did no one recognize you? Almost all the guards were there when we got arrested."

"When you got arrested. All I had to do was just cut myself on my face in a couple of spots. You'd be surprised at how that changes your appearance." It was then that Cloudjumper saw the cuts on Simmers's face.

"Even then, how did you get in such a trusted position?"

"Hibiscus is the head guard." Simmer stated simply. "She didn't like how you were arrested for such a stupid reason. Also, how is she supposed to get her payment for the metal with you in the dungeon?"

"of course. That sounds like Hibiscus." Cloudjumper waited while Simmer cut through the first bar.

"What is all that noise about?" A scratchy and old voice said. "It sounds like someone is trying to wake everybody up!"

"Dad! Be quiet! We'll get caught!" Cloudjumper hissed at his father Ezio.

"don't worry, I am the only guard here tonight. All the others are watching the arena fight."

"I thought Queen Scarlet didn't do nighttime arena fights."

"She does them on special occasions," simmer said. "Like catching a traitor."

"But I am not a traitor!" Cloudjumper stated.

"that's not how she sees it." Simmer said to Cloudjumper. Simmer finally cut through the last bar. Cloudjumper then climbed through the hole that Simmer made.

"Let's get out of here," Cloudjumper said.

"What about your father?" Simmer asked.

"Yeah, What about me?" Cloudjumper's father said.

"I guess we could get him out too," Cloudjumper said hesitantly. Cloudjumper and Simmer walked over to Ezio's cell. Simmer pulled a second saw out of a bag and handed it to Cloudjumper. Simmer walked to one end of the cell and Cloudjumper walked to the other end. Simmer and Cloudjumper started sawing the bars. Cloudjumper got halfway through when he noticed a sand-like powder coming out of the bar and realized what it was.

"Simmer! Stop cutting!" Cloudjumper warned.

Simmer stopped cutting and asked "why"

"See this black powder coming out of the bars?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"It's explosive. One spark will ignite it and explode and will kill anyone cutting through the bars."

"Then why hasn't it exploded yet?" Simmer questioned.

"Because we haven't hit the igniter layer. When we hit the center of the bar, we hit a type of metal that sparks when anything hits or cuts it." Cloudjumper answered.

"How do you know this?"

"Because I made it" Cloudjumper stated.

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