chapter 9

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Cloudjumper never thought how big dungeons are. Until now.

"Do you even know where we're going?" Cloudjumper asked Simmer.

"Nope. I just know that this way would get us farther from the palace." Simmer said. "every half mile there is an exit on the dungeon roof." When Cloudjumper and Simmer got to the exit, Cloudjumper said,

"shouldn't we worry about guards?"

"no. there are so many exits like this that Scarlet doesn't have enough guards for them all." Simmer told Cloudjumper. Simmer reached up and pushed the lid and slid it to the side. When they climbed out Cloudjumper told Simmer,

"I know this place! It's where I caught you stealing from Hibiscus. Remember?"


"Follow me. We need to get to the workshop before anyone else does." Cloudjumper said. Cloudjumper and Simmer walked through the Sky Market without a problem. When they reached the outskirts of the market, they saw the workshop. When they got inside, Cloudjumper opened a very special chest. Cloudjumper then pulled out an Item covered in a cloth.

"Simmer, you are like a son to me. You stuck with me to the end, I want you to know that whatever happens, I will always be there for you and be by your side when you need it. You don't have to come with me, I don't expect you to. I want you to know that I will take care of you no matter what."

Cloudjumper then pulled the cloth off the jeweled hilt of Cloudjumpers Sword. And said, "This was my fathers' sword. I want you to have it."

Cloudjumper then handed the sapphire-decorated sword to Simmer. The sword has a bright silver blade with a gold wrist guard with a diamond in the middle, the handle has a blue-dyed leather-covered handle. Simmer held the sword with tears trickling down his face.

"Thank you so much." Simmer said to Cloudjumper. Simmer walked over to Cloudjumper a gave him a hug.

"Alright. You go to sleep. I got some work to do." Said Cloudjumper. Cloudjumper walked out of the room and went to the forge. Cloudjumper grabbed a hammer and the finest pieces of silver he could find. Cloudjumper lit the forge and put the silver pieces together and slid it into the forge. when the silver got red hot, Cloudjumper pulled it out with metal tongs. Cloudjumper put the hot silver on the black anvil. Cloudjumper then lifted up the hammer and swung it down. Bang! Cloudjumper swung the hammer again. Bang! Cloudjumper kept on doing this until he got the shape he wanted. Cloudjumper then put the silver back into the forge. When it got white-hot Cloudjumper thinned the metal with his hammer. When Cloudjumper finished flattening the metal he started to work on the handle. Cloudjumper heated the end of the metal with his fire breath. Cloudjumper grabbed his tongs and twisted the hot metal until it had a bunch of twists. When the metal cooled, Cloudjumper put the whole almost-to-be sword in the forge. When the sword was hot, Cloudjumper then added some finishing touches. Then Cloudjumper put the hot metal in the quench bucket. The oil inside lit on fire. Cloudjumper pulled out the sword. Almost done. He thought. Cloudjumper covered the blade with acid. After a couple of minutes, Cloudjumper then washed off the acid. When the blade was clean, you could see the Damascus pattern. Cloudjumper went to the grinder and sharpened the blade. Cloudjumper then made a simple wrist guard. Cloudjumper looked around for something to make a handle. His eyes settled on a white piece of coral that Cloudjumper found on a beach. Cloudjumper cut the coral and put it on the sword. Now, all that Cloudjumper needed was something for the pommel and wrist guard. Cloudjumper found a diamond-shaped diamond for the wrist guard. Now he needs a pommel. Cloudjumper decided to use a diamond-tipped pommel. Cloudjumper then carved little designs into the coral handle. Cloudjumper made a sheath out of steal and white-colored leather. When he was finished, the sword looked fit for a king.

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