Chapter 3

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Cloudjumper worked night and day for 3 days. He got around 300 swords finished. He got a lot done since these swords were easy to make, the weapons are not very pretty at all. Metal handle, metal blade, metal wrist guard. They were ugly but incredibly strong and sharp. At the end of the third day, Cloudjumper went into his house and got on his leather hammock. He was so tired that as soon as he laid down in his hammock. He fell asleep. When he woke up did not know what day it is. He went to the market, a large courtyard with tents and cloth canopies. There was something different at every stand (or tent) he went to a very beat-up tent the had a sign that read, "customers only!" what an inviting message. He thought sarcastically. Cloudjumper walked in it smelled like metal, smoke, and raw meat.

"What do you want this time?" said an incredibly light red dragon, the shade of her scales was almost pink, she wasn't a big dragon. She was about two-thirds of Cloudjumpers size. Her voice sound sore like she had been yelling a lot.

"About a couple hundred more pounds of Iron" Cloudjumper.

"A COUPLE HUNDRED! That was more than we bargained for!" she screamed

"Calm down," he said calmly, "I will pay you extra next time"

"That is what you said last time" she countered.

"Well, good thing I brought a little extra" then he lifted a bag of diamonds and other precious stones out of a bag he always carried. She took the bag and put it on her workbench next to the entrance.

"Ok, how much is for the iron that I needed?" Cloudjumper questioned.

"a couple more bags of-"she wasn't able to finish because a dragonet half the size of Cloudjumper, ran in and stole the bags of jewels and ran off. "GET BACK HERE!!!!!!" she screamed they ran outside and chased the dragonet. Cloudjumper took to the sky and saw him and dived down with so much force that when he landed in front of the dragonet, a giant cloud of dirt and dust went up.

"Those don't belong to you," Cloudjumper said pointing to the bag the dragonet held. A crowd formed around them. Cloudjumper heard some commotion at the section behind the dragonet. Finally, the light red dragon Cloudjumper was bargaining with got through. Cloudjumper charged at the dragonet at the front while the light red dragon charged from behind. The dragonet tried to doge but Cloudjumper grabbed his tail.

"let go!" the dragonet yelled.

"Not until you give the bag back" Cloudjumper and the light red dragon said simultaneously.

"fine," the dragonet said reluctantly and handed the bag to Cloudjumper. Cloudjumper grabbed the bag and let go of the dragonet's tail.

"Here you go," Cloudjumper said and passed the bag to the light red dragon

"Alright," Cloudjumper said. "Now what are we going to do with you?" Cloudjumper said menacingly. The dragonet gulped.

Wings of Fire: Burning IronWhere stories live. Discover now